camp WHAT'S IN YOUR HEAD // accident

Nov 14, 2023

Everything had went oh so wrong. This was not how the day had been suppose to go. Basilpaw had really tried his best, hadn't he?. He felt like he had been but it hadn't been enough. It was never enough. The result of his efforts were this. Blood spilled and dripping. Pain that streamed down his face. It hurt alot. The shook of it was probably the worst of it all. How unprepared he had been. Words spat out like a livid storm that would forever leave a scar on the young apprentice heart. Scars that never would heal just like his face never would. Not completely. It would never look like it had done before. Always he would be reminded of it. Always and forever. How foolish he had been.

" I need Magpiepaw or Starlingheart!." Spiderwing would call out as they walked into camp with a bitter snarl across their features. Beyond annoyed and angry they were as they took the lead far ahead of their own apprentice who came almost crawling into camp far behind them, tail and head hang lowly with a trail of dripped blood to follow them. Basilpaw looked at nobody as he kept his attention down on the ground with his sole working eye. The other eye was closed for now and despite the pain he felt across it didn't cry. Three deep and fresh scars made of claws had scarred him across the eye, and the blood just kept on dripping, to fall like they where the replacement for his own tears.

Basilpaw the usual chatterbox where dead silent for once as he just walked behind his mentor who was trying to begrudgingly find them assistence, or someone to drop Basilpaw on because he knew painfully well that his mentor was beyond furious at him right now.... All because of one simply thing.

He had just wanted to catch his first prey just like Lividpaw and Snowpaw had. So how could it have gone so wrong?.

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[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowpaw had been relaxing in her normal corner, having already done her duties for the day while waiting for her friends to join her for the day until... the call of Spiderwing asking for their medicine cats and then Basilpaw following close behind with blood dripping from his face, an an eye seal shut. Slowly her hackles rose before she got onto her paws and trotted towards the other apprentice, quickly aiming to provide some sort of weight the other could lean on before flashing her firery anger at Spiderwing.

"Monster, what did you do to him what did you do to Basilpaw?!" she hissed at his mentor, it was a quick jump to assumption, it could have been anything and yet Snowpaw wanted to blame it on his mentor. Spiderwing always seemed to have some sort of bitterness towards Basilpaw and so she wasn't going to allow her to get away with it, if she had done if of course.

She didn't care if it wasn't true, she didn't trust Spiderwing, not near her friend. Someone she cared about. "Stay away from him" she hissed. Knowing she would've done the same thing if it had been Thornpaw.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 6 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Her new home is confusing. There are too many scents, cat-scents layered over the almost sour smell of the bog. The nursery had turned out to be a den of sorts, woven tight with branches from trees and reeds. The inside is dark, dank, and crowded with queens and their noisy kits. Marblekit stays as far away from her denmates as possible. She only wants Sycamorekit’s company, and even that is not as soothing to her as she wants it to be. Everything smells funny, the prey they bring her tastes funny, and frankly, Marblekit starts every day with a scowl and a complaint on her tiny lips. “I want to go home,” she repeats to anyone nearby listening.

There’s a stirring outside the den. Marblekit pokes her pale face out, whiskers trembling at a new scent, one that sings of salt and copper and sits nastily on her tongue. One of the older cats is leading a young one through the camp’s entrance; he looks mad. The younger cat is silent; scarlet water beads around fresh wounds carved into his face, drips to the camp’s floor. Her eyes round with fresh terror. She knows what blood is; she’d seen Siltcloud cough it up enough times, sticky and phlegmy and red. She knows it means hurt.

She scampers away from any attending queens, her triangular tail stiff and shivering behind her. She watches the scene unfold in front of her with trembling whiskers. “Who… who hurt him,” she mutters to anyone who might be sitting near the nursery entrance. Anyone approaching too-fast on either side of her will receive a warning hiss—she is still jumpy—but otherwise, Marblekit falls silent, wondering what will happen next.

And then—then a white apprentice streaks closer to the injured one. Her teeth flash, her gaze furious. She rounds on the warrior. Marblekit’s eyes widen. Had he done something? Had he caused the blood, the hurt? She begins to shake, confusion welling up inside of her. What sort of place had Siltcloud left them in, where cats hurt one another and make them bleed?

