He would have to cross into Twolegplace to do it.

He had made the journey once before, skirting SkyClan territory by swimming downriver during the fire that had blazed through ThunderClan. An unpleasant experience, but harmless. His parents had made certain that he learned to swim early, the same way he had learned to fight and hunt, and climb. If it could pose a danger to him, they made sure he learned to navigate it quickly.

He had considered briefly, the use of deathberries in his plan. But they were easily recognized by any forest cat, and easily tasted. If it was going to kill Skyclaw, then the substance must be foreign to him. It could not be a simple berry or a piece of prey gone rotten. His demise must come by some substance that only a twolegplace cat could sniff out.

So Tybalt slipped from the camp under the cover of darkness, careful to not allow himself to be seen. He made his way towards the Sunningrocks, where he lingered for a bit in search of sheltering prey. He caught one, a small mouse darting between the rocks, and quickly buried it. He would pick it up on his return once he had caught more forest prey. It would be foolish to return empty-pawed of useful prey, even if his plans for Skyclaw involved something else.

He scrabbled up onto the stones, gazing down into the rushing waters for a moment, and then slipped almost otterlike into the current. He flailed briefly, taking a deep breath in. His tawny head bobbed among the waves for a moment, and then disappeared beneath them, seemingly never to resurface.

// so he's crossing into twolegplace by skirting SkyClan and swimming upriver to go in search of something with which to poison Skyclaw. Feel free to have him be seen leaving off the Sunningrocks but if you have a villain character and wish to confront him please wait to do so until I post his return thread! This is plotted with Rae and will be expanded upon in his return thread! Any posts between now and his return (like patrol threads, etc) are assumed to be occurring prior to this one!
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