private What you know ❦ Lilybloom


Things had been entirely sad in the clan, the only way she could really help was to assist in daily chores and cleanup. Then, of course, there was hunting. However, she needed to group with patrols or individuals in the meantime the territory and scent marks were familiar in her brain. She didn't want to get lost again. Fish was an exception, she didn't really need to wander much for fish. So the she-cat went off to fish by the river, plopping down and gazing at the water intently.

A small amount of time passed until she saw something her mind couldn't really identify. Her whiskers moved forward in interest, ear perking high. It didn't really move except for the movement of the water currents. It just.. floated. She decided on impulse to stand up and pounce on it into the water, her jaws attempting to grasp it. The hard shell of the odd reptile couldn't be penetrated and it easily slipped through her jaws and paws. She let her body meet the surface again in defeat and confusion, jumping back onto the bank and shaking off the water with an irritated grunt. "What was that..?" she asked herself.

// @LILYBLOOM. Hey, hope this is the correct account since there are several Lilys ^^"
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Not far from where Petalnose had plopped herself down to fish, Lilybloom was perched at the water's edge doing much the same. She had seen the other she-cat approach and sit down but had chosen not to interrupt the other. Lilybloom only really looks up when she hears splashing, and turns her head to see Petalnose grappling for something in the water. The tortoiseshell rises to her paws slowly and pads over to investigate. "Are you alright?" She asks, narrowly avoiding getting soaked by Petalnose shaking out her fur. Lilybloom turns her head to the water to see if she can sen spot what Petalnose was trying to catch, spotting what looks to be a turtle floating on the water. "Oh, a turtle!" Lilybloom says in surprise. "You don't see those very often."

The she-cat looked up at start of a voice. She blinked in surprise as she stared at the tortoiseshell cat, her skin beginning to grow hot underneath her cold soaked coat. She tried not to get flustered, breathing out her nose long but silently to calm herself. She must have been so lost in her mind that she didn't see the other she-cat when settling down. It seems her mind wandered alot as it seems her clanmates show out of nowhere for her at her dumbest moments. "I'm fine," she mewed quickly, breaking her surprised gaze to the water.

Petalnose craned her neck again to gaze at the turtle that had gone farther away. It was like it was taughting her. She flattened her ears in annoyance and flicked her tail side to side. "Turtle." She echoed, nodding her head, "I thought it was some sort of odd fish. I don't think I've seen a turtle. Well- ah - atleast not since my incident... It could've broken one of my teeth." She hissed lightly in the direction of it.

Petalnose loosened up as she gazed back at Lilybloom, her eyes softening to a more curious look. "I'm sorry, I don't remember your name? You must know mine but if you don't- my name is Petalnose." She mused, grooming her leg to whick the water off.


Lilybloom nods when the other warrior confirms she's alright, her unexpected dip in the water and failed catch of a turtle.

"To be honest, I've only seen a turtle maybe two other times before this," She admits with a laugh, looking out at where the creature bobs lazily on the water. "They're not very common. And before this I've only ever seen them on land where they move very slow." An ear twitches when Petalnose asks for her name and she turns back to look at the other she-cat. "Lilybloom," She answers simply. "I'm Mudpelt and Icesparkle's daughter. Iciclepaw, Fernpaw, Darkpaw, and Steeppaw are my younger siblings." She reflected that Petalnose probably didn't want to hear about all of her family, but it simply came out naturally when introducing herself. "Your name is Petalnose, yes?"

"How fascinating."
Petallnose mewed, interest gleaming in her eyes, "It would've been cool if I caught it, but they look like they taste awful anyway." She added with a roll of her eyes. "There must be a reason they're not seen often." The remaining water had seemed to come from her coat, the oils in her coat most Riverclanners possessed causing her coat to be damp instead of soaked. She looked over at Lilybloom as she introduced herself, a friendly smile reaching her face. "I think I've seen them around but I'm a bit of an airhead at the same time so I could be wrong." She admitted, a laugh slipping from her throat. But then a wave of realization slapped her across the face which immediately let her expression fall. Petalnose pulled her gaze away back to the water, watching the minnows below her quickly swim away from her shadow. "Yep, that's my name." Petal meowed less enthusiastically.

The she-cat didn't have a family she could introduce. She had no one. Not even a mentor she remembered. Pain struck her and she tried to not make it meet her expression but it was obvious she was struggling. She was sure Lilybloom was happy, she was lucky to have all of her family and know them. She got to wake up every day and see them. She had someone to confide in. Petalnose couldn't help but be jealous of that. She felt her once-hungry stomach turn hard as a rock, filled with a pang of emotion.