WHEN CHOICES END ⚘ lupinepaw


Getting his first apprentice had been something that warmed him to the core, he'd adjusted well to SkyClan and thought of himself more as from this clan than he ever had WindClan prior. His days of feeling like an outsider were behind him and each passing day proved to him he had been granted a last gift from StarClan for his services to them in how his life was unfolding. An apprentice, a loving mate, three beautiful kits he doted on constantly, the only issue was the environment at times made him struggle to leave the closed circle of his family; he spent far too long near the nursery before being chased off to do his duties and he had unfortunately neglected Lupinepaw in his adoration of being a father. With the threat of the rogues breathing down their necks and the possibility of a full scale attack, his shortcomings might punish his young charge who he only taught the basics of hunting and combat at all before losing himself in the tides of family life. If he could stay in the nursery next to Butterflytuft he would, but SkyClan needed him and he would be remiss to disregard his other family; the clan.
He roused the young spotted molly to her feet with a tender smile upon the morning, the first time he'd fetched her bright and early since his kits were born, "Ready to go out?"
And out they went, sleepy eyes and the crisp chill of the early day air blanketing them through the tall pines, paws light and his own steps confident if not somewhat uneasy. He could probably go the entire patrol without a word with how peaceful it was, but words needed to be said.
"I'm..sorry, Lupinepaw. I've....neglected your training these past few moons and it wasn't fair to you. I just got a little caught up in being a father for the first time, seeing their little eyes open, hearing their first words but you are just as important to me as my family. I want to make it right."
His intentions were a day with just them, unbothered by the clan itself and working to fill the freshkill pile to the brim with as much prey as they could manage - he wanted her to feel proud walking back into camp with her mouth full and head high.


  • 57913544_fd4KPYbSvxBDtGJ.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Cream/Chocolate Chimera w/mismatched green and orange eyes.

❀‿ Lupinepaw is roused from her beauty sleep with a yawn, surprised to hear Dandelionwish speaking to her rather than another apprentice or whoever was leading the dawn patrol that day. She has no complaints, though, and is up and trotting out of camp alongside him within a few moments.

Lupinepaw didn't mind that she and Dandelionwish hadn't spent too much time together during her apprenticeship, not really. Plague—not her milk-brother, but yellowcough—tore him, and then her from her education for nearly two moons in the leaf-fall, and Dandelionwish's mate birthed their kittens soon afterward. The smoke molly was the last girl to drag a man away from his sweet mate and newborn babies, and she was happy to let him bask in the meager warmth of life so graciously offered to him during this icy season.

Besides, Lupinepaw found that there was plenty to be learned from tagging along with other apprentices and going on hunting patrols galore. She'd been forced to improve in these recent moons regardless, if only in her efforts to not be a burden. Still, it's a little funny that she has to angle her chin downwards to make eye contact with her mentor now when she was looking up at him only a few moons ago.

Dandelionwish breaks their comfortable silence with an apology and Lupinepaw is quick to shake her head, "No, it's alright! Your babies are like, sooo cute! I'm glad you got to experience all their 'firsts' and such. Honestly, I'm just glad that you weren't uhm, avoiding me or something like that. Not that you would do that! Sorry, I mean..." She laughs nervously. "I'm fine, really! But I'm happy to be training today. And like, I've gotten to be pretty okay at tree-hunting, so I can show off a bit too. Don't worry."

She found she did want to impress him, just a bit.

  • OOC:
  • lupinepaw.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 9mo apprentice of skyclan. mentored by dandelionwish, padding after falconpaw
    bobbie x duke. littermate to crowpaw & drowsypaw
    — a tall, pretty, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by pikaihao and chibi by rae
    — penned by eezy
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