pafp WHAT'S IT LIKE ON MARS? [ ✦ ] casual chat

A medicine cat apprentice. Dipperpaw herself had never held any dreams of becoming such a thing, it seemed like too much. Fixing wounds. She was not made for it. She was the violent sort, the kind of cat that liked inflicting more than mending, she simply just didn't have the stomach for it. Nor the heart really. If she thought much about it, her bedside manners would also be atrocious. She could not coo and be gentle with patients, if one was being stubborn and not listening to her it is likely she would entertain such a thing. She would gain no favors with the cats of RiverClan while she was holding them down and forcing herbs down their throats. The image is almost an amusing one, but she knows it would never suit her. Moonpaw, however...

"Are you excited to begin training under Ravensong?" she finds herself asking in a moment they find themselves sitting together, enjoying a meal with one another. She uses one paw to push the fish closer to the white-furred molly, it was her turn to take a bite and then she would pass it back along to her. Such was the way of these things. Ravensong was an enigma to her. She does not know much about him nor does she really care to. As stated before his life does not interest her, the life of a medicine cat that is. But Moonpaw, until recently, was a den-mate. A fellow apprentice. And besides, it would not hurt to ask questions.

// please wait for @Moonpaw

In all honesty Moonpaw hadn't thought of herself as one to follow the path of medicine. She had been drawn to flowers and wanted to help her clanmates, but at the end of the day she had grown up to this point expecting to be a warrior, the promise she had made Salmonshade their first day of training ringing in her head - that she'd be there to get Sunningrocks back from ThunderClan. She was helpful and at first she was confused - why her - but eventually it settled in, and although she knew she'd miss training with Salmonshade there were still many things that the other had taught her that she'd hopefully be able to use to help the clan - medicine cat or not. It felt like it would fit somehow, a small piece clicking into place, and as she shared the fish with Dipperpaw her ears pricked as she listened to the other's question.

Her own bite was taken from the prey, head nodding slightly as she chewed and thought, pushing the fish back towards the older apprentice before answering, making sure there was no food left in her mouth - it was rude after all. "I am, but also a little scared I think." She'd answer the other truthfully, "There's gotta be so many herbs to learn, I don't know how Ravensong does it." It was one of the things she admired about the medicine cat - his ability to hold all that information and still help the clan in the process all by himself. She was glad for the opportunity to help him and learn from him if anything, it was no secret she had enjoyed his company the past couple moons.

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  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || brother to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Salmonshade.
    -- She/Her || 7 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling
Spotting the two apprentices talking, Feathergaze hesitated on her way to the prey pile. Go say something to her. She’s your clan mate, she’s just had something really important happen to her. Something in her chest seemed to ache now as she drew closer to Moonpaw, an ache that crawled up her throat and settled behind her eyes, smouldering, threatening to burn. Wish her well.
Hey, Moonpaw,” she meowed in greeting, shifting her gaze toward Dipperpaw and offering her a head duck greeting. “I, um, congratulations on becoming Ravensong’s apprentice. It’s… That must be really interesting,” she said, hoping the stagger in her words wasn’t too noticeable.

It had once been the warrior’s dream to follow the path of a medicine cat. Deep down it still was, though Feathergaze tried desperately not to think on it most days. She was a fully trained warrior; any chance she might have had was definitely gone. Still, regret and longing squirmed in her belly, feelings she shoved aside for Moonpaw’s sake. She deserves this. StarClan chose her for a reason.
It’s alright to be scared, I think. It’s a lot of responsibility after all, but I’m sure that, you can do it. You were chosen for a reason, a-after all.” Feathergaze smiled, the smile she’d worked on after the meeting announcement. Hopefully with each use of it it would become more and more genuine, until the ache in her chest and head finally faded.

One of her friends had been gifted to the stars, or so Carp-paw had been told. A twinge in her back occurred as she shifted towards Dipperpaw and the newly named medicine cat apprentice, her ears perking. Food, and a conversation, between apprentices. Carp-paw make a tiny noise as she pushed to her paws, padding towards them, interest ringed in her light eyes. She opened her mouth to say something, which would have been a surprise, for she rarely spoke first these days, but Feathergaze's words caused her to fall quiet.

