sensitive topics WHEN ALL IS SAID & DONE // DEATH

[ cw for potential disillusion & panic, death & canon-based gore. tldr, skyclaw took @Moonwhisper out for a walk and they were ambushed by rogues :( he's brought her body back to camp. goodnight my sweet princess... ]

"... She's impossible," Skyclaw laments to his sister, sidestepping a tree branch as they casually trot through the woodlands. Moonwhisper's grown sick of the nursery - the day-in and day-out of monotonous queen duties have long since both bored and frustrated her. Like most of their ThunderClan family, she was made to move, not sit and wait and watch. Their walks through the forest are far and few between, admittedly, but Skyclaw appreciates the time he has with her nonetheless.

"She always has been," Moonwhisper says, coolly. Her tone is light, but not taken lightly. Skyclaw looks over his shoulder at her as her paws suddenly stop, her keen nose lifted to the air. The tom lifts his muzzle, too, scenting what litters the breeze. He notices something off, but his sister is quicker to acknowledge it. "Skyclaw, run!" Protective is she, the elder sister to her little brother. Cats with no discernable Clan-scent break through the undergrowth and surprise them both, one tackling the queen and sending her sprawling and the other nipping at Skyclaw's scarred nose.

"Moon -" Skyclaw barks, the remainder of her name lost to the air. His claws shred through wiry fur, through taut skin and flesh. The blood that mucks his claws is too sticky and warm but still doesn't yield him to the possibility of fleeing. Amber eyes are lit ablaze as he looks for the pale blues of his sister's, watching as she struggles against a particularly burly rogue. Her claws, too, swipe and score, each finding their mark and doing their worst - but moons of forced complacency in the rank she silently detests has dulled her skills.

Skyclaw gawks, stunned, as the rogue effortlessly latches their unruly fangs into Moonwhisper's throat and rips. There's no scream to be had from either of the siblings - not one that the tom remembers, anyways. The second her blood sprays the forest floor is the second he is no longer cognizant. The world blackens as if he's fainted, yet when he blinks away the darkness, he finds himself standing alone. Pitifully so, even as blood spills from his own mouth and coats his forelegs.

Had they run? He doesn't know. A trail of rich copper ichor splashes the scenery, finding a heavily trodden path away from them. He's standing, hunched over his sister's body (her corpse) and all Skyclaw can make of it is that he's protected her too late. He can't even speak to her now, her eyes dulled and her soul lost to the stars. Skyclaw grits his teeth as he comes to terms with the situation, the bile he would normally vomit settling instead in his gut.

He thinks of how he sat by his mentor's dead body for hours before he was found. How he waited for Blazestar's eyes to reignite with fear and shock. How in both situations, he was only a machination of a larger circumstance - a bystander to the adder, a child to star-crossed lovers. And today, the brother who could not save his sister. An uncle who sentenced his niblings to a life without a mother. That makes him sick. The mere idea of remaining here, waiting until her body grows cold, makes him sick.

Skyclaw solemnly swipes the tears that've crested along his eyes, his jaw fixed as he burrows his nose into Moonwhisper's fur for a moment. An apology said to her, not the stars that likely hold her, and he pushes her weight onto his shoulders. The trek home is not long nor arduous but he dreads every moment. He knows he is noticed long before he breaches the camp's entrance, and to the first cat who sees him, he utters a, "Keep the kittens in the nursery." A demand, but surely one they will understand.

Her body rests close to the center of camp shortly afterwards, and Skyclaw lets his gaze linger on where her children may stand. Will they disobey the queens that hold to them and look anyways? He fears the outcome but says nothing - it is not his job to. "Rogues," he says, finally. "Rogues attacked us. Stole her without giving her the proper chance to fight back," Skyclaw says, and his tone is too dejected, too monotonous. He is far gone, his mind whirling but never settling. ​

When Meadowkit awoke that morning it was not a tortoiseshell point face and bright blue eyes gazing back at her. Her snowy paws reach out into an empty space where her mother should be and only for a second does she feel panic before another queen notices the red striped bundle of fur moving and quickly supplies an explanation for her mother's absence. "Moonwhisper went out for a walk, she'll be home soon" a frown crosses Meadowkit's features, but she only says a quiet and sleepy "Okay, thanks." in response before settling once more against her sisters, drawing comfort in the steady rhythm of the rise and fall of their sides, in the light snores and the breath hot against one of her ears.

