pafp WHAT'S THAT SONG ABOUT | learning about clans

Slateheart had been eager to welcome in the barn cats that sought to join their ranks. They could hunt, and they were willing to learn - that mattered more than their origins ever would. The way he saw it, since the departure of Sootstar's followers, followed by the influx of kittens, WindClan needed helping paws more than ever. If only some of his more reluctant Clanmates saw it the same way.

Kat - now named Snowglare - was assigned to shadow Slateheart for the next moon or so, something he welcomed with open arms. Though it may not be quite the same as mentoring a young apprentice, something Slateheart has yet to be assigned, it would still make for good experience and prep him for the moment Sunstar entrusts him with formal training. Though the warrior's anxiety spikes with 'what ifs' and worries about his training capability, there is some comfort knowing that Snowglare already has some experience under his belt with hunting and surviving - he is no naive and troublesome kit.

The black-and-white pair now sat together towards the edge of camp, looking down at a patch of sand that sat between them. One-on-one time with Slateheart was still a sight to see, or so he thought - less than a season ago, he would have rejected such company, leaving Snowglare to fend for his own. Now, the young tom chattered away as his green gaze trained on his white-tipped paw moving about the sand.

"This is us. I'm sure you've seen a bit of our territory from afar." As Slateheart speaks, he drags a claw delicately along the sand in the rough shape of an opal, a representation of WindClan's camp. "You've seen Sunstar, and if you haven't met Wolfsong and Cottonpaw yet, I'm sure you will." He glances up at Snowglare for a moment, before turning his attention back to the sand.

A few paw-lengths away from WindClan's oval, Slateheart creates a large, lop-sided 'X' shape, leaving WindClan's camp in the north-west corner. "You may know by now that there are four other Clans. RiverClan.." he creates another oval-like shape in the south-west corner, adorned with squiggles and zig-zags "..ShadowClan.." another circle is drawn in the north-east quadrant and darkened by a gentle swipe of his paw pads "..ThunderClan, and SkyClan." In the south-east quadrant, he creates two circles, each a respectable length away from each other. In their quadrant, he draws several short nicks in the sand.

To any bystander, this drawing of the sand may appear to be a muddled mess of shapes and lines - a strategic map, if anything. But to Slateheart, it's a work of art, a perfect depiction of the territories as his mind's eye saw it. In the center of the large 'X', Slateheart drags his claw into one last circle - this time, decorated with four clean nicks, side-by-side. "In the center of us all is Fourtrees. This is where every Clan gathers each full moon under an oath of peace, where they share with each other - and StarClan - the recent news of their Clan." Finally, Slateheart looks up to Snowglare, and his green eyes seem to sparkle with anticipation. "Maybe Sunstar will allow you to come to the next one."

Now, he sits back up, admiring his so-called 'work of art'. "Though we may not always be friendly with each other, it's important to know the other Clans, especially our neighbors. That being said.. who would you like to learn about first?"
  • speech is #bbbb88
    please wait for @SNOWGLARE !​
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  • slate-page-doll-low-res.png
    slate slatepaw slatetooth SLATEHEART
    ━━ 22 MOONS,, ages every 6th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none

જ➶ Becoming a Windclanner seems to have trials and tests that are necessary. He understands that but he never thought he would have to shadow someone slightly younger than himself. It doesn't bother him though given he is new and the warrior before him is much more experienced in the way of the clan. Thus he is enthused to learn what he can so that he can fulfill this new life calling. Afterall, this is what he wanted a new life. A chance to experience something different than the barn life he had been raised in. So finding himself at the edge of camp he focuses on his teacher, eyes focused upon the sands that are being written into. Easily he nods his head at the mention of Wolfsong. Though he has not met the other personally he knows him to be medicine cat. Though the role itself is vague for him. Cottenpaw? Perhaps he needs to introduce himself. His tail curls against his body as his first question is being answered. The ins and outs of this territory but also that there are four other clans. It seems almost ludicrous and his widened gaze says as much. "Four more clans? It's a wonder that this place can hold all of you..." His deep voice is teasing, a soft rumbling purr leaving him.

Yet he is attentive and making sure that he remembers each markind nick in the sand. This is a lesson and he needs to make sure he remembers this. His gaze shifts over the positions of Skyclan, Thunderclan ans then shift to River and Shadow. Hmm. He can sort of guess by their names on what he will find. But talk of Fourtrees catches his attention and he pulls his pale ears forward. "That sounds rather exciting. Hopefully I'll be able to go next time. Since it's...a peaceful event has there ever been a time when it isn't? No one breaks such a thing willy nilly, right?" Honestly Snow can imagine when anger rises someone might he a little finnicky. Regardless he settles back as well and glances over the paw made map. Thinking about who to ask about first.

