wc rebels WHATS GOING ON || open

Sep 15, 2022
He has calmed down a bit since Sunstride and his followers arrived, but he is still tense, still wary. He doesn't trust the majority of them. His instincts tell him to run, but he fights the urge with reason. If they wanted to kill anyone here, they would have done it already. They haven't hurt anyone since they've been here. They are exiles like him, he reminds himself. Cast out for not following Sootstar's tyrannical orders and labeled traitors. They are his allies, not his enemies.

Reluctantly he hops from the stacks of hay he had perched on specifically to keep away from everyone and hesitates before approaching a group of Windclanners. Ex Windclanners. He reminds himself again that they are exiles. He needs to drill this into his head. These are not Sootstars cats, they are Suntstides. Sunstride is not a monster, or at least, he hopes so. He hopes Sootstar has not tainted him with her poison and turned him into a venomous snake like most Windclanners are.

"....So what's happened since I've been gone? I imagine it's a lot..." He asks, voice quiet. He cant even begin to imagine whats happened.

He tries to calm his nerves. These cats aren't enemies anymore. They are allies. It's going to be okay. Even as he reminds himself of these facts, something screams at him to stay away, that they'll betray him and kill him in the night. Windclanners are monsters, he's told himself. Now, he must pry that nail out of his mind to open it once more. Things are about to change, and he was brought into it the moment these cats showed up at the barn.​
It's odd to be with Yewberry again. The two of them had been tunnelers together before he'd been chased away. She remembered sometimes working in pairs with him. She wouldn't say they were the best of friends and now they had this strange relationship between them. As in they knew each other, but didn't. Every time she looked at him her mind could supply information about him and his kits, but her eyes screamed at her that this was a stranger to her. She simply didn't know how she should consider him. Not an enemy? That was true. Yewberry was not an enemy of theirs and she saw no reason to strike him. To be honest she couldn't find a reason to if she wanted to. Yewberry was not someone she hated after all.

Said tom asks her a question to which she averts her eyes from him. Not out of distaste towards him but in recollection of what has transpired. Too much. Not sure how to explain it all. "...It's a long story Yewberry." She's certain no one would cut her throat open for telling him more or less what happened, but she's also sure there's others who would be displeased at her giving such information away. She couldn't care less anymore. What was there to gain from hiding from the truth? Pride? Pride is what got them in this mess in the first place. Perhaps the tom is worried that she has refused to answer, but Rabbitclaw would sigh before meeting eyes with him.

"Wind... After Weaselclaw died, Sootstar hasn't been the same. She curses Starclan. Then, Sootstar stole Shadowkits and we had them for some time. She had lied to the rest of us of their origins. After that, Sootstar and her followers claimed the highstones. Cicadastar died and I heard Smokethroat was attacked while he tried to get his lives from the cats of the gathering. They failed considering Smokestar showed up at the gathering and told everyone. Sootstar didn't go to that gathering, she made Sunstride go in her place and I wasn't there so... Might be best to ask Sunstride or Wolfsong about it. Anyway, Sunstride? Returned the kits to Shadowclan and not too long ago Sootstar found out and everything kind of happened so fast. Her followers against those who wound up here. There was death on both sides."

Yewberry she hopes will find that information as enough. She hopes he doesn't ask her specifics because what was the point in that? Unless it was about his family then she would understand and indulge, but even then it was pretty odd to talk about a tom's kits when she herself wasn't that close to them. Not to mention that one of them was no longer with them.

  • — rabbitclaw / windclan tunneler / feminine pronouns / 45 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — scar riddled short-haired lilac tortoiseshell with blue eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

Though he and Yewberry had existed within Windclan at the same time, Rattleheart had never really been particularly close with the other exile. Rabbitclaw had certainly known him better, with Rattleheart instead content to exist in the background of the clan. He hadn't really been close with anyone back then, his siblings having the spotlight as he instead kept his eyes and ears open to everything while keeping his muzzle thoroughly shut. Such an existence had been lonely, allowing him to collect plenty of information but also keeping him further away from all of his clanmates than he had ever intended. He hadn't even been present when Yewberry and his ilk had been exiled, instead only hearing about the after-effects and consequences of the ill-fated herb raid patrols. One moment Dandelionwish had been their medicine cat and then he hadn't been - one moment Yewberry and Galeforce had been their clanmates, and the next moment they hadn't been. It had been a devastating day, yet back then he had been able to look at what had happened with a sense of neutral detachment.

He could no longer look at things so casually, the shadow-dwelling cat of the past replaced with someone he could be properly proud of. Hopefully someone his family and clan - clan of exiles that they were - could be proud of.

