Jun 7, 2022
The dust of their life settles, and nothing will be as it was– there have been many of those moments as of late, or maybe it would be better to say that there had never been an end to it. One after another, a tumble into darkness. They seem to have found their footing, but he’s stood steady enough to know that’s a lie. A temporary hold in this perpetual fall; a moment where the force of falling felt almost perfectly like flying. Soon enough he will be aching and numbed from the impact, the bones of his foundation shattered beyond repair. For now, though, there is only the comfort of gravity and the mellowness of their defeat. It is dulled, muted– deeply, uncomfortably silent.

It has left Houndstride too much time for introspection. His paws dust quietly across the ground of their camp, a back and forth sweep. He's waking from a dream, or perhaps he's only falling back into comfortable sleep. It feels like waking up, either way. He's spent too long in repetitive motion. It's as if he'd done all his recovering in a haze. His wounds have scabbed, and though his energy's drained to the dirt, life saps back into shattered foundations. It was impermanent, would always be so, but should they not find comfort in the temporary? No matter what would come tomorrow, it was today that counted. Even if nothing else mattered, this would.

He's trying to convince himself to courage. Successfully, too– if barely.

It's no easy feat to sneak up on Snakeblink. Maybe it's something to do with the death glare he sent all those that might have warned the other tom of his approach, or how perplexed many of them must be at the sight of what he held. The feather is hardly a stunning thing. A slate grey, fading white. Though long, with a sharper taper, it's nothing grand. He tucks it decisively into the other warrior's fur along his spine at mid back, in easy reach should Snakeblink think to move it. Truly, he's unsure it'd stay long in his short fur 'less he wanted it there. That's not what mattered. "They eat snakes, herons. Not their first source of a hunt, but they're not all too picky. You should see their beaks, the way they pull 'em from the water." Now that the words are coming from him, Hound's not sure what they mean. No idea what he's trying to say, other than I saw this and I thought of you, and don't fall for the shelter of a heron's wings. "Snakekillers." Be careful, thank you for risking it.

  • ooc: please wait for @Snakeblink !!
  • ──── houndstride. trans male, he - him - his pronouns.
    ──── over three years old. born late december of 2020.
    ──── bisexual but with a heavy masc preference; single.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.
  • "speech"

Snakeblink makes for a poor fighter, skill-wise, but he has the battle sense down to an art — if he has honed it to an edge in a thousand different situations, none of them calling for such finely-tuned tactical anxiety. The only issue with it is that, with his background level paranoia multiplied tenfold by actual battle, it takes forever to settle back down, leaving him on edge and easily startled for days after. Were he privy to the nature of blood pressure, he’d bemoan the fact that his goes through the roof at the slightest provocation. Others may not see much of a difference, but he does.

Unfortunately one cannot help being mortal, with the limits that come with the condition: there is such a thing as too keyed up. Recent tragedies have left him unable to sleep, which he has made little efforts to remedy; constant activity to keep his mind off darker thoughts has been his preferred method, which in turn has only made him more tired and less able to sleep.

He, simply, has not allowed his brain to calm down from the adrenalin high. It shows: his paws shake when he tries to weave reeds, his eyes feel gritty as riverbed sand, and his reflexes — his so-called battle sense — have dulled as his poor overworked bones struggle to keep up with the frantic demands of his mind.

So when he feels a larger presence looming behind his back, warm breath brushing against his spine, he doesn’t — cannot — bolt. His brain is halfway through camp screaming bloody murder when it trips over his fight-or-flight response and faceplants gracefully onto the third, worst option that is freeze. Never too good at catching up with the rest of him, all that his poor muscular system manages to do with this mess of contradictory instincts is a kind of full-body shiver, tensing up for an attack which…

Never comes.

He blinks sluggishly as he feels the faint pricking sensation of something being threaded into his short fur. He twists himself into a knot trying to see what it is, nearly braining himself and Houndstride in one fell swoop as he turns around too quickly and comes a whisker-width away from slamming his head straight into the other’s nose. Wait, Houndstride? He goes still as that information computes and watches, dumbfounded, at the elegant heron feather sticking up from his back. The feather the chocolate tom had just tucked into his fur. For some reason.

Who goes around accessorizing people behind their back? (He would. He has.) Snakeblink shakes his head to clear off the sleepy confusion sticking to him like spiderwebs. Maybe Houndstride just dropped his feather and it happened to land there. That would explain it.

The movement dislodges the feather precariously balanced on his short pelt and it flutters to the ground in a graceful spin. Despite his belief that this is a silly misunderstanding on his part, Snakeblink cannot curb his impulse to snatch it out of the air, cradling it in his paw and bringing it close to his chest protectively. It’s only so it doesn’t get stained, he rationalizes. It would be a shame to dirty such a pretty feather.

(He isn’t one to accessorize: his fur, as demonstrated, is too short to comfortably accommodate decorations, and he isn’t prone to vanity besides. It’s always seemed like something others do, something nice to look at but which doesn’t concern him. He prefers to decorate his den when he can, with soft things and pretty baubles, although like many of his clanmates he lost that little indulgence in the flood. Still, it’s… nice to look nice. Besides, Houndstride either dropped it or put it there; either way Snakeblink doesn’t see why he should give it back. Finder’s keeper.)

Oh. Houndstride is talking. He expects that will clear up the situation: the tom will ask for the feather back — his paw curl a little closer at the thought — or explain why he put it there to begin with.

But no, Houndstride instead muses about herons; there’s a note to his voice that Snakeblink can’t identify, almost admirative as the larger warrior holds the spectacle of a fishing bird in his mind’s eye. Snakekillers, he calls them, and Snakeblink can only stare at him in befuddlement.