"Well, I think learning of Riverclan and Thunderclan would be a good start. Then Shadowclan and Skyclan."
RiverClan is treacherous.” Bluefrost comes to sit near Slateheart and Snowglare, though she keeps a respectful, icy distance of a few foxlengths. Her face is calm, her emerald gaze narrowed as she speaks. “They are prey thieves and hold apprentices hostage. They threaten us at Gatherings and make it known WindClan is not their friend.” She shifts her eyes toward Slateheart, as if challenging him to oppose her words. Her father had fought against RiverClan multiple times, and each victory had been earned through spilled blood.

As for ThunderClan… Bluefrost swipes her tongue thoughtfully about her lips, her tail tip flicking to and fro. “ThunderClan lives in the forest. They are no threat to WindClan. Their leader is old and their mannerisms mild.” She lifts a paw toward her ivory muzzle and begins to clean the pads nonchalantly.

  • ooc:
  • 69334192_7vVwuq2U19bWMTh.png
  • Bluekit . Bluepaw . Bluefrost, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 14 moons old, ages realistically on the 14th.
    — mentored by Sootstar ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — windclan warrior. sootstar x weaselclaw, gen 2.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh blue and white she-cat with emerald eyes. aloof, dignified, poised, haughty, composed, distant.

"It is because of this territory being what it is that these clans exist." He had not been there, the night of WindClan's founding, but the stories were passed down to him. And from him, they would continue to flow. He approaches the group on quiet paws, studying Slateheart's map with the faintest of smiles. It is not the preferred way to explore the territories, he knows, but there is no harm in being told before they were to walk. He settles down in companionable silence, not taking over as Snowglare's teacher with intent. He had given reign of his training to Slateheart; it is best to let him take the lead. All that he offers is a tale: "Before we became the clans that we are, the cats who called this place home were nothing but disorganized colonies, fighting for territory, for prey. It led to a great battle beneath the stars. Many were killed. Many more were injured. StarClan descended from the deceased and told those who remained what must be done."

His chest aches with the memory of who had walked this path before him. Sootstar, who had once been good, and bold, and chosen by the stars. Never kind without reason, but strong. A warrior who had built this clan from its bones. He does not allow himself to mourn, though blue eyes briefly close. "The founders of these clans spread out to claim their own homes. This way, we have what we need. We know who we are, and where we belong. All of the clans are different, but we share a goal of survival. It is worthy of respect, in its way." Even if they could not afford trust.

  • OOC.
  • sun_icon_new2.png
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.


Firefang is very opinionated when it comes to the outsiders, she holds grudge against the barn cats in particular doubting their continued survival on the moors - most of them joined in new leaf when prey was plentiful and the weather fair. Time would tell if they'd last or not or return to the smelly mice infested home they hailed from, she doesn't have much hope for them but she also wouldn't be mad at them for trying to become warriors better that then them lounging around eating the prey she caught. If they learned to carry their weight and more eventually her hatred would subside, it's only ever a simmer now once they were let in there was nothing she could do but try and force them into the right direction; that being leaving or staying and becoming proper warriors of Windclan. She wouldn't baby them though, nor did she have the patience to explain things in such detail as Slateheart was doing. It's honestly impressive how out of the way they're going and how much detail they put into the simple map of the territories - they'd make a good mentor. A nagging part of her brain reminds her it's likely wasted on the barn cat sat opposite of them, but she's sure Sunstar has noticed the worthiness of the other Moorrunner when he comes up to lend his own explanation of things.

Bluepool had as well explaining Riverclan which was entirely accurate to her - and Starclan may even be too nice. Those fish-kissing bastards were the bane of the forest and should eat dung and jump off the gorge where they'd be much more appreciated. Her explanation of Thunderclan isn't inaccurate either and she lets out a chortle as she approaches to sit besides the younger she-cat. She listens to Sunstar's history lesson with mild interest, she knew about it had lived it however little she'd been, she still recalls her mother ushering them onto the moors speaking of the great future they had in store and how Sootstar had given them a home and a noble purpose. Her expression falters for a second but she's quick to force a smirk over it as she lends her own explanation of things. Offering her own intel on the two clans still left to insult.

"That goal is all we share in common, Windclan's better then them all in every aspect" she remarks before continuing on "Shadowclan dwells in the marsh, they like the feelin' of mud squelching in their paws and the taste of warty ole' toads on their tongues. They're rotten to the core, swear not one good thing comes from those marshes, don't trust any cat from there with as little as a mouse tail or they'll try to choke you with it." bitterness clouds her voice, Granitepelt had come from there he'd brought strife to the moors and continued to bother them like a mosquito that didn't know when to stop sucking blood before it got smacked and squashed to the ground.

She takes a breath "And Skyclan isn't much better, they're a bunch of kittypet lovers who get their faces mixed up with their rears. We used to fight with them moons ago, honestly don't know what they're doing now and I don't care" she shrugs, they thankfully didn't share a border so she only ever saw them when she went to gatherings. Harrierstripe had done them all a favor by taking down their kittypet king moons ago, she doesn't think their new leader is much better but their spats now seemed less common.