When she wakes again, Moonwhisper is still not back but Meadowkit didn't worry about it too much. The other queen had told her that Skyclaw was with her when she had asked once again. Her mom and her uncle were both super strong warriors, so Meadowkit wasn't worried! Besides, Moonwhisper was probably just enjoying being in the forest again. She would not begrudge her mother for stretching her legs, the camp was only so big after all.

She is batting a moss ball around in the sun-filled clearing when it happens. Her uncles patched pelt comes into view in her peripherals and she looks up from her game with a large smile on her face, paws ready to run forward and greet him and her mother, to ask them a bajillion questions about their walk, to tell Moonwhisper how much she had missed her, to show her the flowers she had woven into her red pelt that morning.

But something is wrong. Her mother lays draped across her uncles back, eyes closed and so still. So impossibly still. The smile falters from her features and despite Skyclaw's call to keep the kits inside the nursery, she finds herself drawing closer. "Moonwhisper?" her green eyes flicker towards her uncle, searching for answers in his face but only finding guilt and pain "What's wrong with her? Is she-is she sleeping? Why won't she wake up?" she asks with a whimper. There is a small part of her that knows, that recognizes what this is, but- no. Her mother was the strongest cat she knew so it couldn't be, it just couldn't.

  • oZHYGDl.jpeg

  • 79402766_SDCTSiSnicLgq5m.png
    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training
The only time Dovekit had before seen a queen leave the nursery to go properly out into the territory as Moonwhisper did now was when they were no longer a queen, moving out of the den when kits moved to another so that they could go back to whatever work it was that warriors properly did. Flamewhisker had been the prime example of this, moving from one den to another and quickly becoming ThunderClan's deputy again, going to the most recent gathering and making sure cats always had something to do like a good warrior should. It was because of this that they found it odd that Moonwhisper went out into the territory with SkyClaw, but Dovekit never voiced it, for maybe it was just something queens did while their kits were asleep, maybe Roeflame went out with Burnstorm when Dovekit and their siblings were asleep. It was especially odd to them though that Moonwhisper had been gone for a long time, and the lynx point looked towards their cousins as they slept and woke up through the day, young mind trying to figure out a time when their own mother had left like this only to come up empty - she must have liked short trips while Moonwhisper liked the longer ones.

The thoughts are long gone by the time SkyClaw comes back to camp, asks that the kits are kept in the nursery, but when the cat comes to make sure the kits stay it's found out that they're already out in the camp. It was prime time for playing - the kits were awake after all - so when the warrior comes into the clearing, body draped over his shoulder before placing it down in the clearing it felt as though time stood still. One second everything was good, recent troubles with apprentices and warriors alike were long forgotten as play was the only thing that occupied their minds, the next second the world began to crumble once more and Dovekit was left there slack-jawed and staring at the body of a cat they'd known their whole life, shared a den with. It felt worse because of this, they'd felt bad about other deaths that had happened too but this one was bad, this one left nursery-mates without a mother to care for them until they became apprentices like Dovekit had, like Coalkit and Hopekit had gotten after their mother had died but at least they hadn't gotten the chance to know her, hadn't gotten the chance to care for and love a cat only for it to be ripped away.

Dovekit moved towards Meadowkit in that moment, eyes looking to her before they attempted to press against her side in the best comforting way they knew possible before looking over to SkyClaw once more. Rogues. It was rogues he had said, and the long-furred kit pinned their ears against their head at that. Why would any cat do this to another, they didn't understand.