And he thought he was overworked. He fears Houndstride is much worse off than him, if this little speech is any indication: the tom is making no sense. Unless this is a sign of something more sinister. Hadn’t his mother spoken, once, of a cat who had started spouting nonsense before falling dead on the spot? His throat closes with a burst of panic, wondering if this is the case here.

He turns fully towards the tom, trying to remember the portent of such a condition that his mother had mentioned. He’s not slurring his words, which is what she remembered best, so perhaps he’s fine? Speaking in non-sequiturs isn’t a sign of illness, after all, otherwise Snakeblink himself would have needed to be confined to the medicine den long ago. This might just be trauma taking its toll; a brief mental break.

"What are you saying, Houndstride?" He asks, narrowing his eyes and wishing he had paid more attention to his mother’s grim stories of sudden death.

(Part of him wonders if this is Houndstride’s way of threatening him. After all this is what Snakeblink would mean, were he the one to say these words; that or a warning. What murder-worthy offense might he have committed near the warrior, he wonders? But although his heart skips a beat at the thought, even his sleep-deprived mind can’t consider it entirely realistic. He remembers the tom’s wry humor when bantering with Darterwing, the acerbic tone of his somewhat strained discussions with Smokethroat. Houndstride would be more frank if he were actually threatening him, right? Right?)

He’s always struggled to read Houndstride, is the thing. Brief insanity or open threat: both are equally likely when it comes to this cat. The chocolate warrior keeps his feelings too close to his chest, or not at all: honestly, he’s not sure. Again: he can never tell. There’s just something about the way he speaks and acts that try as he might, Snakeblink cannot wrap his head around. And stars know he’s tried. All too many hours have been wasted staring at him, trying to distinguish irritation from wry amusement, melancholy from deep thought.

Tilting his head, he turns the words in his mind, trying to find some hidden meaning to them. "Some herons have been known to choke on their prey. I wouldn’t call it a victory on the snake’s part… but neither can the heron be said to have won, can it?" He muses in a low voice, trying to gain insight on the other’s thought process. He smirks, hit by sudden curiosity. "Tell me, Houndstride… would you sacrifice your life to win? Or are you like the snake, uncaring of your survival as long as you take your enemy with you in death?"

Roaming past Houndstride, his eyes accidentally meet those of an idle bystander— a cat named Heronflight, he realizes with a start. Could it be…? A heron, a snake killer… A threat or a warning… Oh, of course. The list of cats who would gladly see Snakeblink dead is long and long-standing, but if one was actively planning for his demise… Yes, Houndstride would speak up over this, he thinks. Like jumping into freezing water for a nine-lived cat, like throwing himself between a fox’s teeth for apprentices: the tom cannot stand aside while others are in peril. He glances away from Heronflight, hunching his shoulders and inclining his head in a slight bow towards Houndstride, and whispers with great sincerity:

"Thank you for this. Are there any other birds I should be on the look-out for?"

Conspiracy loves company, after all.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • tldr: snake, exhausted and paranoid: hound either wants to kill me, is actively dying, or is warning me of a conspiracy against me personally. i'll try to prepare for all three eventualities.
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


Dogteeth is stirred by the shadow of Houndstride moving across camp. Jolting an unsuspecting Snakeblink with a strange feather pin to the short fur of the spine. A chin lifts off his tail he had been using as a pillow to watch the several shades of a startled Snakeblink. It’s almost comical, it churns a small chuckle from the warrior.

Snake killer, Dogteeth himself is a bit puzzled by this display. Must mean something important for them- this suspicion is snuffed out by Snakeblink’s bewildered reaction. It’s hard to tell from afar and Dogteeth is really starting to feel like he’s putting his nose where it doesn’t belong but when the conversation drops to a whisker he leans forward if but a smidge to hear. Nothing. Frustration burns with light jealousy.

" If it doesn’t stick in your fur-… I can find some sticky weed- it… should make it stick. If you don’t mind the itch " he suggests if but to maybe get in on the loop. Whatever the hell was going on. He looks between the two with a shy smile, if but a little tense.

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    2023 VOICE & ACCENT
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • ix6h0aj.jpg

  • Love
Reactions: Kangoo

What are they doing ...?

Ashpaw approaches on hesitant paws, head tilted, green eyes glittering with confusion, curiosity. Houndstride and Snakeblink are both cool and also nice. So she'd initially bounded over to join their conversation, to ask Houndstride about the feather and probably giggle at the weird things Snakeblink says, but no, they're both being weird.

She listens from a few tail-lengths away, pawsteps slowed, brow furrowing only further as they keep talking. Snake killers, says Hound; Would you sacrifice your life to win? asks Snakeblink. It's definitely not a normal conversation. Wait, are they —

Are they flirting?

There's really no way to tell, Ashpaw muses. She doesn't know Houndstride and while she does know Snakeblink, that doesn't mean she understands his eccentricities. What's an awkward teenaged wingman to do?

She doesn't know Dogteeth well either but she closes the distance with a purr, a smile in his direction. "Oh, good idea... Snakeblink that's perfect for your pelt! What a ... thoughtful gift."

She attempts (and fails at) subtlety, giving the sleek tabby warrior a cheeky, congratulatory grin.

Matching their conspiratorial whisper, she adds the afterthought advice, "You should watch out for most birds, really. They're evil. I heard someone got their whole face clawed off by one once." Truthful in that she'd truly heard tell, not that it was based in fact.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • ooc text goes here

  • - 9 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - got real fucked up as a kid so if she seems like she was fucked up as a kid, that's why
    - "speech"
    - she is on a JOURNEY