pafp when i'm furthest from myself | sharing tongues (casual/rta)

Dec 21, 2023
Living in ThunderClan was gradually getting easier, even if Badgerstripe was still taking baby steps towards normalcy. She had talked to Palefire.. albeit only once; she had helped Lightflower out of a bush, against her own judgement to play bystander. Especially with the recent happenings at SkyClan's border, Badgerstripe was becoming more confident and more willing to at least pretend to be normal. But.. there was still so much work to do.

There was one cat that she had the pleasure (displeasure, at the time, but she's since gotten over their disagreement) of meeting on a small moss patrol; Sleekserpent. She was like a breath of fresh air to Badgerstripe, the one cat who didn't hold her actions against her.. a cat who didn't really know her. She could start fresh with them and paint a better image of herself. There couldn't have been a better opportunity for a new friend.

Badgerstripe approaches her now, sitting on her lonesome as she usually did. They may not be on a friendly basis yet, but she feels strangely confident in approaching them, as if they had known each other for longer than they really had. "Hey," she greeted softly, careful not to startle the light-colored feline. "Do you, uh.. want to share tongues? I thought.. you know, getting to know you on our moss patrol wasn't so bad.. it could be nice to spend some time." Badgerstripe gives them her best awkward grin. How was making friends so easy as an apprentice, and so hard mere moons later?
  • speech is #FB8B24
    please wait for @Sleekserpent.
    this is a super casual thread! any length of replies are welcome <3
  • badger.png

  • badgerkit badgerpaw BADGERSTRIPE
    ━━ WARRIOR of THUNDERCLAN | 15 MOONS ,, ages every 21st
    ━━ NPC xx NPC | SIBLING to n/asibling adopts here!
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none

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sleekserpent & 16 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan warrior

The idea that someone wants to spend time sharing tongues with him - him, of all cats - is strange to Sleekserpent, truth be told. They've never been outgoing, never been well liked. But despite getting off on the wrong paw, she can't help but think Badgerstripe is alright - or more than that, perhaps, but only time will tell. Baby blue eyes blink up at the warrior when she speaks, startled, but not bothered by the offer in the slightest.

" S-sure, " comes rasping voice, as the boy struggles to learn his throat against the pain of injury and disuse that threatens to render him silent. Perhaps it's only reasonable that she tries to get to know her - steps out of her shell once more. Badgersight and Killdeercry aren't here anymore after all, and it's dreadfully boring being on their own.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

B O Y S D O N ' T C R Y A N D I W O N ' T T O O


Sharing tongues was something really special in clans. A chance to groom and unwind. Wildflower had done similar things as a kitty-pet. However, she didn’t care as deeply as she does for her clanmates. Wildflower remembered being so excited the first time someone agreed to share tongues with her. It has made her feel so accepted.

She felt joy seeing her clan mates relaxed. Wildflower padded over to join the duo. The warrior always appreciated the chance to chat. Settling down near them she gets comfy with her paws tucked under her belly.

“Do you guys mind if I join you?

he's getting older with every passing day. things make a lot more sense for him now, and things like sharing tongues was sacred, it seem! done by clanmates to bond and clean each other up. it was also just soothing. his mom and him did thst a lot, but now he hasn't really done it with anyone. not on purpose– his attention span just isn't good all around so he never focuses long enough to do so! swishing his tail, he skips over, tumbling over his paws and falling to the ground with a soft giggle. he takes a few moments to get out of the daze he's in before he stands up, smiling widely and wiggling his ears back and forth.

"me too, please!"

in spite of how excited he is to join, he isn't very loud. he understands that a lot of cats don't like when he's loud and that's okay! he cannot fault them for that! he can be a bit overwhelming and he totally gets that! he's more than willing to be a bit calmer for their sakes!

❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

Lightflower perked her ears upon hearing her friend speak. She hadn't heard much of that recently. Aside from her help getting out of her personal predicament, Badgerstripe had pretty much avoided her like the plague. Which she understood of course. It still hurt though. She chewed the inside of her cheek, wondering if she should join the group. Orangepaw's excitement being barely contained sparked a small smile from the lithe femme. She decided it couldn't hurt to join, as long as it was in a group. "A moment to relax sounds nice,' she mused quietly, coming up beside the apprentice.

Campionsong always took the time to bask in the sun, as the act of aprication was a service to nature itself - to revel in its glory was an ultimate show of worship, to he who had grow up with the tales of the light. Wandering poet had always found the time to stop and stare, even as he followed a nomad's path. Settling into the colonies, then the clans, had never dulled an eye for the wondrous and the beautiful. "If there's room for one more, I'd love to join this party." Fae voice chuckled breezily, mercury hues burning against the green, like a silver blaze. He laid down with his paws under his lithe frame, reedlike tail curling around a gangling form, head bowed as the twilight sundered to unveil the night. "How has everyone been? Greenleaf's here, so there's no reason to pout and sulk about." Crescent smile rested upon angular countenance. There was quite a ranged crowd here, from the young apprentices to the older warriors such as him. Olive gaze settled along the outlines of the camp, wondering if one of his family members would join him.
Badgerstripe is relieved at Sleekserpent's approval, and readily settles down next to him. If she could put past the guilt of avoiding (and replacing) Lightflower, Palefire and Phloxdawn, it felt great to be making a friend again. "There's this cowlick behind my head that I can't quite reach," she suggested in a soft murmur. As she began to lick at a small matt she's found amongst his fur, Badgerstripe wracks her head for something to talk about in the meantime. All she can come up with, in her rustiness, is small talk. "How - how was your day?" She asks awkwardly. She used to be so good at this..

Soon enough, for better or for worse, there are others that wish to share tongues as well. First Wildflower, a presence she doesn't really mind but, like all others, never tried to interact with. Part of her wants to selfishly decline the offer, to save this bonding for just her and her new friend, but instead the warrior is met with a reluctant nod. Then, in comes Orangepaw, and Campionsong. Badgerstripe can't deny all these cats, can she? "Yes, fine, everyone can join," the tortoiseshell exclaims, with great effort to keep the exasperation out of her voice.

It's difficult, after everything, to go back to being nice to be around. It's become almost second nature for her in the past few moons to snap at others and reject their presence. Badgerstripe feels like she's stepping into the deep end of a pool.. and she's forgotten how to swim.

If she still wears her nervous smile at this point, it wavers regrettably at Lightflower's approach, soon after Orangepaw. One of her old friends, who had fallen into outcasts at her behest. It was so easy to be avoidant, to push them all away as a means of not facing her own mistake. Now, it feels too late for 'sorry'. Could she start anew with them and still remain ignorant of the way she treated them, the way she treated Lightflower? Badgerstripe forces her smile to come back. Too many cats, now - but one more couldn't hurt. Between the growing group, she finds an empty spot next to herself and moves closer to Sleekserpent to make more room. "There's a spot here, Lightflower." Just for her, Badgerstripe thinks. She will let her selfish pride go, just for her.
  • speech is #FB8B24
  • badger.png

  • badgerkit badgerpaw BADGERSTRIPE
    ━━ WARRIOR of THUNDERCLAN | 16 MOONS ,, ages every 21st
    ━━ NPC xx NPC | SIBLING to n/asibling adopts here!
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none

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