when i met you in the summer [Patrol Assignment]



It was a strange feeling. Just moons ago he was a nobody, a housepet who'd confined themselves to the gardens of twolegplace, and now? Now he stood where so many of the cats he admired had stood before him; Orangeblossom, Silversmoke, Thistleback. He wondered if his friend would be proud of what what he'd made himself into before hastily shaking the thought off. It didn't matter what anyone thought of Johnny, so long as he was doing the right thing. And pouring himself into Skyclan was the right thing.

"Warriors! Gather for patrol assignment!" he called, accented voice carrying strong throughout the camp to rally his waking clanmates to him.

For our dawn patrols, @GREENEYES you'll be taking @CHALK and @Soma to the loner lands and twolegplace. @SILVERSMOKE I want you handling the Riverclan and Thunderclan borders with @Dandelionwish and @FIGFEATHER ." he announced, amber eyes finding them in the crowd with a small nod.

"We also have @DAWNGLARE and @Fireflypaw taking out a herb patrol- @butterflytuft and @QUILLSTRIKE , you'll be accompanying them. Be ready to leave when your called on." his gaze lingered on the chimera as he said this, knowing the tom had been making himself scarce after the disappearance of both their old mentor and then mate.

"Hunting patrols needs to go out- two of them. @MALLOWLARK you'll be taking one up toward Tallpine, and @Dogskip , I want you to lead the other out toward the Rockpile." As usual, they could rally their own groups later on when the time came to head out.

"Warrior training will be held by @Talonflame this afternoon, so keep an eye out for that." he called, and he'd be keeping an eye out to see who was showing up and who wasn't. Every capable warrior needed to be staying as sharp as possible, especially now that they knew Windclan was up to their dirty tricks again.

"Lastly is dusk patrols. @Coyotecrest, lead a patrol up to Twolegplace and the Lonerlands. Take @Sweetybee and @CHEDDAR !! with you. @HOUNDHEART, take @SMOKEFANG and @MOMOWHISKER up toward Thunderclan and Riverclan.

And that should be about it.

"Warriors who have apprentices may take them along. And remember to play nice with our neighboring clans- we don't need any extra hostilities coming our way right now."

Patrol leaders are in charge of making their patrol thread and tagging the participants :)

- Greeneyes will be posting in the Loner Lands board with Chalk and Soma
- Silversmoke will be posting in the Riverclan board with Dandelionwish and Figfeather
- Dawnglare will be leading an herb patrol in Skyclans board with Fireflypaw, Quillstrike, and Butterflytuft
- Mallowlark is leading a hunting patrol in the Skyclan up toward Tallpine
- Dogskip is leading a hunting patrol in the Skyclan board up toward the Rockpile
- Talonflame is handling warrior trianing in the Skyclan board at the Sandy Ravine
- Coyotecrest will be posting in the Twolegplace board with Sweetybee and Cheddar
- Houndheart will be posting in the Thunderclan board with Smokefang and Momowhisker

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With Orangeblossom in the nursery taking care of her litter, the duties as deputy had fallen to being shared between the lead warriors. When Johnnyflame called out about patrols, Sparrowpaw approached to listen.

They waited as he went on, to hear Auburnflame's name or perhaps even their own - not that they would - but it didn't come. It meant that later, they would be likely to tag onto a hunting patrol or go out training. Maybe they could visit the nursery in the meantime and see how the queens were faring?

As cats began to disperse for duties and discuss with their patrols, so too did the tabby. Maybe they could pretty up a den or two.





♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
As patrols are called Figfeather hobbles over to listen in, her heart quickening in hopes of hearing her name called. She is surprised to hear Greeneyes' name to be the first spoken, her brother had been tasked to lead a patrol along their clanless border. Figfeather feels a mixture of pride and envy, now that she's been a warrior for a couple of moons she's been itching to get her claws on her own patrol.

She could imagine herself already; boldly and confidently leading her patrol out of camp with her head held high. Figfeather would be thoughtful with each step she led them and would be quick on her commands. When she led hunting patrols the clan would be able to rely on her to bring them back a feast, when she took out border patrols they'd be able to bask in the sun peacefully, knowing she sent intruders running with their tails tucked.

Instead, she is placed behind Silversmoke at Dandelionwish's shoulder for a border patrol. Her heart falters as she realizes she had naively gotten her hopes up.

'Coyotecrest, lead a patrol up the twolegplace' Bright orange eyes widen in pure disbelief. Coyotecrest was leading a patrol?!

'But he's not even been a warrior for a full moon!' she wants to exclaim the unfairness of this to Johnnyflame. She falters to hide her annoyance, any cat who even glanced at her could tell her fur was in a twist. Bitter thoughts swell in her head, is it because I can't climb? Have I not proven myself enough?

With a fire in her eyes she makes her way to Silversmoke. I'll show them... they'll see that I'm ready to lead my own patrol!

//I hope this doesn't have to be said but obviously ic opinions :D this was a good opportunity for me to rly kickstart an arc for her
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Oh, a different cat- again, again. Orangeblossom was still in the nursery, her duties carried out by the rest of the team, a fact of which he often had to remind himself. Seemed SkyClan's deputy had a little more confidence in her slack being picked up than Sootstar had, when she'd been nursing. She'd been right back to duties! A part of Mallowlark was surprised the moorland queen hadn't turned to dust... feeding the plants with her fatigue, dispersing the moor-poison with her death...

Ah, but that opportunity was long-past, now. The moor was ruined, and would be forever, now that he lived with Dawnglare and had at last gotten acclimated to the pine forest as his home. Grinning, he trotted over to Johnnyflame, regarding the patchwork tom with an unblinking gaze as he spoke, listening for his name.

