private WHAT'S UP DOC? // Shallow


Promise me it's gonna be alright
Sep 20, 2022


The need for fresh meat was growing increasingly more desperate. The food that had filled the twoleg bins had been pleasant enough, but it didn't sate the primal needs that a piece of true prey provided. Naturally his mind was on that of Siltcloud as he continued to hold a growing worry for the she-cat. Unfortunately because of his worry he didn't feel confident enough to stray too far from the alleyway where they resided, so heading out into the forest was out of the question. He needed to make do with what the streets and gardens could provide.

On that day fortune would shine upon him as he caught a distinctive scent in the air: rabbit! It seemed as though a child's Christmas gift had escaped its hutch and had been wandering between the gardens, though it wouldn't be wandering for much longer if Sharpeye could find it. The tom kept his nose to the ground as he slunk through a hole in the fencing which brought him into a large garden filled with various plants. The scent of the rabbit was strong now, but spotting it was proving difficult. And to make matters worse there was another scent too, that of another cat. Frustration gnawed at the former SkyClanner as his single good eye searched for the other. "I can smell you. Guessin' you're also after the rabbit, right?" Perhaps he could cut a deal, they bring it down and split the catch. At least then neither would go empty pawed, and more importantly he would be spared from fighting.


Shallow had broken himself free from his rougemates at least for the time being so he could get some time to himself when searching for food. His stomach was yowling with hunger. He hadn't been eating for days so when that rare scent of rabbit filled his nose it was like music to his stomach. Shallow pushed himself forward determined to track the rabbit down and end its life. Today he couldn't afford to fail. As he come closer another unwelcomed scent reached his nostrils that made his whiskers twitch it bemusement. Another cat was on the rabbits trail too...

Shallow had tried to hide himself away to remain in the shadows to avoid the older stray while focusing to reach the rabbit before them and kill it before they could. That had been his plan anyway. Looks like he had failed with that his own smell having exposed him. Shallow realized there was no need hiding any longer so he stept out from the shadows with his sole eye narrowed at the stray. " I won't give it up to you. " he warned, claws sliding out to get his point across. Shallow honestly did not wish to fight either but he would if he had no other choice because he needed this rabbit so desperately.


He had feared the coming of such an answer. Sharpeye felt his heart sink as the familiar dread of conflict sat in his mind, but he decided to give peace another try. He just hoped that the younger tom would listen. "I'm not needing the whole rabbit, I just need a little bit. I have a she-cat in my care who needs food, fresh prey to be exact." The decision to split the potential catch was all he had left when it came to appeasing rivals to a meal, apart from actual violence. Though that was something he longed to avoid.

"Though lets be honest, neither of us will get anything if we fail to catch the rabbit. We stand a better chance working together, so what do you say?" It wasn't like they were WindClanners, and after a glance he could tell they both held their own drawbacks. Slowly his focus was drawn towards where he could scent the rabbit and he knew that they had to act fast. "If you're with me then I suggest we fan out, I take left, you take right." Already he moved to prowl forward in the formation set towards the thick bushes. All he could do now was place faith in the stranger to not attack.