development WHEN EVERYTHING FALLS APART // big fight

Nov 14, 2023

He couldn't take this anymore. He had tried over and over again all while keeping a brave face. He had grinned until his own face hurt, to the point he could barely eat because it hurt, that sickening smile...But he had endured through it all to keep up the facade so he would look inviting, welcoming. A grin that would win everyone's hearts. For so long he had believed that if only he kept on smiling for a little bit more...everything would change for the better.

That ideal world of love and acceptance surely he would get rewarded if he just kept on pushing forward. But aha...he couldn't do it anymore. It was like his face had broke. Haha, funny, wasn't it?.

That grin was no longer a tool to use to keep on that brave facade. With that grin all dead and gone to have nowhere to hide anymore felt exposed and lost. Basilpaw really truly needed someone right now. He needed his brother, not the sibling who had long since abandoned him. It was with a last attempt he believed, that he seeked them out but not for comfort, no...this time he wanted answers. After all this time, didn't he deserve them?.

Like a ghost Basilpaw walked out from the shadows to approach his brother who had just returned back from a patrol. Lividsmoke stared them down but thier lips were sealed shut. Obiviously, they most have heard right?. About how he had failed to become a warrior. The absence during the meeting should have made that clear. " Why..." He tried to speak, words for once finding itself hard to slip through that chatterbox of a mouth. Basilpaw hesitated because did he really wish to know?. All this time that lie had been to protect himself from this. Or maybe it was because he knew the answer all along...

" Why do you hate me?, can't you see i just want you in my life." When he finally find the courage to speak his voice failed him to be chirpy, cheerful...or even loud. His voice was trembling with emotions he tried to hold down. " I just...wanted to be your brother, for you to love me. " His voice was cracking, facial expression pained with his despair that poured out from him. Why couldn't i be good enough for you?...

Lividsmoke felt absolutely nothing when seeing thier brother like this, if anything it was pathetic and embarassing. Now more than ever before. To share kinship with someone who had failed their assignment. To them it was a sign from starclan that Basilpaw did not deserve to become a warrior. If it had been up to them, Lividsmoke would have chased them out. Unfortunately, decisions like this was not up for them to make.

" Because..." Did they really own them a reason?, an explanation. Lividsmoke had thought they had been clear before and so many times after but no. Basilpaw truly was as stubborn like he was dumb. They had tried to cut them down and be over with it. But they always came back like a lost puppy asking for more. " you're an embarrassment. You always have been. Fooling around not taking anything seriously and now?. This is the result." You're not cut out for this, words left unspoken but Lividsmoke message was clear across thier face. Basilpaw was weak, and they did not wish to bother themselves with sheeps.

Brother had always knew how to cut where it would hurt the most. How to make his heart sink and drown, gasping desperately for air while staring as his head went underneath the surface. It was true, he would admit that he might not be the brightest of brains but even he understood brothers cruel hidden message. Hah, maybe it was because father had been the same too. Never adressing them directly, never saying it to thier face but he could see it across their face.The disgust, how he had viewed them as worthless. Lividsmoke looked at him the same. Not an equal. Never had, and never would. The illusion to convince himself to be fine with that to be careful to not stand in the way. Always walking on eggshells around them both... All of that for this sort of treatment. Now he understood what a fool he had been. Perhaps, competition would have been the correct way to reach his brother instead of allowing themself to be treated like dirt. If he not had done that to his face...

" Fight me." He said through clenched teeths because it had suddenly hit him, through the pain and everything he had endured and suffering through up until now - he was sick of it. Brother constantly looking down on them. Basilpaw was emotional, in truth he couldn't think straight right now but none of that mattered. This bottled up emotions needed to come out that had been stored and locked up for months. What better way then to release them on the cause of it all?. Maybe even if he won his brother would finally see him. At this point thinking rationally were pointless.

