In trouble her clan was to these creatures, in trouble her leader was from his injuries and in trouble ripple colony was to these beasts. Petalnose had escaped the fight with no injuries to send her to Ravensong. She thanked Starclan for blessing her swift skills and battle smarts, but she cursed herself for defending herself and attempting to distract these monsters from her clanmates. What would happen if she was in Cicadastars position, letting her only life pass so her clanmates and leader could make it out untouched?

Would that have been the better decision?

An angered expression touched her face as she led her two accompanies across the territory in quick but long elegant strides. Angry at herself.

She promised Cicadastar she would get this under control, she promised her clan, even if it meant to ask for help from a colony she didn't quite favor about. This was the colony's problem too, the water would never return to its normal height without destroying these beasts or scaring them off. They needed help. Too many of their warriors fell ill which meant the count of paws fighting against these creatures would only cause doom to their clan.

Cicadastar's stare as a life swept away from him burned into her brain, sent unease through her. She wasn't close to her leader, private interactions weren't something she had the opportunity to do. Although, that moment sent the same internal grief as it had with any of her loved ones. She was quick to follow his word, quick to do anything he said. Without it she felt lost and out of touch, the authority she was silently given for this situation almost made her disoriented. But at the same time, it was her nature- familiar and that was what made her sure of herself. That was what made her confident.

Petalnose remembered the route Cicadastar first led her to the colony, drinking the air in a rushed manner as she started to quicken her quick elegant gait into a bound. She rose her tail high, signaling to the two warriors to follow along in silent authority.

"Here." She meowed to her patrol, slowing to a stop to rest in front of fresh scent- eyes darting around for a colony cat. Any colony cat. She didn't want to waste any time.

"Riverclan has a request!" Voice strong- quick and sharp as if it could cut through anything. There was urgency within it, begging to the stars above one of these cats would rush over. Anyone.

// Patrol members but y’all may post before them :3
@coyotecreek @salmonshade

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Only three cats this time, huh? When Cicadastar came bearing fish, Leaf lost count of how many he'd brought with him, and maybe this change in number's got something to do with the intense urgency audible in her voice. Whatever it is, it's important, meanin' Leaf shouldn't be the only one around to hear it. "I'll be just a moment," he says evenly. "We'll be needing our elders to hear this. I'm sure one of my friends here can keep you company 'til I'm back with 'em."

He has to admit he's more than a little intrigued, but he'll only know what's at stake here when he brings back Snapping Timber and Pepper. Best to be quick about it, since their old bones aren't as spry as his. With a dip of his head to the trio, he sets off to inform their elders.

( ) he's yet to have had interaction with the cats of the ripple colony. he has heard things, of course, true or untrue, from excitable apprentices and worried warriors. when petalnose calls for warriors to join her on an urgent patrol, he is the first to volunteer, knwoign stronger warriors are ill, and cicadastar is unable to go himself due to horrific injuries. the things blocking the river have started a battle with riverclan, and coyotecreek will always volunteer to protect his clan.

so, he trots along beside petalnose and salmonshade, dual-hued eyes flicking from side to side and allowing his nose to scent for danger. the tabby and white patrol leader stops, and the ginger tom will halt behind her, curiosity flooding his system. the woman has not communicated the reason for their urgency, but he will not ask, merely stand in support. as a colony member approaches, vocals even, coyote observes quietly. he's here to support the lead warrior, and he will not speak unless it's necessary.
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————————She/her | 35 moons | Ripple Colony————————
Life always marches on whether you like it or not, and so, too, had the colony continued on, though to say it wasn't a stroll through the forest would be an understatement. The river had only continued to recede, to the point where it was getting to be impossible to continue sustaining them all. Though they were no strangers to the coming cold weather, that combined with their already-scarce food sources was a disaster waiting to happen, and yet still they stayed here. Even with Cicadastar offering a partnership of some kind to find a way to bring back the river, Rye didn't think they should wait around much longer - or, even, that they'd be able to. Already, she can feel herself starting to run ragged, eating less and going out on hunts more to make sure that the young and the old were kept fed first and foremost. She knows she's not the only one carrying on like this, and it's certainly not sustainable for much longer; either they had to find what was blocking the river soon, or they'd all be forced to move on again, stuck in a perpetual cycle of wandering that she's sure nobody is particularly interested in. Not for the first time, she finds herself yearning for the mountains they'd once called home - it wasn't safe there, not anymore, but perhaps they'd have more luck somewhere closer that way than chasing after this river for eternity.

