whatever it is - INTRO/COMPLAINING


forever young
Dec 9, 2022

Leaf-bare. What was worse than this? With thin eyes, the chocolate tom would watch his younger clanmates frolic and play in the snow. Didn't they realize what this meant? Freezing nights...hungry bellies...no, they probably wouldn't understand. For nearly half of the clan, this was probably only their first or second winter. Suddenly a bundle of snow would splat into his side. Barkjaw let out a long sigh, and got up and padded away towards a group of other clan members.

"I've had enough of leaf-bare already." he would grumble in a deep voice. Another snowball would be launched at him, and he would hold back a hiss. Can't they go irritate somebody else? "These kids are enjoying this way too much." Perhaps it was because several of them were born to a kitty pet, and who knew where the latest bunch came from? There were too many new mouths to feed if you asked him. No wonder the other clans called them kittypetclan...

Leafshade, in truth, was just as irritated at the cold weather and lack of prey as Barkjaw. But the blue point didn't make it a habit of outwardly complaining about it, after all, what would that even achieve other than annoying the others around them by stating the obvious?

His steel blue eyes would flicker over to Barkjaw as they walked over, and his ears would flatten slightly as the older warrior grumbled about the younger members of the clan enjoying the snow too much. An arrogant smirk would form on Leaf's maw as Barkjaw was pelted with snowballs and he would snort, "What's the matter, Barkjaw? Can't handle a little bit of cold?" His tail would lash as he turned to look at the cats playing and his mind flashed back to the days he had tried to play only to be harshly scolded for it by his father.

'games are for useless children! You're bringing disgrace to this family, stop this foolishness this instant!'

"Let them play." Leafshade would growl lowly, his temper rearing its ugly head ever so slightly, "They'll be forced to face reality soon enough. No need to rush it."

hailpaw | 05 months | trans demi-girl | they/them + feminine terms | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold skyblue

Downpour - no, hailpaw, they're hailpaw now, they remind themselves - finds themselves agreeing with the warrior. They don't care for this weather. Hailpaw misses the warmth of the twoleg den. It's not enough to make them even consider leaving, of course, but thoughts of the nest visits their dreams. "I miss the sunshine," they say mournfully, glancing up at the patches of grey cloud covered sky that is visible from between the branches overhead. The girl is growing taller now, slimmer - their training, the scarcity of prey in leafbare, and their own odd habits slowly changing the molly over time. They've finally lost the last of their fever coat - a blank blue canvas once more.

"Days of fun are to become rare soon enough, let them savour these moments whilst they last." Sunnyday chuckled softly as he made his approach, ducking his head in order to avoid a splash of snow sent his way. Harsh times were ahead, the adults all knew that. Any chance to rekindle morale would be in desperate need. The thin tom pushed his nose into his shoulder to help stifle a cough, not wishing to be rude by coughing on the others who were present. Once the tickle in his throat passed he then let a grin fill his features. "Such a grim lot you are. Why not take a lesson from the kits for once?" An air of mischief surrounded him as he scooped up some snow with a paw and aimed to pelt Barkjaw with the powdery flakes.


"Besides, friend- you must look on the bright side!" Trufflepelt's ever-cheery voice would dance through the air, a lilting laugh-stuttered waltz. The cold was not the most pleasant, not at all- but there were many beautiful things about leaf bare gone unappreciated, too! For one, the joy it brought the young- never seeing snow in their lives, frolicking in it despite its frosty sting. The joy of life without suffering was bestowed to the children.

But, the bright side he spoke of? Oh, he was keen to deliver it! "The stars, for one- they are clearer in leaf-bare. Brighter- to light our way in the hardest moons." Fondness laid a soft sigh in his voice, the pleasantness of his destiny lilting his head. How lucky they all were to be free of pain in these terrible months...

Jaypaw might be a little too 'old' for this now but he can't help himself but to run along with the others in the white wonderland. After all, he's never seen snow before. When snows came, he was still a little bundle at his mother's side, barely able to reckon what the sky itself was. Maybe he'd seen it out the window once or twice yet those memories are hazy. Now he's making a new memory that is crystal clear, though, it'd be nice if he could feel his toes...

Jaypaw pauses long enough to try to go warm his paws with his rough tongue, not realizing that would probably just make it worse. Oh man. Maybe he just needs a break. The apprentice shivers and swims through the powder toward a grouping of his clanmates. "Huh? The stars are brighter? Really?" He makes a funny face to try not to sneeze, nose twitching, and at first he thinks he has it under control as he settles down. Then there it goes, his whole body jerking with the force of a big 'ach-ooo, that could be right in Barkjaw's direction if he's so unfortunate. "Oh, mmngh- sorry!" Jay struggles for an apology already, muffled as it is.