camp when I'm gone [ telling stories ]

The sun was starting to leave its spot in the sky. Her muscles were tired from a long day of patrolling, but she wasn't ready to retire to her nest just yet. She spotted a group of kits playing near the nursery, and she couldn't resist padding over to join them. For a moment, she pictured herself laying there out in front of the nursery, with Stormkit, Falconkit, Lilykit, and Butterflykit playing with bugs. She blinked, and the image was gone, and replaced with an ache that nearly made her drop. Her two kits were not too far away from warrior hood the time, she couldn't wait until they were apprenticed. Now...she wished she could go back to the days when all she had to worry about was how unkept their fur had gotten after their play fights.

She had been hanging around the nursery quite often since Sunfreckle had birthed his kits, just like she had for his first litter. She and Flycatcher had discussed the possibility of them having another litter, but she was hesitant on giving up her freedom that she had only just regained. By spending time with the rest of the kits in the nursery, she had hoped to push away the tug of wanting her own, but some days it seemed to make it worse.

The group of kits had noticed her by now, so she would lay down just outside the nursery. She stretched out along the side of the den, and flicked her bushy tail over to her side. "Would you all like to hear a story?" An irresistible question...she could only hope it would be half as well told as Little Wolf's stories.


It is no secret that Little Wolf is a fan of stories. Her own kithood had been full of fanciful tales of the Great Clans. Impressive beasts ten times the size of cats nowadays who lived in the forest back when it had sprawled across much more land then she could even imagine. Some had manes and pelts of sunshine and others shadowed stripes. She liked to lose herself in such tales, pretend like she was really there and forget her troubles for a little bit. it is her hope that she had given her own kits the same experience.

When Flamewhisker announces that she is telling a story, the black mollies eyes visibly light up with excitement. It had been a while since she had heard someone else tell something, life was oftentimes too busy for such things, but right now her schedule was clear and so she settled into a good spot so that she could listen with half closed eyes. Before she took her place, though, she had sent her fiery friend an encouraging smile.
Stormywing sits nearby, swiping her tongue aggressively against her leg where a stubborn burr resides. She lifts her eyes briefly when Flamewhisker offers to tell the kits a story. She wants to groan in boredom, but she remains polite; the orange she-cat is a lead warrior, after all. Instead she turns her attention back to the task at hand and pretends not to listen, though her ears remained angled in the she-cat’s direction. She supposes there’s no harm in some background noise while she grooms…

Okay, fine. She gets to her paws and strolls closer, eventually settling next to Little Wolf. There, she sticks her leg out in front of her and continues to nibble at the knot, now notably closer to the story.
( ) At the sound of Flamewhisker calling the kits for a story made Hailstorm perk his ears forward, he knew that it was moreso for the kittens of Thunderclan but he couldn't help himself. Only a fool would pass up a story, kitten or not, the snowy furred tomcat walking forward taking the empty spot next to the ebony she-cat briefly dipping his head in greeting to both Little Wolf and Stormywing, who seemed to be having some issues, only to turn his attention over to Flamewhisker. He was rather curious on what story the lead warrior would decide to tell the young ones, his ears angling forward to show that she had all of his attention currently. It was still warm out but it was a little more tolerable than usual.
The molly was told, not the best news, but rather, news that would be enough for the newly named Tigerkit. She did have a wonderful name, just as cool as the rest of them now.

But trying to remember names was hard, of course she remembered FlameWhisker and Batwing, and TansyShine who took care of her now, and HowlingStar who led the thundercats.

No, Thunderclanners. Even that was a bit harder to remember now.

Though she wanted to play with the other kits, she had distracted herself with a feather she had found, her paw slapping it into the air to prevent it touching the ground. She carefully watched it swing back and forth, carefully and gracefully floating down, before touching her nose to it. A weird tickling sensation rolled through the brown and red kitten, and a sneeze escaped her jaws.

Opening bright green eyes, she noticed the form of Flamewhisker approaching the nursery, and wanting to tell them a story. "Ooo! A story? What kind of story?" she asked, seeming to gallop closer in excitement and plop herself down with wide eyes.