"Interesting? I think it'd be a lot of work and boring." Carp-paw's words fell like rain, a peek into herself before the rogue attack. Her tail flicked, head lifting and wide smile turning towards Moonpaw. "No offense, but I know you'll be great, Moon. You'll have it all put together by moons end!" As if remembering herself, and the smile that just about tipped Carp-paw towards being lost to the stars, the grin dropped away, shifting to sit next to Moonpaw instead, a huff leaving her.

  • CARP-PAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, six moons
    a shorthaired black smoke with blue eyes. her deep smoke colored mottled pelt making for good camouflage in the dark. white mottles her pelt here and there. born to riverclan, she lived peacefully until the rogue attack. sustaining a back injury, she's fallen quiet. loyal to her clan, wants only to make them stronger, but she's terrified of falling short again. the large scar across her back is obvious, and her once-curious nature is now timid.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by you@dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET — Her best friend had been promoted to medicine cat apprentice and Beepaw finds herself having slightly mixed feelings but they're left in the back of her mind where she could return to them with less brain fog to concern herself over. Instead the molly finds herself stumbling to figure out what to do, after all, something like this should be celebrated and she'd do anything to celebrate Moonpaw. She spots the group deciding to trout over to join them with a faint smile on her maw but falters when she hears Feathergaze's staggering in words and it's enough to make her eyes narrow sharply at the warrior, her feathery tail lashing behind her only to say with a curt nod "Right..." Then focuses on what Carp-paw says only to playfully scowl with a shake of her head and bumps into the other with her bicolored body "Of course, you'd think it's boring. You're probably scatterbrained, Fish." Her tone lighthearted and not to be taken seriously.

Her mismatched gaze turning to Moonpaw with half of a bright grin present and her feathery tail lifts up "Congratulations Moon, you'll do wonderfully. I just hope you don't stink too much of herbs," She jests with a toothy smile and sits down curling her tail around her snowy toed paws, Beepaw still remembers when she had gone into Ravensong's den and had basically got called stinky it's enough to make her nose wrinkle with amusement soon adding "Maybe you'll see more flowers on your first outing with Ravensong. Uhm... Really cool ones you've never seen before." Her smile beginning to falter more by the second realizing that Moonpaw wouldn't be her denmate anymore and would likely live in the medicine den with Ravensong, a brief sadness washing over her.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 5 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sexuality unknown/too young
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ currently being mentored by smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ peaceful powerplay allowed

Bubblepaw is not the sharpest tool in the shed. The thought of such a thing as a medicine cat apprentice existing had never even crossed her fickle mind. Though when she does think about it, it does make sense that someone has to teach a medicine cat how to be a medicine cat, and now she has a million questions. What sort of rules do they follow? Do they still train like warriors? Do they study for longer than the rest of them? How can they tell the difference between important flowers and decorative flowers?

The silver molly, ever the conversationalist, moves to join her fellow apprentices in conversation though she's finished her own fishy meal by now. It isn't atypical to see groups of RiverClan apprentices hanging out and gossiping or talking around camp, and Bubblepaw is seen amongst them more often than not. She joins them after Carppaw calls Moonpaw's new job boring, which she respectfully disagrees with given the novelty of the whole thing. She nods assuredly after Beepaw speaks: "Congratulations, Moonpaw!" she chitters excitedly.

"You'll do awesome training under Ravensong," Bubblepaw encourages with a bright smile. Ravensong is a fine cat- he's helpful, but he isn't very talkative- but with Moonpaw moving in to train with him that means she can pester the medicine cat apprentice with all her questions now. Then, she realizes Beepaw has planted the seed of another idea in her head: "I wanna know about all the different flowers and what they can do and where they grow and stuff!" Though Bubblepaw typically goes foraging for decorations with Starlightpaw, it might be nice to be able to pick some flowers if she can tell the difference between them all.

"We'll decorate your nest with all the pretty ones you can't use!"
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