pafp What's For Breakfast =Messing with Queens=


step out of the sun
Feb 9, 2023
and they saw trouble in my eyes ✧°.☀ ———————————— Wolfkit had been told he wasn't wanted when he couldn't even see. Which might have been the best why it could have happened. As his biological mother fretted over what to do with a unwanted helpless ball of fur, one Bramblesong stepped up. Taking the little tom from the young mother she became Wolfkit's family and one of the most admired cat in Wolfkit's eyes. So what else is a kit to do when no one else seems to be around and you are bored?

"Bramblesong," the little voiced called into the nursery "Could I come and help you with something, or be told a story, or could you play with me, or soemthing else? I'm bored" his little head bobbed up and down as he rattled off his list of ideas. It was seeming like now that he was getting older being bored was more common.

[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ they were quick to recognize the devil in me
SOMETHING NEEDED ME ONCE ✿°.✧ ————————————

How could anyone see a kit — a beautiful marvel of life, entirely defenseless — and not feel called to take on the entire world to protect them? Bramblesong’s kits became her entire world the moment she set her eyes on their squirmy little bodies. She would have laid down her life for them, and losing them… losing them nearly had her following them into the grave.

She’s glad, terribly glad, that she didn’t. Else she might not have been there for Wolfkit.

How his mother could cast him aside is beyond her, but Bramblesong doesn’t spare the energy required to resent her for it. What does it matter that she couldn’t love such a precious little creature? Bramblesong can, and she does. As much as she does love Magpiekit, as much as her own, long-gone kits of flesh and blood. They’re all hers—

(And he’d tear the throat of anyone who dares threaten them. She has left that version of her behind… But for her children, it is never far.)

So when Wolfkit pleads for her attention, she readily gives it, gently bopping his head with an overly large paw once he’s done rattling off ideas. ”So many things to do, it’s a wonder you’re bored at all!”

She chuckles and pushes him lightly with that same paw. ”But I’ll see what I can do to help, hm? Why don’t you tell me what kind of story you want me to tell? Or we can play — if you find someone to be on your team. You won’t stand a chance otherwise,” she adds playfully.


”Oh! Oh!” Bellows Cinderkit, interrupting the nursery talk obnoxiously so she could butt-in. ”Yuh should tell us a story ‘bout battle! I wan’ hear ’bout ta great battle. Da told me ’bouts it, but said he wouldn’t get it’a more detail into the fighting, cus’ it’s gruesome… Not for kitten ears… But I am mature! Mature enough! I wanna hear!” The black-she kit demands, attempting to climb up Bramblesong’s belly. She’d likely need to be corrected for such an attempt, she was heavier than she realized now and had grown lots!


( secondary character / "speech" / ic opinions )
· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 3 moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ shadowclan kit . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ carries 100% kittypet & Persian blood

· PERSIAN, smells like murky water and mildew , status — 100%
╰ ‣ black-furred . flat-faced, knotted fur . orange eyes

[size=2╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

╰ ‣ lesbian.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . reluctant to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.​
It's gloomy in camp and well it's been that way for a while but after the patrol and subsequent attack and dropping of hidden secrets and treachery it's gotten worse, it's all consuming and Swiftclaws tries his best to keep his head up and a smile on his face. His clanmates needed a boost but sometimes so did he, and his solution most of the time was either going out on the marsh to hunt (something that well... for obvious reasons wasn't as exciting as it was in greener seasons) but secondly it was going to visit the nursery. He's sad he has no freshkill to bring them but hopefully the funny looking leaf in his mouth would keep them sated, it should at least keep them distracted from his constantly twitching tail tip something the younger ones loved to mess around with, he's gotten used to kitten teeth already. He would duck his head inside before the rest of his skinny body would flop just outside the den, he never liked to fully enter it not without a queens blessing first! He could be polite and patient, when it came to them anyway he respected no cats more then he respected Bramblesong and her peers; something he wouldn't dare tell Pitchy. He could hear the request of Cinderkit and he wouldn't dare interrupt her so for a second he'd keep himself quiet, she was a funny little kit even in looks and he admired her spirit! What cat didn't love hearing about tales of battle, even he a grown warrior loved sitting down and listening to the stories his older clanmates sometimes told. He's afraid his stories weren't as brutal nor heroic as he had heard others tell. They weren't the kind of stories for kits however...

He would spit out the leaf at the paws of the Queen and the bumbling pair of kits ❝Sorry to interrupt but I got a fresh leaf for you to hunt❞ he'd chime with a grin he'd pause for a second before meowing again ❝Mind if I hang around and listen? I got plenty of stories to tell myself, really mature stories too sure little miss-adult here would love em' wouldn't you❞ he'd tilt his head at Cinderkit, though he partially himelf wouldn't mind hearing the queen stories he was happy to give her an out if she wanted to rest for a little while while he held their attention. And of course if Cinderkit or Wolfkit here begged for him to tell his own first. ​
( )
and they saw trouble in my eyes ✧°.☀ ———————————— In Wolfkit's head one didn't need to say they were mature, instead their actions and attitude would reflect accordingly. And he thought he was quite mature, and that the stories Cinderkit requested would be just the cure for boredom that he needed. So as the tom sat in front of Bramblesong, waiting patiently for the, presumably, best story he was ever going to hear. Then a new presence joined them, and that presence carried a leaf.

The incredibly self-righteous and mature tom would stare as the leaf seemed to fall in slow motion. His pupils dilated with the instinct to hunt, before he could right this childish thought he had his claws dug into the leaf. Piercing tiny little holes into the leaf before throwing it into the air and tumbling onto his back. Ignoring anything else in the world as this leaf was going to have to be dealt with.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ they were quick to recognize the devil in me

It was nice having other kits to play with who weren't Maggotkit, he liked her fine but she was boring in her moody and morose nature and often didn't want to roll around or play like he wanted to so desperately. Wolfkit and Cinderkit were much more amicable and prone to indulging in his silly affairs and he wasn't going to pick favorites but if he had to then he'd pick the ones who brought him the most nonsensical joy above all else.
He'd been just outside the nursery staring off into the sky when Swiftclaws approached and he eagerly stood up so he could wind his way around the taller cats limbs in silent affection, not realizing he might be tripping the other up or causing him to struggle with keeping from stumbling.
"Leaf leaf leaf-" It was dropped and he watched it with a twitching tail, waited as Wolfkit gave it a proper swat and rolled over before he broke from the warrior go steal a warm place to sit next to the queen's outstretched forepaws, his steps wobbling and his head bumping clumsily into Bramblesong's shoulder as he tried to settle down comfortably.
mothkit | 03 months | male | he/him | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #6f4e37
With snailcurl busy on patrol, Mothkit has once again been left to his own devices - and, of course, the watchful eyes of the rest of the queens. Wibble-wobbling on over, the clumsy kitten watches eagerly as Wolfkit plays with the leaf. When it becomes clear the other seems intent on killing the new toy rather than sharing, he gives a huff and a pout, sitting down with a heavy thump to look up at switfclaws with wide copper eyes. "I want a leaf too!"