pafp when am I gonna lose you ✘ reveal

Tw: Minor etemophobia reference.

The morning air is crisp, the faintest chill clinging to it and any other time he might have found it refreshing but stepping out of the den and being hit with the sudden scent of the camp set his head spinning. Everything was suddenly too overwhelming, he could smell every fish on that freshkill pile, could scent the heat radiating off of the warmed stones that basked beneath the sun during midday, was acutely aware of every clanmate rousing from their slumber-the dawn patrol returning, the river's prominent smell like freshly fallen rain and bisque skies. It crashed over him in an agonizing wave and he lurched forward with a stumble before making his way briskly to the edge of the camp to no avail; he wasn't fast enough to hide away, wasn't fast enough to avoid heaving right in camp itself; hackles raised and shoulders hunching. Smokethroat was not a cat very well-known for being embarrassed by much but this lapse had the insides of his ears burning terribly; how many clanmates had just witnessed him nearly keel over and get sick right there in the open, how many could tell before his own stubborn mindset could exactly what was going on.

There was really no denying it now, no claiming otherwise-convincing himself nothing had changed. There was a weight to him now he could not pass off as being wellfed in such a short period of time, no cat would consider the rounder form anything other than admirable; a clan cat eating well was to be envied, but this was not that kind of heft and he'd be an idiot to keep arguing with himself about it. Smokethroat was no fool, he knew what this was and he knew what it meant. But that didn't mean he had to be pleased about it.
Gasping to catch his breath after so unceremoniously losing the contents of his stomach, he turned to the shadow that had suddenly fallen over him; a tall spotted figure ever presently lurking nearby at all times and for once he was grateful for the incessant overprotectiveness that had the phantom stalking his every pawstep as of late.
"...think you're 'bout to get your wish." He mutters out, words faintly slurring as another wave of nausea rolled over him and practically buckled him to the ground. If he had been more mindful, if he'd thought about it more, he might've asked advice from any of the other queens in the clan on what to expect because certainly he was not prepared for this. "...stars above, I hate this.."

he’d woken early that day, something he is wont to do in his restlessness. slow he begins unwinding from his mate’s well - muscled limbs, slipping from his embrace — and each dawn he feels like moss clung to his sturdy bark, claws slipping beneath to pry him from his resting comfort. each morning he feels the seperation, early chill seeping in through loose curls and chilling him to the jagged - point bone. his love sleeps and he does not wake him ; he’d taken to lounging moreso than usual, and the dappled tom could only assume the exhaustion of being the clan’s busybody had finally taken its toll. so he’d parted from him with a gentle touch of his nose to a sleek, resting cheek, the rumble of his gentle snore seeing him from the den and into greenleaf’s beaming light.

so of course he is nearby when he wakes. of course — a looming linger just aside the small arching creek rounding tallrock when dawn patrol makes their return, within eye distance of his willow den and resting mate. the patrol comes to him, mills about, and he notes the scent mark smell clinging to their wind - ruffled pelts. it’s a small relief, the lack of aggression and iron - laden odor indicating trouble ; and thus icicle eyes flit away from the patrol head for only a moment, twists an ear to listen to their report. of course his eyes find movement at the maw of their willow den, ever watchful, ever prepared. he’d made himself the white - mottled shadow of his mate, lingering overprotectiveness he knows would earn him a swat at the ears should he be any more blatant. he is blatant now, however — watches through eyes half - lidded against the early morning light as smokethroat steps forward into the day. he doesn’t get very far.

the tom lurches and cicadastar perks ramrod straight, spine snapping upward in sudden, rapt attention. a flash of blushing pink, maw parting on a mighty heave and the leader bristles, stumbles to his paws, ” get — get ravenpaw. to the patrol at his front, likely cutting off whatever report still falls from their tongue. their deputy was not one to show, evident by how he seems to curl in on himself in the wake of his sudden heave. black paws skitter towards the camps edge and ivory brings him right after the dark - coated deputy, all pretense of minding his business forgotten to the sudden worry encapsulating him, overtaken like riotous flame. the tom is sick, sick into the reeds and undergrowth at their riverland fringes and his concern only grows, something violent and tearing within him.

was he sick? prey had begun to move inland from the downstream drought, and the deputy seemed to have been fed well in the sunrises waning their water supply. was this an illness? a sickness born of the strange happenings on their territory, something in the fish? something in the influx of woodland creatures searching for a water supply. option after option, worry after worry. the leader moves forward and just as he does, smokethroat lifts a swaying head, slurs through a maw still slick with his upheaval.