Rabbitclaw's explanation did cover the most important recent events, but so much more than that had happened since Yewberry's exile. So many important things that swirled around in Rattleheart's mind, a chaotic mishmash of memories that made it difficult to decide what to offer up first. "...I suppose you already know everything that happened with Dandelionwish and Vulturemask." He couldn't keep just a touch of bitterness from his voice, acknowledging that Yewberry was an ally while also condemning Galeforce's barbaric actions. Wanton murder, no better than what Sootstar had expected of them. "As Rabbitclaw implied, many, many things have happened since your exile. Sootstar has seemingly been trying to wage a war against all of the other clans for some time. First was Shadowclan, then Skyclan even after the losses we faced in the first fight. She grew even more mad, and even ended up condemning Badgermoon and Curlewnose and branding them as traitors. Who knows if that was even true now, considering all of us are considered traitors as well." Thinking back to the condemnation of the former deputy, his ears flicked back with anxiety and apprehension. Why had they not all questioned things more back then, why had they just taken her at her word? Injuries or not, hadn't Badgermoon and Curlewnose deserved some kind of benefit of the doubt?

He spared a glance towards Rabbitclaw, hoping his sister's presence would settle him somewhat even as his heart raced. "The yellowcough breakout was truly the final breaking point though. So many died, Weaseclaw included, as Rabbitclaw said. I think... I don't even know if she cares anymore. If she cares about anything but clinging to her throne and dragging everyone that stayed along with her." Part of Rattleheart wanted to condemn them all as fools, and say that they deserved anything that ended up coming to them. But... Rumblerain was among them, somehow.

Like Yewberry, the moor-cats' arrival is something Thymeroot is still reeling from himself. It's a mergence he'd watched with horror-filled eyes, his protests unanswered as those he'd lived among allowed them into the safety of their home. Safety they'd had to seek out after moons, some of them, when their new refugees had chased them out.

There are faces here he's fought against, he's sure — faces here who wanted to kill his brother upon his escape, prior to his escape, even. Though they are exiles like him now, he's uncertain he can forgive, can forget. He wonders if they can say the same, about those who remain in WindClan now.

As Yewberry moves closer to the clan cats, Thymeroot lingers, settling between the haystacks — close, but not too close. Enough to listen, to learn what WindClan had devolved into. Kit-stealing, apparently.

" 'M surprised WindClan didn't crumble ages ago, " the pointed tom finds himself saying, fawn tail curling around his paws as he looks to his new barn-mates. " It only took a couple'a kits, huh? "

His ears twitch as another speaks, gaze dipping at the mention of his brother, at his predecessor after. Of course, he'd known what happened with Dandelionwish, but what happened with Vulturemask is new news to him, pieces of a murder put together all too late. It's a shame, really.

" Tigerfrost ain't still with you, is he? " he finds himself asking, uncertainty in his voice at the thought of the tom strolling in here. " Reckon he'd be with Sootstar, yeah? Not here? "

He could've killed Thymeroot, if he bit down any harder — could've left him with more damage than the scars he carries upon his face, the nightmares that plague his slumber still. If he's stuck sleeping among WindClanners once again, he'd rather not share his home with him; would rather not tarnish its safety any further. ​
  • 75352399_5bvZug0SOdDSS0Z.png
    ── Exile of WindClan

    ── Daisy x Hare
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A flower-adorned, scarred fawn and white sepia tom with blue eyes.
    ── Mentored by Heathertuft
    ── "Speech"; Attack
Rabbitclaw tunes out the rest of the conversation. Considering she already knows this news and this is just Rattleheart filling them in. Although her ears twitch when a new and familiar voice joins them. It has been awhile since she's heard of it that she's forgotten just who this voice belongs to. When her eyes land on the tom, it clicks. Thymeroot. He'd been exiled many moons ago. All she does is wave at him in greeting. There was no need to be rude to him all of them were exiles now in a way. Besides, he was once their clanmate. Wouldn't do any bad by letting him hear what's been going on since his exile.

When he asks a question about Tigerfrost, she blinks in surprise. That is a name no one has mentioned in a long time. She had forgotten about Tigerfrost to be honest. She shakes her head, "... Thymeroot, Tigerfrost is dead. Been dead for moons." Why do you wanna know? Was Tigerfrost someone important to you? In the past, she was not close to Thymeroot before his exile. She wouldn't know who the tom was close to in the past and if she did, then it would be hard to remember everything. Considering life has only been hectic.
  • — rabbitclaw / windclan tunneler / feminine pronouns / 45 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — scar riddled short-haired lilac tortoiseshell with blue eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou