private what's the use of wondering // marigoldkit

Tybalt paused, lingering a few lengths from the nursery. He knew that if he stayed too long that Howlingstar would scold him, and he'd possibly wind up upsetting Wrenflutter too. Since they'd brought Marigoldkit back to camp, Tybalt had been anxious to know how the little tom was doing. Probably a little too anxious. He'd been trying to keep his distance, but the memory of the abandoned kit whimpering for his missing mother was still fresh in his mind. With a sigh and a swish of his tail, the wavy-furred warrior turned his attention back to his work.

Or rather, he'd been about to when he caught sight of two large blue eyes watching him from the den entrance. A soft purr rumbling from his throat, Tybalt offered the tiny tom a reassuring smile as he padded over.

"Hello Marigoldkit," he greeted gently. "How are you this morning?"

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Marigoldkit was a very restless kitten, that much was evident. Although he was still learning to walk, his energy seemed to never dissipate. He wanted to be on the move, and when he notices Tybalt is near the den, he immediately perks up. He found himself instantly attached to the tom, as he has never had a male figure in the minute amount of time he’s been alive. The care he showed for Marigoldkit made him really happy, and him visiting was always a highlight in his day.

He bunts his tiny head on the warrior’s foot, looking up to match his gaze and giving him a smile in return. “Hello!” He parrots back, purring in return. “I’m good! You’re here!”
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Purring loudly as the kit bumped his head against his leg, Tybalt reached out a paw to ruffle the fur between Marigoldkit’s ears. “Miss me?” he teased. Tybalt couldn’t remember the last time anybody had been that excited to see him. “Did I miss anything interesting?” He settled down beside Marigoldkit, sweeping his tail over the small tom.
"Yes!" Marigoldkit answers earnestly. It feels like an eternity since he was last visited! Although in truth, it probably wasn't that long. His sense of time was a bit skewed, after all. Either way, he was happy to see the older cat, a big grin on his little face.

As he takes in the softness of Tybalt's tail next to him, he tries to think if anything interesting has happened since he saw him last, but nothing comes to mind. He shakes his head. "Only you."
Marigoldkit thought for a moment, and then declared that he had not, in fact, missed anything interesting. Tybalt couldn't say he was surprised. He imagined the ThunderClan nursery must get stale after a while as a kit stuck in camp. It wasn't something he himself had ever experienced, with much of his own childhood spent wandering the city streets. Granted, one of his parents had always been nearby, but they'd taught him to look after himself early on. It had been more of a need then. It had been a response to the real possibility that he could easily be orphaned early. At least Marigoldkit had plenty of cats to look out for him.

The silence was broken as Tybalt's stomach rumbled, and the warrior rose to his paws. He cast a glance toward the fresh-kill pile and then looked down at the pale-coated kitten. "Has Wrenflutter let you try anything from the fresh-kill pile yet?" he asked.
He watches curiously as Tybalt's stomach grumbles. Unlike before, he doesn't feel as hungry as often, getting more than enough milk from the queen that took him in. It wasn't that hard for him to see Wrenflutter as his mom now, and he feels more at home in the nursery than he felt in the wild. Though, he's not tried fresh-kill yet. He shakes his head again, staring at the pile as the other just did. "Too big..." some of the prey was almost as large as him! Maybe if it was a nibble, though...
Tybalt watched the kit turn his attention to the fresh kill pile, lamenting that it was all too big for him. Tybalt rose to his paws and padded over to the pile, plucking a mouse off the top. It was still warm. It must have been recently caught. Moving to sit beside Marigoldkit again, the wavy-furred tom dropped the mouse at the kit's paws.

"Here," he said. "Why don't you try it? If you like it, we can share it, and if you don't, I'll finish it myself so it doesn't go to waste. How does that sound?"
"Okay," he agrees to the compromise heartily. It's not that he didn't want to try, and at least a mouse is small. He takes a small nibble from the mouse's back, and his face instantly lights up at the flavor. "Tastes good!" Eating something other than milk makes him giggle in glee, as he looks at Tybalt with his wide eyes waiting for him to take a bite so he could have the next one, wanting to savor the taste.