" hä? " it’s almost frantic, the way it’s meowed out — a gust of confusion before the mottled phantom settles at his side, goes to work frantically licking the rumpled fur at the back of his neck when he buckles again to try and cool him, but the dark warrior only heaves harder from the pit of his empty stomach into the greenery. looks like you’re ’bout to get your wish, he’d said, and what wish of him would have him so pained? what would he want that would have him so sick, so tired? he looked healthy, well fed, perhaps a tad more weight than normal — but stars, thunderclan could eat their scavenging hearts out about it. it wasn’t as if — … hä.

suddenly, it feels a little too light. black spots dance at the edge of his vision and he blinks rapid through them. his tongue feels too dry, rough barbs unsticking clumsily from the roof of his mouth, ” mein leib, you — you’re sure? you didn’t just.. eat.. something bad..? “ it sounds foolish and he knows it the second it comes out of his maw, alabaster paws flailing as if to emphasize his point. but there was no point ; other than the obvious, his ailing mate’s uncharacteristically tortured groan and evident pain. the dark tom leans back down to be sick and the black spots return to his sight, leaving him to stumble awkwardly for a moment before spidery limbs fold, and he drapes his neck limply over the arch of his mates shoulders. ravenpaw would be there soon, he hopes — though not for the reason he’d initially thought. smokethroat rumbles his agony and cicadastar pins his ears in something near guilt, sheepish as it was. they were going to have kits.. they were going to have kits.. ” .. so now would be the time to think of names, yes? “ a jesting attempt at distraction — both for his mate, and himself. it was as well as confirmed, yeah? had he been this dizzy the whole time?

  • i. @RAVENPAW.
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 50 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"

Lilybloom was not the kind of cat to snoop on private conversations or gossip about others - at least not in a mean manner. Sometimes she would whisper humorous things to Lakemoon to try and get her to laugh that could be seen as gossip in another light. When Smokethroat shares his news with Cicadastar, Lilybloom just so happens to be nearby when it happens. At first, she does not think anything of it, and though she can hear words exchanged between the two she doesn't truly take any of them in. It is only when Cicadastar makes a jesting suggestion of thinking about names that Lilybloom's head snaps up in attention. "Oh my, are you two....?" Lilybloom's voice trails off as she takes note of Smokethroat. One could have mistaken the extra weight he carried as a sign he was well-fed, but coupled with the certain weariness he had to his gait and the fact he had recently vomited, Lilybloom could put together the pieces. She could recall similar symptoms troubling her mother when she had been expecting her second litter. "Congratulations," Lilybloom purred, giving the two a friendly nod. It had been a while since kits had ran around their camp, and Lilybloom's green eye shone with genuine warmth at the prospect of her leader and deputy expanding their family, and for their clan to celebrate the new life.
Keen eyes lock onto the speckled tom as he hunched over, his stomach clearly churning and twisting from the wretched claws of nausea. He heaves and coughs, emptying what ever little was on his stomach as spittle hangs from ivory canines. Those words muttered to his love—his partner, jagged yet regal in their own right, become abundantly clear. 'You're about to get your wish', he had muttered. A pricking thorn at the back of her mind, her psyche reveals that situation the other day. Her bantering Smokethroat over his filling flanks didn't even earn her a glare in her direction or a petty response. The only thing that she had been met with was an anxious glance with sheepish words before a swift exit, leaving her and the lot standing by her confused. Not a diet rich with fat, but a swelling abdomen that was busy creating life. She did not envy him in the slightest.

Cindershade could feel that air of guardianship from Cicadastar, an aura wrapping around his beloved and cloaking him tightly with a ferocity that had been awakened when he thought Smokethroat had fallen to Weaselclaw. She stands there, listening to their leader's initial shock, his confusion until something finally clicks within the inner workings of his mind. Parents. They were going to be parents. The rosetted molly says nothing, no sort of congratulations because it didn't seem like very much of one given the state of the deputy. At Cicadastar's swift call for Ravenpaw, the lead warrior dips her head in acknowledgement to his plea. "I'll grab him." She murmurs, wanting to steer away from this situation. Pregnancy made her uncomfortable and she couldn't understand the want for it, though it brought life to RiverClan. A new generation of soldiers and poets—and perhaps even kings.
Without another word, she whisks off towards the thick sedge of the medicine den on silent paws. Her ears pulled forth to detect any sound of movement from behind the sheen of moss that draps over it's entrance. "Ravenpaw." It is a statement, a request for his presence. "I believe you actually have a pregnancy to tend to this time around." A twinge of sarcasm riddles her words, remembering a certain situation where Smokethroat had given the young healer an untrue testament—filling his young mind with light-hearted stories and rumors of her possibly being pregnant. My, how the tables have turned now.

