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  • GENERAL I remember blue skies
    ↪ name given to her by her parents at birth; named after the water-faring bird
    afab ; she / her
    ↪ bisexual - crushing on none
    12 moons, ages every 1st
    riverclan apprentice
    other info maybe

  • APPEARANCE I remember how you were sitting under star-shine, ever bright
    a tall blue tabby and white she cat with blue and yellow eyes and long fur
    ↪ Dipperpaw is aptly often described as tall. Long legs support a slender body and allow her to stand above most of her peers. Her pelt is mostly white but sports spots of blue tabby, the biggest of which resembles a pool with shadows of fish dancing in a circular motion. The fur on her body is mostly curly but most noticeable is the lock of curls on the top of her head and on the ends of her ears. Usually, her expression is half-lidded and her features are pulled into neutrality, making her resting face appear as if she is sad or perhaps lost in thought. Like her body, her tail is also long and slender save for the end which sports a plume of curly white fur. On her forehead lays a star with different colors exploding from it, resembling sparks from a fire and just below are her eyes, which are a brilliant blue save for her left which includes a starburst of yellow in only one small patch.
    smells like lilies
    sounds like tba
    no physical ailments

    ↪ link to toyhouse!
  • PERSONALITY not ready but you were, pulled me in till I came alive
    POSITIVE TRAITS: thoughtful, calm, honest
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: perceptive, reserved, aloof, placid
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: controlling, cynical, judgmental

    ↪ Dipperpaw is a cat of not many words. She does not like to speak unless she has something she feels is important to say or unless it is in the pursuit of more knowledge and, for the most part, she keeps her thoughts to herself. When asked a question about something it is likely that, if she does not know the answer, she will opt to not say anything or is quick to admit that she doesn’t know even if it is to her dismay as she is a cat who wishes to know everything about the world. She is more content to sit back and watch than anything else. Some may say that her quiet, almost apathetic, behavior makes her unapproachable and difficult to converse with as it can be difficult to read her emotions from her face, which is usually drawn into a neutral expression. You would be hard pressed to find anything past a small smile gracing her lips as it’s incredibly difficult to get her to show emotion. Once she opens up to someone, however, she is very honest and very loyal. This is especially true to her family, more specifically her sister, who she would defend with tooth and claw. This can caused her to be a little biased when it comes to the darker molly as it is common for Dipperpaw to come to the defense of her or any of her loved ones, even if she knows it is them who is in the wrong.
    In a way, Dipperpaw can be a tad bit controlling. She does not like when things do not go the way she planned or the way she wants them to and it causes a lot of inner turmoil for her. She wants to be the best at everything so that she can manipulate the world into what she believes it should be and falling short is simply not an option for her. Due to the nature of her clan, overtime Dipperpaw has become rather cynical. She believes that everyone is capable of evil and that the worst case scenario is always the most likely one in any event. If she cannot be the best to protect her family, her friends, her clan, then what is her purpose?
    suffers from no mental illnesses
    ↪ list MBTI type here...

    ↪ or hogwarts houses. or pokemon types, whatever you're into
  • RELATIONSHIPS to the sun there was nothing higher
    ↪ sister to Jaypaw
    mates with none
    ↪ no offspring
    mentored by tbd
    ↪ currently mentoring none

    ↪ mentored none

    FRIENDS: tbd
    DISLIKES: Snakeblink
    HATES: tbd

  • INTERACTION in the solstice of your ever-light I saw my future
    what are they like in battle? difficulty level
    will they start fights? end fights? run away?

    ↪ STRENGTH: ★★★☆☆

    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★★☆☆

    ↪ SPEED: ★★★☆☆

    ↪ STEALTH: ★☆☆☆☆

    ↪ SWIMMING: ★★★★

    ↪ HUNTING: ★☆☆☆
    what are they like mentally when interacting?
    a conversationalist? a grump? easy to talk to or not?
    ↪ STRATEGY: ★★★☆☆

    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★☆☆

    ↪ MEMORY: ★★★★

    ↪ HEALING: ★☆☆☆☆

    ↪ WISDOM: ★☆☆☆

    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★★☆☆
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