  • --
    -- afab ;; they/them ;; thunderclan kitten
    -- sibling to littlekit && beetlekit
    -- lh chocolate silver lynx point
    -- stubborn && questions everything
    -- speaks in bolded #96b6a6


༄.𖥔 ݁ ˖ — Burningpatch had returned from an earlier patrol so he had been present within camp and hid in a patch of shade provided by the trees that loomed overhead. His pink tongue swiping across a large snowy paw before he pauses at the sudden copper scent that wafts into camp, his helm lifting only to tilt in the direction of the approaching pawsteps. He sits up from where he had been laying at first as his molten gaze fixes itself onto the limp form that had been draped over Skyclaw's body, a frown etched onto his maw as the warrior calls for someone to keep the kittens in the nursery. Unfortunately, most of the kits were playing at the moment in camp's clearing and two kittens in particular had already caught sight of Moonwhisper's stilled form. His bottlebrush tail sweeps behind him as he rises to his paws, it only took a few strides for him to close the distance between himself and the fallen form of his clanmate.

Meadowkit begins to ask what's wrong with her mother and why she wouldn't wake up, the older warrior's ear flicks to the side only for his jaws to loosen and he speaks in a blunt tone "She's dead." Burningpatch saw no point in hiding the truth especially given their lifestyle and how cruel the world around them could truly be, how the greedy talons of death could take even the strongest, most formidable of warriors. "Moonwhisper's with Starclan now." Thunderclan had lost anotjer one of their warriors yet his mind drifts momentarily as he reminds himself that Howlingstar had lost someone else in her family. How much more would they suffer? Or are they damned for moons to come? It makes a dry laugh want to slip from his maw but he swallows it down with ease.

His amber eyes focusing onto Skyclaw for a few heartbeats before he turns away and glances over to a few clanmates and speaks once more "Come with me, we need to make sure that the rogues are completely gone." It would be best to take initiative while Skyclaw and the rest of his family mourns for their loss but they couldn't risk anyone else getting ambushed. First, it had been Flycatcher and then Moonwhisper... Who would be next to fall victim to rogues? Without another word, Burningpatch flicks his bottlebrush tail and slips out from camp not bothering to cast the tom or Moonwhisper one last glance.

ooc - out :]


    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • Ei1xAQ3.png
    a large, longhaired red tabby with high white & amber eyes
    burningpatch is a traditional, loyal warrior that will follow the warrior code through and through but if there's an opportunity to help his own clan benefit, he won't be afraid to break a rule/get his paws dirty. he isn't a social butterfly and normally have a lot of tolerance for those around him, he's very blunt and often has no filter. all of his opinions are IC
    73 moons old; ages the 13th every month
    asexual aromantic; currently interested in .....
    currently mentoring... n/a
    hard to befriend ; won't start fights but will end them
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
· · ───────────── ·𖥸· ───────────── · ·
Meadowkit's brief moments of wakeness do not bother her earlier in the morning, nor had the shifting of warmth that signaled her mother's departure. Had she pressed her nose to their ears in farewell? Murmured a 'be back soon'? Or an 'I love you' that would be an unsuspecting last? An irrational part of her would soon find itself angered to not know those answers, to not have woken up bleary-eyed and had a chance to say good-bye. The rest of that morning is as typical as ever, another day lazed away daydreaming about apprenticeship and warriorhood and the great future that laid in store for them. Fantasizing about heroics and honor and all the ways she might make her family proud- how she might defend her sisters and raise them up in glory alongside her. They were inseparable, right? Because that was family's great meaning... An unbreakable tie.

She cannot imagine anything different but her mother taking her out for her first hunt, her father's silly jokes and the community of her family to keep her warm.

She is in the company of her kin when that image becomes shattered beyond repair. Skyclaw howls to have them whisked away and that is the first sign. What cause would he have to hide them and why is her mother not the one rushing to shove them into the nursery? The stillness of her dappled pelt feels like a horrifying mirrored reality... Mottledkit becomes increasingly aware of the way her pelt blends into the colors of her mother's face, that they won't get to butt heads in that silly harmony again as Burningpatch admits it outright, clearly, plainly. Cruelly.

"She can't be," she argues, the fur on her spine bristling furiously, "Why isn't anyone....- Help her!" She interrupts herself to creep closer to Meadowkit, catches a glimpse of Dovekit drawing close with far too much pity in her eyes, "Don't look at us like that," she hisses, becoming more and more suffocated despite how much open space stretches out around them. "Uncle Skyclaw- please," and she isn't really sure what she's begging him for either.​