It was quite the surprise that he was to lead a hunting patrol! Did that mean that he was trusted, now? Or- at least- relied upon enough to get food? That was all the use he really had to have, wasn't it... his loyalty and his skill! Eagerly, the large white tom nodded- a rapid motion that blurred the movement of his fur like thinned out clouds. "I'll hunt like I've never hunted before," he chirped eagerly, attention snapping elsewhere to seek volunteers.

The time for patrols has arrived once again.

The itch to leave camp has dulled a little since the last round of patrols, since Figfeather was called to escape the grief-ridden camp and Greeneyes was left within it. He's been able to stretch his legs, been able to find distractions from the sorrow prodding at him.

Stars, he's even just returned from a battle, a clash of claws and teeth that most definitely kept him distracted amidst its chaos.

As he steps out of the warrior den, he sees it's Johnnyflame assigning patrols this time around. Part of him doesn't expect much because of the patchworked lead warrior's presence and begins to think of things he could do around camp to fill his time in place of taking part in a patrol. He's sure something needs to be cleaned up around here. Maybe he can go hunting later?

Stuck in his thoughts, he almost misses when Johnnyflame starts to speak again - almost misses his name being called. The very first name chosen, Greeneyes is struck with surprise. "Oh!"

He's to lead a patrol? Did he... Did he hear that right?

A patrol to the Loner Lands - Chalk and Soma are to go with him. Two newcomers, but at least he knows that Soma is alright, remembering having to teach him how to properly make a nest not too long ago. Greeneyes isn't too keen on the idea of it being a dawn patrol, but it doesn't diminish the excitement that begins to fill him. His first time leading a patrol!

He expects Figfeather to be called forth to lead her own, but instead, she's tacked onto Silversmoke's patrol - another dawn patrol, so at least they could say their farewells to one another before leaving. There's a twinge of disappointment that his sister wouldn't be leading a patrol too, as Greeneyes thinks she deserves it more than he does. It's only furthered by word that Coyotecrest will be leading his own too - freshly a warrior, why did he get to lead a patrol so quickly in comparison to him? To Figfeather?

His gaze flickers over to his littermate, a small smile on his face. At least she gets to go - that was good, right? Hopefully next time his sister will get to do more, will get to guide their clanmates along the border.

His line of sight returns to the lead warrior, a nod of acknowledgment following. "I'll do my best!"
( ) Houndheart blinked at the announcement that she would be leading a patrol herself. That was unusual. With many of the clan's best and brightest still recovering from the battle, she supposed they needed all the able bodies they could get.

Not to imply she didn't think herself capable, quite the opposite. She just knew that many among the clan's leadership weren't exactly on good terms with her. With good reason.

Truth be told though, she didn't really care for leading a patrol. Ordering others around wasn't really her cup of tea. Still, if that was what the clan wanted from her, she'd get it done.

"Got it." Houndheart stated gruffly, giving Johnnyflame a nod.
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Pointed black ears sat forward atop a broad crown of darkness as the call for patrol assignments went out, and with a wide yawn Soma made his way over to join the other Skyclanners. He still didn't really know anyone outside of Drizzlepaw and Greeneyes, and while he spotted one[ of them in the crowd, he hesitated to join them, instead choosing to stand near the back of the growing crowd where he wouldn't feel so trapped. Despite everything he'd learned from all the classes they'd given when the shelter cats had first joined, no lesson on 'making friends' had been added to the curriculum, leaving Soma feeling too-big and too out of place, despite the fact that there were other cats in the clan whose height matched or outdid his own.

Standing with shoulders hunched and head low to make himself small among the others in the crowd (just in case there were other cats behind him that couldn't see past his freakishly tall ass), he almost missed when his name was called. Johnnyflame was sending him on a patrol with Greeneyes and Chalk? He nodded, acid-green eyes shifting from the lead warrior to seek out his patrolmates. He hadn't really spent any time with Chalk before, but Greeneyes had been nice enough when helping him with his nest, so at least he wouldn't feel totally out of his element like he would have been if thrown with a bunch of strangers. Not that he wouldn't do the job, because he definitely would- it was just easier to do if he didn't feel anxious as hell the entire time.

skyclan- male - a tall, muscular tomcat with asymmetrical tuxedo markings and electric green eyes.

⭒✧ Sat tall, Chalk tallied each name called in his mind. His own had come early, so amidst the flow of titles the daylight warrior rehearsed the names of the cats he had been assigned to patrol with. Greeneyes and Soma. They were both, from what he remembered, younger than him- though only by a little. Johnnyflame's choice of patrol lead made sense, the clanborn red tabby likely having a natural knack for the task.

Slipping between the crowd, he sought out his patrol mates. Their unfamiliarity to him was a little disconcerting but Chalk was determined to take it an an opportunity. Kind eyes set within a stony face, he nodded to Greeneyes. "I'll follow your lead."
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒

It had been some time since he'd been placed on patrol, partially because he had been in charge of managing some, partially because the rotation of Deputy duties seemed to leave him out when he wasn't asking for it. There was a slight expectation he would be delegated to guard duty once more, but upon hearing Johnny call him to lead a RiverClan patrol, the silver tom looked up. Confusion briefly shone in his eyes. 'Dandelionwish?' A full-fledged SkyClanner by scent and status in the clan, but would RiverClan see it that way? Wordlessly, he gave a nod and stood up. It didn't take long to see a yellow figure move through the crowd toward him. Angling his head toward Figfeather, the Lead Warrior felt his fur begin to prickle at the indignation in her eyes, finding himself asking only one question as he stared at the clanborn creature: 'what did I do?' He went through the options quickly in his head and finding none made much sense, Silversmoke inhaled deeply and tried to tell himself that something else had earned the younger cat's ire. "Ok, let's go." He didn't doubt that Dandelionwish would catch up when he saw the patrol leaving.