pafp WHEN I’M SET ALIGHT — gift

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
She had a debt to pay, and while it may be one only she acknowledged, Roeflame knew she needed to give him something back.
The memory of her and Burnstorm falling asleep in the medicine den had been glued to the back of her mind, his gesture of kindness had been one the tabby didn’t even realize she so desperately needed, to simply just cry on someone’s shoulder.
She hadn’t gone out that day in search of a gift really, but when the faint gleam of something resting on the rivers bank caught her eye, she stopped the entire patrol simply to check it out.
Now, she is shouldering her way back through the camps entrance with a small, pebble-like stone clutched carefully in her maw. It is black in its entirety, the surface smooth like the water she had discovered it in.
Obsidian. She struggles to remember the name of it for a moment.
Her searching gaze locks onto Burnstorm quickly, and she hurries over to him, feathered tail waving as she approaches to hopefully catch his attention.
Yet, when she is finally standing in front of him Roeflame pauses for a second, almost as if she is unsure with how to go about this.
After a heartbeat she places the stone at her friends paws, noting how the color of it was almost a perfect match to Burnstorms fur.
She suppose it had reminded her of the ebony warrior.
"I saw this earlier and it uhm.. it reminded me of you." She begins, tilting her head to look him in the eyes. "I wanted to say thank you, properly. I appreciate you, more than I could really ever put into words. So, uhm- yeah, this is for you." She finishes her piece, unable to hold her gaze she looks back towards the stone instead.
Roeflame is not sheepish, and most certainly not shy- so why was one simple act of gratitude so hard for her to execute? She tries to shelve her sudden embarrassment for later, perhaps this was all foolish. Perhaps she was just foolish.

// please wait for @BURNSTORM !

Being a warrior was perhaps the easiest thing ever, save for assigned patrols he could actually now chose whenever he wanted to set out on his own, whenever he wanted to spar or whenever he wanted to eat. He was reveling in the newfound freedom now, laying in the sun with a content look on his face as his tail flicks lazily back and forth, his hind legs sprawled out behind him. He knows complacency is a dangerous beast, one that is easy to fall into, but his whole life he had worked hard and later, when the sun was winding down in its ruthless warmth, he would leave camp and hunt. For now though, he was content to bask in the nothingness that he had going on.

When a shadow crosses his vision he is almost expecting his uncle, a reprimand on the black tabbies lips and he has a rebuke already prepared on his sharp tongue. His jaws open to deliver his line before the expected cat can get his words in first, but when his golden colored eyes open he is pleasantly surprised. A purr rumbles in his throat in way of greeting and a smile twists the corners of his mouth upwards. He is about to ask her how her patrol went but before he can something is being deposited at his paws.

He blinks, surprised and touched. No one has ever given him a gift before. The ebony colored warrior reaches out with a paw and touches the stone, it is cool and wet under his paw pads and not to mention it is the same color as his pelt. He examines it for a couple more seconds, still stunned by the thoughtfulness of his friends gift before he looks back up at her. It occurs to him now that she had been speaking. Her voice sounds quiet, subdued, not like the usual lithe he had come to know and for a moment he wonders at it "You didn't have to get me anything" he had not been expecting her to. What he had done for her, everything he had done, is what he would do for any other of his clanmates (right?) It's what he tells himself anyways. "I appreciate this a lot Roeflame thank you, but now I have to get you something equally as good" he says it with a slight chuckle, though in the back of his mind he is already daunted by the task.
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Moonpaw has moved to her tail for her grooming finally, usually the part she leaves last because frankly it took the longest to tend to; a great plum of white long curls ending in a spotted point like the rest of her extremeties. She took great care in maintaining a neat coat, not wanting to look as ruffled or disheveled as, say, a ShadowClanner and more than content putting in the time and effort to do so. She has picked a particularly stubborn burr from her pelt just as Roeflame approaches her brother and suddenly her attention is elsewhere. Head raised, the ragdoll apprentice watches while cleaning her paw so as to not simply be staring entirely and able to hide her peering gaze in case they glanced in her direction. The pretty tabby offers Burnstorm a stone, black and his own coat and with the same glossy sheen as it as well, a thank you for saving her probably. The very act that earned him his warrior name before her. Her bitterness has long since died down but she maintained her belief they would have been named together if Raccoonstripe had not be in the medicine cat den at the time; she'd needed no act of courage to prove herself, she did so every day. Simply existing in this life was courageous on its own given the circumstances.
Sometimes she wanted to just scream at the unfairness of the world but her own irritation is smothered as she continues to watch the awkward shuffling of paws and sheepish looks; the quiet way her normally forward sibling is acting and Roeflame's almost demure stature. Oh ho?
Moonpaw was not often one to pry but Roeflame was a proper warrior of ThunderClan and if there was any cat she would not be terribly opposed to making doe eyes at her brother the pretty molly was one of them. She stands, saunters over to bump shoulder with Burnstorm in a friendly gesture before looming down to examine his rock, "Something equally as good? Sorry, I overheard, but didn't you save her? I'd say her life was a pretty nice gift but you know, I heard she likes pretty sticks~" A cheek rubs into her sibling's in an affectionate gesture that blocks him from seeing her wink at the fawn tabby before them.
  • Haha
Reactions: ROEFLAME .

sleekpaw & 06 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan apprentice

Baby blue gaze can't help but turn to the commotion, watching in idle curiosity as roeflame stammers through an explanation for the gift that now lay at the warriors paws. A stone, smooth and shiny - not too sleekpaws taste, she thinks, but pretty nonetheless. A favor for a favor - a stone for a life. Moonpaw is right, it already seems to little little, so why would burningstorm worry about paying it back? Would the cycle not continue on endlessly if they did? A frown tugs at pale features, but they remain silent - questions remaining unasked. It's none of his business anyhow.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and effeminate apprentice with pale pinkish cream fur and baby blue eyes. sleekpaw comes across as quiet and aloof towards most, though he shows a softer side around the nursery queens and his mentor. she seems to care little for anything outside of training, apprentice duties, and her appearance. they seem strangely silent on the topic of borders however, and even shiftier about anything concerning cross clan relationships.

    physically easy && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mistyrose]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

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Reactions: ROEFLAME .

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
All unease is washed away the moment Burnstorm begins to speak, a breath of relief discreet but there. She lifts her gaze, steady now to give him a proper smile.
But now I’ll have to get you something equally as good.
She parts her maw, a lightheaded shake of her head already underway.
Yet, before she can speak, Moonpaws words are an abrupt melody, causing Roeflame to freeze for a moment.
I heard she likes pretty sticks.
The sentence is tossed at her with a secret wink from her friends sister.
A fire is sparked at her cheekbones, spreading throughout her entire face as she looks at the other molly with an almost shocked expression.
Her composure is quick, however, a hollow chuckle bubbling up in her throat.
"At that point, it’d be a never ending cycle of gift-giving, don’t you think?" She hums back, eyes shifting from Moonpaw back to Burnstorm.
"Moonpaw’s right anyways, I don’t need anything, I just wanted you to know I’m extremely grateful." The tabby reassures with a small nod.