// Ant already tagged Raven but Cinder is going to fetch him :3

He is stirred from his half-sleep by Cindershade. Ravenpaw blinked and aligned his head toward the moss curtain that separated his abode from the rest. Still waking up, Cindershade's words swim in his brain and then it clicks. Pregnancy. One of the conditions he knew not how to handle. Nature ought to run its course, should it not?

In an instant, the long nose of the medicine cat apprentice poked out from his den, and stared down at Cindershade with gloomy sternness. He winces at the memory—he had still not forgiven Smokethroat for that instance. Ravenpaw stepped outside, brushing against Cindershade wordlessly as he sought across the camp for the culprit.

Smokethroat himself was reeling and the stench of what used to be in his stomach wrinkled Ravenpaw's nose. Disbelievingly, Ravenpaw threw a glance back at Cindershade. "You know, it is not very kind to get back at someone like this." He scolded with a huff. Clearly Cindershade was simply looking to get back at Smokethroat for the false pregnancy. Still Ravenpaw slunk over, and his earlier suspicion proved to be unfounded by the way Cicadastar was fawning over the deputy.

"Right," He mumbled, still wary enough to not make a fool of himself and congratulate an unpregnant cat. "To my den, now, if you will, Smokethroat." He glanced cautiously at Cicadastar. If it were up to him, he would have preferred to be alone, but this was the mate of the cat, so he would wordlessly extend the invitation to the leader as well.


It was hard to ignore the loud sounds of a cat getting sick, especially when it took place so publicly. Ears pinned back against the sound, turning her face away from the lurching form of the Deputy. For her sake, mostly, such acts easily sent a shiver down her spine. Silky fur prickled up, the tension spindling across vertebrae. A few beats passed and there was hope the worst of it was over- Hazecloud turned to see Smokethroat's legs had caved in, leaving her to believe this must be something worse than a poor meal.

Her approach isn't as close as Cindershade's or Lilybloom's, not clearly picking up on whatever mutterings Smokethroat passed to the spiky leader. She watched as Cindershade darted for the medicine den, and Hazecloud crept closer to fill the spot she had left. This time she could pick up on Ciadastar's shock. Despite how absolutely miserable the dark-furred tom appeared, Cicadastar was not harshly reacting as though he were succumbing to something deadly, but comforting him.

Names? It clicked, and Hazecloud's face grew hot. Lilybloom congratulated the pair, but Hazecloud couldn't help but feel more empathy for what Smokethroat was going through. She didn't imagine he anticipated an announcement so tumultuous.

She took a step away to give room for him to join Ravenpaw. "If you need me to fetch anything, please let me know." She offered to the medicine apprentice softly before turning to Smokethroat again. "I'll be sure a soft nest is made for you..." She was due to visit some of her queen friends, anyhow, perhaps she could get some soft reeds in trade for the help.

Upon seeing Smokethroat almost stumble over his paws in the middle of camp and retch right there, Fernpaw was struck with immobility. He couldn't deny the sudden reluctance that flared within him, despite his concern- two warring sides that clashed so evenly that he was kept absolutely frozen in place. Had Smokethroat caught something? He supposed it was probably likely, wasn't it... the deputy, with all his responsibilities, would surely be out more... flittering around in more places, and was more exposed...

Oh. Lilybloom's words carried their way to his ears, congratulations, and the realisation his Fernpaw like a falling branch. Immediately, Fernpaw's expression softened from concern into curiosity- though worry still burned verdant in his gaze, even if the furrow of his brow was gone. His paralysis had enabled a small crowd to form, all flocking toward Smokethroat and offering support- and therefore, in some conscious effort not to completely overwhelm the deputy with the weight of his accidental reveal and his illness (and perhaps- selfishly- because he didn't want to be vomited on or near), Fernpaw instead scanned the nearby surroundings for Iciclefang, someone he knew must have an opinion on this matter... she had remained close to Smokethroat even after she had become a warrior.
penned by pin