  • ooc:
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 2 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan kit, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. bossy, brazen, outgoing, conniving, mischievous, skeptical, spiteful.


Basilpaw hadn't even notice...but suddenly Snowpaw find herself by his side and he just silently accepted it without much of a response like his mind where somewhere else. He didn't react when Snowpaw started to furiously yell at his mentor, calling them for a monster. Spiderwing obiviously didn't react in the same numbness that their apprentice had done. Of course not. It was a direct attack to them after all. The tortie would swing around to face Snowpaw with a snarl. " What nerve you have to dare call me that!! Have Scorchedmoon not teached you anything about manners!!." they where livid feeling absolutely insulted and wronged. None of this was their fault. It was all Basilpaw's own fault this had happend!!. Spiderwing's fur bristled but cared too much about their own reputation to do anything they would come to regret later.

" What happend is all Basilpaw's own fault!!. I told him to keep his eyes open!! to not just blindly charge out without looking at his own surrendings first. But like always he never listens to anything i have to teach him!!. So he run right into a open space to chase after a mouse and a owl came diving right from the sky to hunt down that same mouse and that's how he got injured!!." They would snarl and spat at Snowpaw wondering why nobody had yet stept forward to defend them?!, to correct this disrespectful apprentice behavior for!.

Spiderwing lashed their tail before casting a glare at their own apprentice. " Right Basilpaw?!." Do something useful for once and tell them it's not my fault!!.

Basilpaw flinched when his mentor called him out, and ears flattered back at his head. " was all my fault.." he slowly mumbled out. Taking in a deep breath Basilpaw perked his ears back up and he looked up forcing a grin on his maw as he attempted to give a friendly nudge to his friends shoulder. " I'm all fine Snowpaw!! really!!. Look everything is fine, i was just dumb and did something stupid!! like i always do!!. I should have listened better and...and at least i will get a cool scar to show off to everyone!!. I bet I'm gonna look cool!." he started to ramble as he put on the bravest facade he could master. He was doing that all of the time after all and nobody had noticed before. So it should be fine now too. All he had to do was keep on smiling and everything was gonna be okay.

Basilpaw clenched his teeths tightly together as he kept on grinning even if it hurt.

Spiderwing's call for Starlingheart and Magpiepaw and Snowpaw's accusations are what catches his attention and he turns to see Basilpaw bleeding with Snowpaw protecting him and a very irritated Spiderwing. He watched them like a hawk, studying Basilpaw and Spiderwing mostly. Spiderwing's voice had lacked any care for the apprentice in it when they called for the medicine cats and Basilpaw's body language suggested something terrible happened.

When Spiderwing snaps back at Snowpaw, he begins to approach the situation. Sounds like somebody needs a smack upside the head to get their attitude straightened out. Why are they so angry?

Frostbite gets his answer as Spiderwing spills the beans. An owl, was it? He looks at the claw marks on Basilpaw's eye. "Must have been a small owl." He says flatly. What further grates Frostbite's nerves is when Spiderwing glares at Basilpaw, making the apprentice flinch.

So, Frostbite steps between them, staring at Spiderwing with cold intensity. "You'll have to forgive Snowpaw...As you know, we've had trouble with mentors harming their apprentices before. She is simply looking out for her clanmate." He says, pausing to let the statement hang in the air. "It's a good thing you were there to fend off that owl... And to get away unscathed? You're pretty lucky..." He continues, gaze never leaving the other cat. Spiderwing's atittude about the situation rubs him the wrong way.

"So calm down... What's important is that Basilpaw is safe and alive, right?" He finishes, expression softening as he turns to Basilpaw.

"Lets get you to the medicine den and we can talk when you aren't bleeding out, okay? I'd like to know what the owl looked like as well." He says to him. If Basilpaw is being a difficult apprentice, perhaps he can help. If Spiderwing is being an awful mentor, he will fix it. Regardless, Spiderwing's atittude is helping nobody right now and Basilpaw needs to rest.

((@STARLINGHEART @Magpiepaw u r reciving visitors ))​