Having fallen a bit behind Leaf, fruitlessly searching out an old scent trail that she knows won't be worth the trouble, the scent hits her nose only just in time for her to catch back up before the RiverClanners themselves appear, looking less than happy. In particular, the one leading the charge looks stormy, and it puts Rye on edge instinctively. Cicadastar had said he would not send his - what was it, warriors? - to attack them; was he going back on his promise now that they were even more weakened than before? But not, these cats don't rush forward, battle-hungry - in fact, it only appears to be three of them, with one of them (Petalnose, she thinks she remembers from their first meeting) leading the other two with purpose. Curiously, Rye peers around them, but it doesn't look like Cicadastar is anywhere to be seen this time; odd, but it's quickly forgotten when Petalnose announces that they have a request of the colony. Leaf takes the lead to find an elder, leaving her to speak with the trio in the interim. "RiverClan. Has somethin' happened? Now, I don't wanna read too much into it or nothin', but Cicadastar ain't here this time - he on the way, or are ye deliverin' a message for 'im or somethin'?" While she's certainly eager to know exactly what these Clan cats want from them and can't help a little questioning, for now she'll hold back on pressing for details - at least, not until some of the elders get here to listen to the full story.
[penned by hijinks].

The strange cats are back again, little greeting made to their words - a sudden announcement of a request of the Ripple Colony. Urgency, however, rings in Dew’s ears, the gray tom emerging alongside his fellow group members. He might’ve been surprised at their numbers, the last time RiverClan had arrived to speak to them, but this time he is too - for three seems awfully small for a group of the river-dwellers, especially when he can’t recall how many were there at their last meeting.

RiverClan,” the young tom greets with an uncertain bow of the head, “Where are the rest of your cats? There’s usually more of you.” A note that he hopes isn’t the reason for the dire tone in the brown and white feline’s voice, though intrigue wonders otherwise.

Leaf is smart in his thinking, turning to fetch the colony’s elders to hear RiverClan’s words. He can't help but be a little annoyed that he didn't think of it first - while the young tom wants to hear what the river cats ask of them, Dew doesn’t know if he wants to stay here, waiting among them while Snapping Timber and Pepper are sent for.
TAGS"Did you leave the rest of your patrol behind?" Tempest asks earnestly, appearing at Dew's side with her ears pricked and her blue eyes questioning as they rove over the RiverClanners who have appeared before them. She doesn't recognise any of the three; brown-and-white, odd-eyed, and star-marked as they are. Leaf has already turned tail to fetch Pepper and Snapping Timber, so she feels comfortable standing with the growing crowd of Colony cats as she waits for them to explain why they've come for another visit.


*:・゚☁ a head is raised from its resting position upon chocolate limbs when leaf makes an appearance once again but this time no one is following behind them which causes brows to furrow a bit in concern and that crease serves to deepen when he brings forth news that a trio of riverclanners has appeared on their doorstep with an urgent sounding request. the elder hasn't seen much of the river-dwellers since they last arrived bearing gifts and idle conversation so hearing this makes her mind wonder what they could possibly need.

with a small grunt of effort, pepper gathers herself onto all fours and beckons another closeby to lead the way. the trek takes her a few minutes but eventually the ticked tabby arrives, carefully parting the ever growing crowd of colony members to meet petalnose's patrol. "is everything alright, dear? has something happened?" she raspily mews, cloudy green eyes looking over each riverclanner with some worry.