He is not on the ground long by himself before the long-limbed tom joins him and he breathes shakily into the pebbled earth beneath him in long, slow drags of air; trying to calm the rampaging sensation of sickness that whirled in his head and stomach. He did not want to get sick again, his throat still burns and he wants to drag himself back into their nest without so much as another word but the comforting presence of his mate is suddenly drowned by his lightly drawled final comment.
.. so now would be the time to think of names, yes?
It was coy, teasing and perfectly harmless but he felt himself broil up at it reflexively, fur bristling in response. The overwhelming urge to smack him right there in the middle of camp in front of everyone reared up and Smokethroat swallowed it down with a grunt of displeasure. He was being irrationally angry because he was panicking, claws unsheathed and splayed beneath him as he hunched as close to the ground as he could without losing his rigid posture.
Lilybloom's congratulations them, he supposes its more than a little obvious now but part of him is pleased it is a subtle and quiet thing rather than Cicadastar's preferred method of informing the clan things; loud and boisterous, flaunting atop his perch like a very bothersome bird. Smokethroat has taken that moment from him and he doesn't feel particularly sorry about it. Most cats might thank the other for the congrats, but he finds himself nodding awkwardly instead only for the movement to send him reeling once more; ah, perhaps not wise to shake his head when he's so nauseaus.

Cindershade fetches the medicine cat and brings him forth and if he were in even a slightly more lighthearted mood he would have joked about this being his payback for picking on the dark spotted she-cat before, but the young healer voices the same thing with a little less amusement in his tone and he feels he ought to say something now just to clear the air, ", she's not getting back at me-not that I would not deserve it."
Hazecloud says something to Ravenpaw and then him and it takes a moment before it registers. It is a kind offer but he feels himself tense in reply to it, " it's fine. I won't be...I'm not.." His long orange eye flits from the molly to the leader's den. He'd already made it quite clear to said storm-colored tom that he did not intend to be in the nursery. He didn't think he could stand it, didn't think he could handle it.
Smokethroat pushes himself, back bumping against the monochrome leader as he stumbles himself back up to his paws and nudges the neck twined over his own. His steps are slow, unsure, but he makes an effort to heed the medicine cat's orders. Out of the corner of that lone eye he spots Fernpaw and is struck by the sudden annoyance that he will not be able to train his own apprentice now going forward.
It is a display that mimics the last time Smokethroat dabbled in the 'random'- though that had been a blind, incessant digging under a tree to hide and take a secluded nap and this was... far more disgusting. Watching his unsteady posture as he moved through the camp, the black and white cat did not get terribly far before being ravaged by whatever illness quickly took him. Scrunching up her nose, Lichentail could not say she envied him in the slightest, the experience being one that thrived on making its host as uncomfortable as possible- she was glad it was not a fate she'd ever have to share.

She could barely stop herself from wincing as Lilybloom quickly uttered a congratulations- something told her if Smokethroat was excited about this, the clan wouldn't be finding out what he had for breakfast as his great reveal... It seemed hardly the time to speak of celebration when he was clearly miserable. The soft voice of a familiar molly made her throat tighten-

It was light, quiet... an offer made in passing if only to spare the poor newly 'blessed' deputy some form of embarrassment and diminish something from his list of concerns... She stared at Hazecloud with a frustration boiling in her belly... It was hot and cold and... not the usual anger that pecked at the back of her head when she saw the other blue. As the realization settled in a stubborn head, the lead was glad the attention wasn't on her, lest the burning on the tips of her ears give away her embarrassing fit of jealousy.

Ravenpaw had instructed a quick movement to his den and though her instinct was to hurry to Smokethroat's side to offer him some support, the proximity to Cicadastar made her hesitant to do so... He could help his own mate, she reminded herself.

Well.... Isn't that funny.... Looks like it's Smokethroat's turn to be banned from patrols.... It was a spiteful little thought, though not holding any malice in it. StarClan worked in mysterious ways it seemed... and sometimes they were quite amusing. She refused to relish in the other's suffering for more than that one moment and moved with rigidity past Hazecloud, casting the molly a spiteful glance, a reminder that it could've just as easily been their turn.

"I hope your mandatory bedrest is more fun than mine was," they commented, turning to glance back at the shambling figure of their deputy, a smile tugging at the corner of their lips. A jest mostly... if only to remind him how annoyed she'd been to be removed from patrols. "Just holler if you need something, I'm sure someone will come running if Cicadastar doesn't beat us to it."