private WHEN I'M BACK IN CHICAGO — snakefam

Snakehiss was slowly but surely settling into his duties as a father; his circumstance seemed to differ from that of other parents, where he mostly was useful for bringing prey to the nursery. He did not stick around and play with his children, nor did he spare much time to entertain their questions. Snakehiss found himself at a crossroads, where he felt obligated to at least help Gorsepetal but not stray any closer. He had been raised to seek entertainment from his denmates, not his father. Besides, Shadowsight had always been too busy doing his duties to play. He had grown to respect Shadowsight not only as a parent but as a warrior and a mentor figure. Snakehiss wanted the same for his children. Wasn't that how it should be?

The moor runner slinks into the nursery, a couple of pieces of prey from today's hunt dangling from his jaws. After providing a juicy hare to Gorsepetal, he turns to drop the limp form of an ouzel at the paws of his three kittens. "Eat up. You'll all need to grow if you're to be moor runners." Snakehiss tells them. Rumor had it that a lack of proper meals in one's youth could contribute to a smaller stature in adulthood; more specifically, the kits who did not eat enough became tunnelers. Snakehiss could not confirm nor deny this, but he knew that he would much rather prefer that his kits pursue the path of a moor runner. He was a moor runner, as were both of his parents. It was Sootstar who had begun the tradition of burrowing into the ground like rabbits, one that had never appealed to Snakehiss. It was far too dirty and many tunnelers permanently carried the stench of soil and earth around with them.

  • @WASPKIT @violetkit @CRICKETKIT
  • 71016142_9rYADptBxGUs9zn.png
  • 77053620_v7IN9LxSdUc41lI.png
    he/him; moor runner of windclan
    long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and multiple scars
    father to violetkit, waspkit, cricketkit, and privetkit (duskclan)
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
Violetkit had been in the nursery long enough to know which kits she liked and which she really didn't. She liked to leave the nursery, liked to follow behind warriors with her head held high because she was a lot tougher and cooler than the other kits in the nursery. And of course, it was soooo crowded in the nursery! Violetkit wanted to sleep with Snakehiss in his nest! Other kits got to curl up with their mom at night, but Violetkit didn't even have a mom. Gorsepetal took care of them, but Violetkit didn't get along with the queen very well. Especially after being snipped at for a "are you my mom?" question. Violetkit had met Gorsepetal with a similar pseudo-aggression since then, and any kind of potential parental bond between the two had fizzled and died. The little resentment only grew the more that Violetkit was kept from leaving the nursery for what always felt like excuses. Waah, "you can't leave the nursery at night", "you can't just bite cats Violetkit", "you can't steal the ball back Violetkit, that's not fair, quit screaming", EXCUSES.

Snakehiss was one of the only cats that she did respect to any degree. Violetkit was far too young to understand the influences of her upbringing, to come to terms with how her Dad's distance made her yearn for his approval and attention harder. Maybe in the future Violetkit would learn to quit idolizing a cat who struggled to even come to grips with the fact that she was his kin. But for now, as a kitten, the little tortoiseshell hops to her paws at the speed of light as a solid black head reaches into the nursery. "Dad!" She chirps, rushing over and nearly stumbling over her paws in the process. A rabbit is dropped for Gorsepetal, but Violetkit doesn't spare the queen a glance - sunset eyes are fixed solely on Snakehiss. He talks of them needing to be moor-runners, and Violetkit listens intently and nods her head rapidly in agreement. Of course she'd be a moor-runner! Violetkit didn't want to spend all day underground, coming out all covered in mud and dirt and roots and bugs and whatever else she couldn't possibly imagine. Violetkit bounces over to the ouzel that Snakehiss had brought for the kittens, and she beams up at Snakehiss. "It looks like you!" Violetkit giggles, pointing at the white breast of the bird against stark black feathers. To make her father proud, to grow big and strong Violetkit takes a biiiig bite, little kitten teeth tearing into - oh that's not meat!

Violetkit sputters out a mouthful of feathers, tongue sticking out as she scowls up at Snakehiss. "Dad, this is really gross." She states matter-of-factly, pointing at the mess she'd just spat out with a white-tipped paw. "I'm not eating that."
  • no ref yet :(
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    she / her, 2 moon old kit of windclan
    a tiny black molly speckled with red and white with sundown eyes
    snakehiss x berrysnap, sister of rosekit, waspkit, and the estranged privetkit
    full length biography
    penned by izanami / @nullmoons