" No. " Lividsmoke didn't even hesitant to deny as they started walking, refusing to waste anymore of thier time on thier brothers foolishness. They had better things to do then spar with an apprentice, with a failure. They would walk themselves past them, done and over with this conversation not wishing to create another scene, or rather to get dragged into one. So they tried to leave, to do the right thing but -

" Don't turn your back on me again!." Again they turned thier back on him, refusing to listening to take them seriously. But for once he would not let them get away. Basilpaw was quick to spin around, lunging for thier brother but thier attack was unaffective. Lividsmoke easily dodged to the side as Basilpaw came flying past them. Thier orbs narrowed. What a clumsy attack. Fur of grey came at them again with a paw lashed out, for a second time Lividsmoke just moved out of the way and watched thier brother from the corner of the eye. It was like fighting a kit, had Basilpaw even trained at all?. It continued like this, Basilpaw lunging at the warrior trying to get them with their paws or to ram himself into them. Like a dance, Lividsmoke would smoothly dancing themself around them not making a move of thier own, just dodging to follow along the rhythm of this tragic dance until Basilpaw despite thier odds against them manged to catch them, and the two fell to the ground as Basilpaw landed on top of them but not for long. Lividsmoke fought back and the two tossed and twisted around in each others grip as they rolled around on the ground until Lividsmoke got the upperhand and pinned them down underneath.

" That's enough!." It was unusual for them to raise thier voice like this, always cold and harsh but never pitched above average volume. But thier patience had been tested and pushed and they had enough of this kit-like tantrum that thier brother always did never acting like a proper adult would do. Someone like them could never defeat them not even in thier wildest dreams.

" W-why....why couldn't i be good enough for you?." His trembling voice cried. Breaking, he was breaking apart. It was no point anymore...Basilpaw couldn't hold them back in so the tears won and started to fall. The emotions just poured itself out from them. Basilpaw looked into thier brothers cold emotionless eyes with despair. Why couldn't he have been born into a family who loved him. Why, why, why, why?!. A picture so perfect of him and his family...laughing together and watching the stars together. A pat on his head now and then when he had done something good. Was that too much to ask?. Was it?!.

Tch, look at this scene thier foolish brother had created around them, eyes watching and staring at them. Even now he tried to make it worse by crying their eyes out. Lividsmoke was immune to such display, hardened and cold to the very bone. Closed of to feel even a piece of sympathy. Maybe pity would have been at best to earn from them but not for thier brother. Eyes narrowed as the warrior leaned down to thier brothers face. " Because you're weak." They spat through a hiss for only thier brother's ears to hear before stepping of them and turned thier back on them for a second time to begin to walk away.

Aha, there was the answer to the golden question. The final cruel word to cut them down with. Unfairly, they had never given him a chance, judged and cast away from the very start all because of his face. Nothing he ever did would change thier minds because they didn't care. All he had wanted was for them to love him back.

He would run towards that picture, the perfect picture but as he reached out a paw towards it the picture shattered right in front of thier eyes. Everything just fell apart.... Dreams and hope all gone, all of it.

It was gone. The world burned along with that picture destroyed and as he drowned with his broken dreams. Abandoned and bedrayed by those he had given his everything to. It was then, in that bittersome moment his voice whisperd into his ear. They don't deserve you. Aha, that familliar comforting voice who had been there for months whispering at the back of his head. THEY DON'T DESERVE YOU!!. Louder this time because of the invitation, for welcoming it inside, and suddenly he had rolled back to his stomach while staring down at the dirt. It was an awaking call. Inside something shifted, changed. All this time he had been right. All that hurt and pain he had suffered through all of this time it got devoured by the gasoline that started to scorch itself inside of them. It wasn't fair. How he had been treated, it simply wasn't fair. How they always turned thier back on him. But not this time.

He stood back up as teeth clenched themselves together into a snarl as something new had awaken them to rise up from the ashes thier family had buried him under. That voice contunie to roar inside like a guiding light until his mind was clear at final last. - He doesn't deserve your kindness. And that was the final straw for him to -


Basilpaw eyes locked thier eyes on them as he sprinted forward with green orbs burning with rage as claws rasped at the dirt as the grey smoke pushed forward with full speed with vision seeing nothing but red.

