private WHAT'S A DEVIL TO DO — first meeting


Jun 8, 2022
Graystorm grunts as his jaw connects with the dirt. His claws meet empty air, the squirrel he'd been pursuing taking off into the safety of the trees. Hunting has never been his strongest suit, but ever since he'd been blinded in one eye... It's even shittier. Granted, it's only been a couple moons' worth of recovery, but Graystorm has never claimed to be a patient man. He wants results, he wants progress, and he'd rather have them sooner than later.

With the tips of his ears burning, Graystorm pushes himself into a sit. "Damn squirrel," he cusses at the branches where the squirrel had disappeared, glowering at it as if that could salvage his failed hunt. What a fuck-up that was. What a fuck-up he is. The dark-furred warrior snorts, shaking his head. At least no one saw-

His thoughts are interrupted by the unfamiliar scent that creeps into the air. Graystorm straightens, raking his one eye slowly across the undergrowth in search of the source... It was undeniably the smell of a cat, too foreign to be a clan cat, too wild to be a kittypet. "Who's there?"