  • 🟆 this is such an ugly post from me but i wanted to get smth out ; x ;
  • perhaps larger reference added here?
  • 150x150
    ━━━ pepper
    ━━━ 113 moons.
    ━━━ she/they ; ripple colony elder
    ━━━ lesbian demirom. ; taken by npc
    ━━━ lh chocolate ticked tabby w/ glassy green eyes
    ━━━ "speech"'thoughts'attack
    ━━━ penned by cobatic
    ━━━ art/base by ______


Petalnose dipped her head towards Leaf in agreement, a higher authority was indeed needed. Her ear did flick at the mention of an elder, confusion stirring within her and she almost let herself question why they were needed. The elders barely left their dens within clans, not to mention it was too much for them to be apart of authority. She doubted that they would be able to fight. Not these creatures. Not when Cicadastar lost a life. No, it was too dangerous. Elders wouldn't stand a chance.

The lead warrior decided not question it, not when she was in a hurry. Rage was shot through her blood stream, a sort of grief from their leader's lost life. Her head snapped to the three on coming members, almost overwhelmed by the questions themselves as they poured out onto her. Where were the rest of her patrol? Where was Cicadastar? Her ears flattened for a moment by the flood of questions, forcing herself to relax.

Petalnose sharply breathed, lifting her head confidently to address them,"Cicadastar can't come right now, once your authorities have arrived they will hear why. I need everyone to hear this. The reason why this patrol is small is because most of our cats have fallen ill.. Yellowcough it's called. That will be an explanation for later, that's a separate long story then of itself. I needed to bring stronger and more experienced cats. I didn't have many to select from in the heat of the moment. So here we are... this is Salmonshade and Coyotecreek. I'm Petalnose, lead warrior of Riverclan." She explained, flicking her tail towards both of her members to introduce them.

Soon, she caught sight of the familiar feline, leading along a patched tabby such as herself. A question to address the urgency, she dipped her head and begun to explain, "We found the source to the water levels. There are creatures that look like otters.. large however. Larger than our kind. They built a sort of nest or bridge that is blocking water sources. We tried to fight them off since they charged us but.." Images of their leader, vulnerable on the rocky earth once more flooded her mind. Her fur rose for a moment but she forced it down, "It didn't end well. Cicadastar got wounded. I called for a retreat regarding the conditions and protected him until I could break off to find assistance. That's why I'm here. The water sources are an issue to us both, so I believed my best plan of action was to come to your colony. I suggest gathering your most experienced cats. One bite from these beings can lead to your dismay and the gorge isn't a very beginner friendly terrain." Her heart pounded as she awaited an answer, mix matched gaze staring as if it could pierce a soul. She needed an answer. She wanted an answer fast.

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"I'll go," she mews while taking a step forward. Riverclan had visited them in the past, giving them food. She had told the elders that she would not hesitate to raise a claw if any Riverclanners had any ideas of laying a single claw on one of her friends. It didn't matter in the end, for Riverclan had kept their word. The agreement between their two groups was this. That the Ripple Colony would provide support when needed. She wouldn't say she completely trusted the cats of Riverclan, but they allowed them for some time to remain here without issue. Petalnose had told them that their lack of presence was not due to being forgotten, but it had been due to a sickness that befell them called Yellowcough. Personally, she didn't care about the name of the illness. It had not struck any of her friends and she would be lying to say she hadn't thought these cats bringing illness to them. Lousy Yellowcough or not, we made a deal. Cicadastar, right, he's the long legged leader. He got wounded? What a pain.

Here's the fact of the matter. Petalnose gives them valuable information to make a decision, but Sasha herself has no idea what the gorge looks like. Saying it isn't beginner friendly is not helpful. Say that to me when you take me there. Maybe she's out of line for saying that she will go, as if she's been given permission by the elders to go on such a quest, however she will go one way or another. Even if that means sneaking away from the colony to do so, the elders should know her by now. Besides, she has experience. "I'm no elder and have no right to make decisions for our colony, but we made an deal to help Riverclan. Your clan gave us food when we needed it. You need help, just like we did. This time you need more cats. Sounds easy enough. We owe your clan anyway."