Lividsmoke's ears perked up, suddenly hearing pawsteps coming up from behind. Again?!. They turned swiftly around but not even them had been able to predict it this be able to turn around in time. Eyes widened as they saw the claws came flashing towards their face. Slash - blood got spilled from the warrior's face, and with a hiss Lividsmoke took severely steps back before liftening up a paw to place it upon thier newly fresh wound. For a brief moment they where baffled with what just had happened but not for long. As soon as it hit them thier eyes narrowed coldly into sharp ice. How dared they touch them with thier filthy paws. At this point yes, they were in fact furious. Right in that very moment the dark desire to slash thier throat open intruded thier thoughts and Lividsmoke's own claws slided itself out wishing to punish them with thier own paw. But as quickly as that thought, that dark desire sneaked itself into thier head it was pushed back at the reminder that a warrior never should lift a paw against an apprentice. Lividsmoke had no choice but feel satisfied with sinking thier claws into the dirt instead while glaring at thier brother who proved in that very moment who should have been given that cursed name.

Vivid breaths left the smoke's mouth, Basilpaw's eyes glaring unapologicly at thier brother with clenched teeths still along with claws flashed out and unbothered by the blood that covered one of them. Do you see me now?!.

In that very moment as the brothers glared each other down, hatred started to bloom inside of each heart connecting them only through this..and one of them...or maybe even both had one dangerous desire burning inside of them, a promise to themself alone.

I'm gonna destroy you.

// aaaaah, this is so long...took me forever to write.... rip my sanity and keyboard. Anyway, i just wanna let everyone know this is OPTIONAL to reply to, so honestly don't feel pressured or forced because i KNOW this is alot to read and give an respond to. I just posted it here in case someone would like to reply to it but not a most. and with kaz is signing out to crash in the bed to sleep....
  • Crying
Reactions: Deidre

The differences between Lividsmoke and Basilpaw has always been clear as day — if one might even call it as such.

It does not feel entirely accurate. There is a storm brewing between them, courtesy of Lividsmoke's apparent frigidness, and it is only a matter of time until thunder booms and the skies open wide with the turmoil that's been getting bigger and bigger. The Mirepurr of the past had been aware of this... saw the longing look within Basilpaw's eyes and the disdain within Lividsmoke's own pair. Not many of their Clanmates appreciate intruding into private business.

The Mirestar of now has the privilege of bypassing that entirely.

They are not immediately alerted to the confrontation. Basilpaw's voice is meek at first, and that is enough for Mirestar to tune it out as they return to camp. The quarrel continues, raises the siblings' hackles, and erupts into more of a proper fight.

Mirestar's attention is snatched away from recounting duties that still need to be attended; their head draws back quick enough to blur their vision, but they do not allow themself to be slowed down by it. The tension that has always been thick enough to cut brims over — and Mirestar cannot waste another moment.

"That is quite enough!" They are unused to raising their voice; allowing it to float over the attentive heads over at Gatherings is different, and entirely aided by the height that leaders take as an advantage. Here, at home, Mirestar has always been mellow... and they wish they could continue on that route, but situations like these require someone stern.

Evidently, their voice had not been strict enough. Horror sets in as they watch Basilpaw attack in slow motion. Lividsmoke's blood has been drawn. "Basilpaw!"

Mirestar puts themself between the two of them — they stare at one another like enemies, not siblings, and if Mirestar were not operating on adrenaline and worry right now, perhaps they would be terrified of the consequences of getting into the way.

They huff as if they've been part of a fight themself. There is so much wrong here... and in one fell motion, Mirestar has to fix it somehow. It is a herculean task.

Their eyes are colder than ever as they glance over at Lividsmoke. "Go to Starlingheart and Marblepaw." Basilpaw's attack had been full of emotion and is not nearly lethal, thankfully... still, Lividsmoke deserves treatment. "I want to see you in my den when they've treated your wound." How could they detest their own sibling this much? Mirestar cannot understand.

Then, they look over at Basilpaw... and they are so conflicted.

From the very beginning, he's only ever looked for attention. A shred of it from Lividsmoke, something that should be given as is, never begged for. His patience has run thin... and can Mirestar rest easy if they scold him for such an injustice?