She can't help herself from smirking while turning her head to Pepper. "It's time to show Riverclan what the Ripple Colony is made of!" Oooo, I want to go all out! This is our chance to show em' we can be just as fierce as they think they are. Hmmm... Nah, we're way more fierce than these cats!
die with memories , not dreams .
Kaede pulled up from behind, watching the RiverClanners with narrowed optics. He still wasn’t conceived they were doing it out of the kindness of their hearts, unable to trust them fully, but the others seemed to be well within their graces. The dual-toned cat opened his maw to question their lack of members when Dew butted in, silencing the large male with a click of his jaw.

He pivoted to stare at their lead warrior, expression conflicted at the mention of disease running rampant. He couldn’t help but move closer to whoever was beside him, willing his frame to become some barrier because that was what his father always wanted him to be, although he never really made his father happy. He bit back a grunt at the thought, ear flickering.

For a second, Kaede couldn’t help but think they planned to wipe them out with this yellowcough, listening with rapt attention as the lead warrior ( whatever that was ) spoke of their clan falling victim. His breath was shaky, muscles tensing beneath dual fur.

His gaze narrowed, listening with swerving ears. They found it? He couldn’t help but frown, biting the inside of his cheek at the loss they suffered, willing his bleeding heart to just go away. He straightened up, expression confident at Sasha’s voice offering themselves and Kaede would do the same, even if distrust continued to swirl within dual-toned optics.

For his newfound family. He thought with unbridled determination. Not for RiverClan, but for the cats that welcomed him when his father tossed him aside like bones. He loved his father, but he couldn’t let anyone else suffer, not when this was what he was supposed to do—what he trained to do with his father for moons. “I’ll accompany you.” He rumbled, helm held high, tone unwavering. He couldn’t let his family sacrifice themselves if he wasn’t willing to. He would die for them. Plain and simple.

RiverClan had aided them in the past, even if his trust continued to waver, unwilling to accept them like the others, but he was honorable, no matter what his father drilled into his head since his birth.
thought speech
Salmon follows after Petalnose with relative ease, her gaze sharp and head on a swivel. She had not seen the colony for herself, with her own eyes- it was exciting in a way, to see faces that one would have never seen before. Why they settled in to Riverclan territory, though, is another thing that Salmon finds she might not want the answer to. Coyotecreek is a good tom to be on patrol with, and she finds the three of them would at least make it out... Even if they were gravely wounded by the amount of cats.

Petalnose dives in to it, and when she introduces them, her eyes just slightly widen at this. Now these colony cats know their names, she shifts a little uncomfortably. But its fine, isn't it? No one would lash out and they'd all return home safe. In times like these she thinks about home and little Ratpaw, how she had taken the smallest things for granted (especially when shes standing in the middle of potential enemy territory). She forces her face to remain even, even as Petal speaks of their leader being weak. Cats flood to listen and Salmon draws in a sharp breath.

Petalnose asks for help. She offers a grateful nod in Sasha and Kaede's directions, her eyes moving to focus on the elder before them. What would she say? Would she allow them to come and remove the blockades from the river, free them from those creatures? Please, say yes.

  • salmonfunny.png
    -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 30 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    -> “speech, ff91a4” ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    -> chibi by pin

frond & 26 moons & female & she/her & ripple colony

The riverclan cats are back, frond notes as she emerges, curious as to the cause of such commotion - green eyes wide as she watches. She's never been one to speak up necessarily, and so at first she simply listens, even as the sound of petalnose's urgency leaves something churning in her belly. Their leader has been injured by strange beasts, and they are short on paws.

Kaedes touch is a welcome detraction, pulling herself from her thoughts - she doesn't need protecting, not really, but she is grateful anyways. He is... a good friend, she thinks fondly. Sasha speaks up first, taking the words straights from her mouth, only to be echoed by he tom standing beside her - she's never been more proud of her chosen friends, never been so in sync. The fact the elders have not yet spoken worries her a little, pelt giving a nervous twitch, but a deep breath is all it takes to settle her nerves.

"I can go as well - you know my skills, and I'm afraid I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving Kaede and Sasha to themselves," She says gently, bowing her head in rye's direction but unwilling to back down. The colony always stuck together, stood steadfast in their choices once made - but Frond herself has always sought out what is good and right and just. These cats need help - and it's not as though they have offered nothing in turn. A solution to the river, a way to set it free. How could she even consider doing anything less?

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • sleek and sturdy looking she-cat with a muscular frame and striking green eyes. she holds herself proudly, shoulders set and tail arched - all in all, presenting a steadfast front to friends and strangers alike. despite her mannerisms, frond is often a gentle feline - though she will not hesitate to get her paws dirty in the name of doing what is right.

    physically hard && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#674099]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

He's not far behind Pepper when he returns to the RiverClan cats, and he settles into a sidespraw. His tail flicks lazily, up and down, side to side, while the cat leading the patrol starts to make her case. Their names haven't gotten any less confusing, but he supposes they'd make more sense if he stopped trying to force sense onto 'em. Maybe they don't mean what they sound to. Maybe Salmonshade ain't describing a fish shadow— or maybe it is. It's not like Leaf has any idea.

He stays quiet when other colony cats start to volunteer, his gaze never straying from the RiverClanners and his tail still tapping away. Leaf scratches at his chin without blinking. After a long moment, he draws himself up onto all-fours and shrugs. "Looks like you could use a li'l more muscle," he observes, what with Sasha's lean shape and Frond sleek, not stocky. "You can count on me to be there. And respectfully," his gaze goes to Pepper, "our elders wouldn't be half as wise as we think they are if they put a paw down against this joint effort. Consider that a youthful outburst if you'd like, Miss Pepper." He doesn't like the sound of this yellowcough, though. Here's hoping he doesn't catch it.

*:・゚☁ concern etches itself on aged features as petalnose recounts to the colony all the events that has occurred thus far, she explains to them about a disease unlike any other has swept through their home rendering even the most healthy cats incapacitated and nest-ridden. the bad news doesn't stop there, whatever creature it is that is blocking up the waterway had not taken kindly to the clan cats trying to run them off and retaliated aggressively which resulted in cicadastar getting injured.

a sense of unease curled beneath her fur taking in all of this at once, has all this really been happening under their noses? a voice would sound out from the crowd, sasha, who steps forward with tenacious flame within her eyes saying she'll volunteer to go then from there it's like a chain reaction where more and more of her colony members around begin to chime in as well. pepper took in a deep breath, it seems like a decision was already made before she can even think for a second. "like sasha said, riverclan has helped us in the past so it is only right we do the same in return." she smiles, feeling proud of those around her for taking such a bold stand. "anyone who believes they are capable enough to hold their own in battle may go with petalnose but please, do not forget to look out for eachother!" she calls out before giving the lead warrior a small nod as if allowing her to take the reins now.

  • 🟆 sorry for the lateness!
  • perhaps larger reference added here?
  • 150x150
    ━━━ pepper
    ━━━ 113 moons.
    ━━━ she/they ; ripple colony elder
    ━━━ lesbian demirom. ; taken by npc
    ━━━ lh chocolate ticked tabby w/ glassy green eyes
    ━━━ "speech"'thoughts'attack
    ━━━ penned by cobatic
    ━━━ art/base by ______

( ) cats appear quite quickly after the earthen and white tom trots off, and coyotecreek steps closer to petalnose and salmonshade, tail flicking by his side as he squares his shoulders. it isn't that he doesn't trust those of the ripple colony- he's listened to stories from his clanmates about their relative kindness. but they are now fully surrounded, and instinct makes his bones rattle in his skeleton. shifting on his paws as their supposed leaders arrive and petalnose begins to explain, ice and honey eyes flick anxiously between the lead warrior and the elder.

shortly after petalnose falls silent, voices begin to speak, vocalizing their support, wishing to fight for riverclan. his anxiety fades slightly and he will offer those around him a small smile. pepper- the lead elder's name, he learns -lends her support and coyotecreek will dip his head to her. "thank you ma'am," he murmurs, and glances expectantly at petalnose.