In the end, they settle for something easy to swallow. "You cannot attack your own Clanmate. Your claws are for the battlefield only."
She finds it difficult to understand where Basilpaw and Lividsmoke's turmoil stems from; perhaps the hardships they'd endured in kithood had steered them away from one another, unlike she and Sycamorepaw. Though she now feels a heartbreaking distance from her littermate, she will never forget the closeness they'd shared in Twolegplace, the starvation they'd faced together, the fear as they huddled in place in ShadowClan's nursery, spitting and hissing at any who passed them.

But Basilpaw finds only rejection in Lividsmoke's eyes, and it sets him aflame. The apprentice's claws shear through the flesh of his littermate's face, and blood droplets scatter across the camp floor. Marblepaw's fur bristles with surprise. Clanmates shouldn't fight, she thinks, but brothers especially shouldn't fight.

Mirestar is quick to intervene, their voice like thunder. "Enough!" Marblepaw hears her name, Starlingheart's, and busies herself snatching a wad of cobweb from the inside of their shared den. She can staunch his bleeding, at least... and maybe she can even apply a poultice to it, to prevent any future infections. She'd ask Starlingheart first to be sure, though...

Tentatively, the pale medicine cat apprentice lifts a bandage of cobweb toward Lividsmoke's face. "Here. Hold that tight against the scratch. Don't take it off until I tell you to." She practices using her mentor's authoritative voice, here, though it certainly falls short in comparison.

She then turns to Basilpaw, his flanks heaving, his eyes wild, and wonders if she should ask him about his injuries, too, if any... but she does not. She waits for further instruction.

  • ooc:
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit . Marblepaw, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 9 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by Starlingheart ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.

saffroncloud | 20 months | trans male | he/him | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold #b091cd
Maybe it's the fact that he doesn't have any siblings, but Saffroncloud can't wrap his head around the idea of what has just happened in camp. Sure, Shadowclan has its fair share of more secretive cats- maybe he's just an outlier- but this isn't exactly a secret from the moment it devolves into an outright fight.

The commotion has him rising to his paws quickly, but Mirestar is faster than he is, standing in front of the two like a physical barrier. He would stop- he thinks he might have, if he hadn't already been moving by the time things were sorted- but it's easier to make his way over to the others even now. Marblepaw is quick to join them, as well, and for a moment Saffroncloud lingers awkwardly, shifting his weight from paw to paw.

"If I can help somehow, let me know?" He finally speaks up as he takes the last few pawsteps closer. "In any way at all." It's just as much an offering to Basilpaw and Marblepaw as it is to Mirestar. He may not know anything about herbs, but surely a simple fetch errand shouldn't be that hard if it came to it, right? And lending a listening ear definitely wouln't be.


Finally someone stept in to stop their brothers madness even if they wished Mirestar could have done so sooner before thier face had to suffer the prize for it. Lividsmoke had expected a different reaction to the one they where receiving, it was almost like they where the one who got blamed for this. That was not something that got settled well with them. Lividsmoke unlocked thier gaze with thier brother as they setted them on their leader instead, that spiteful look replaced with the same indifference they had always been known for. Instead, the warrior was taking in the look Mirestar gave them when the command of meeting them later was deliverd firmly. " Understood." They answered with the same paw still covering thier bleeding face.

Lividsmoke had just turned thier back on Basilpaw and Mirestar as they where about to head on over to the medicine cat den but they never got any further. Marblepaw was already there, ready to serve and do her duties. Saved them the trouble of having to find her. The warrior nodded at the instructions and finally let go over their face with the paw so the medicine cat apprentice could do their job. Lividsmoke bite back on the pain as the material was unpleasingly placed upon their wound. Taking a hold of the cobweb to keep it in its place like instructed gaze would soon start to linger elsewhere, finding Saffroncloud close by offering some sort of assistence.

Of course there was something Lividsmoke had in mind but it was better to leave it unspoken. They could tell at the moment it was better for them to remain quiet. Basilpaw had always had a way of winning thier clanmates over, for them to feel sympathy for him. It made them start to question if anything of this had been worth it at all.

// gonna reply separately with basilpaw!