camp When it rains it storms || o, Intro




As expected from new-leaf the rain comes and goings as it pleased.

The sky grew from a light gray to dark stormy black throughout the day. Tinystorm was glad that most of her tasks were done when the wind started to pick up. Already in camp waiting for the sky, a habit that she had since she was a kit. Waiting. When droplets finally began to fall the she cat made her way under to the protective leaves and branches of the warrior den. The dampness of her gray and white coat didn't bother her she actually enjoyed running around in the rain had she not been in camp.

Water slide down from high rock weaving though the uneven dirt into pools. Tinystorm loved her clan but camp is sandy and when it rains it becomes a muddy mess. She didn't do mud, it's dreadfully unpleasant to get out of her coat rather only do it when necessary. After a few moments of watching she peered her head out of the den with perfect timing lighting ran across the sky followed by a loud roar of thunder. "What a lovely weather today" Tinystorm’s voice in awe.There was something delightful about the rain, it won't ever be unexciting.
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”You’re not serious?” Bigfang retorts from where he laid in his nest. He too was doing what he could to hide away from the rainy weather, it wasn’t just the mud but the water in general. He detests little more than a wet, cold weighed-down pelt. ”This isn’t much better than snow. Clan can hardly get anything done in that.” And the thunder… it made him recall nights in his old twoleg nest, hiding under the bed until the rain passed. Even though he’s been entirely wild for many moons now, his heart still sank at the sound of the roaring sky. How Tinystorm found a sense of awe in this he did not understand…
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful move.
    » Fights to protect and maintain honor
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

There is something to be said about the resilience of a kitten. Meadowkit barely notices when it starts to rain, so engulfed she is in batting at the poor unfortuante beetle that had been just unlucky enough to become the object of her fascination. Her pupils widen as she prepares to pounce, large white paws covering the bug but carefully not squishing it (if it died she wouldn't get to play with it anymore!) And when she lifts them she lets out a shrill cry of excitement as it tries to scurry away. Oh it was SO on!

But then.. then the unthinkable happens. A big fat raindrop hits her square in the eye. "HEY! What's the big idea huh?" she yells, snarling upwards at the sky, the fur along her back raised but all she manages to accomplish is getting more rain in her face. Irritated, she scrambles backwards into the safety of cover, letting out a small squeak of terror and moving even faster when lightning and thunder crack and flash in the sky. "Lovely weather?" she echoes the warrior, exchanging a glance with the other adult present when he asks if they're serious. She doesn't really know what snow is but she trusts his judgment more than Tinystorm's right now. "I didn't know adults could have bees in their brains!" she squeaks, nodding in agreement with Bigfang. How was she supposed to play like this?

  • oZHYGDl.jpeg

  • 79402766_SDCTSiSnicLgq5m.png
    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training
she/her || 4moons || ThunderClan Kit

The heavy pitter patter of rain pours down in droves. Yewkit had been asleep for most of the day, she didn't see when it had just started to rain, but now, blinking open azure eyes, her thick fur feels heavy and moist. A confused grunt escapes her as she rises from her nest in the nursery with a yawn and a big stretch before poking her nose outside into the storm.

"Eep!!" She exclaims as a large drop of rain water splashes down on her nose. Frantically, she shakes her head and rubs at her muzzle, fur puffed up in alarm. What is this stuff?! It's cold and it's wet and it... hmm... actually, the cool water felt kind of nice on her nose. Tentatively, Yewkit pokes a paw out from the shelter of the nursery, giggling when the raindrops fall on it before bringing her paw back to the safety of the nursery and licking the moisture off. It tastes different from the water she normally drinks. There's a commotion by the warrior's den, as there always is, but Yewkit is curious and determined to insert herself in everything and anything she can. She takes the biggest deep breath she's ever taken in her life and bolts out into the rain!!

The puffed up fur-ball dashes across the clearing, white paws quickly becoming brown with mud. She makes a beeline for the warriors and kit that are talking and skids to a stop just in front of them, spraying mud and water but with a huge grin on her face. "Hi!!" She greets cheerfully, "what're you talkin' about? Can I talk too? I like talking!!"

Softpaw couldn't say that she was partial to rain in the way that it seemed Tinystorm was. When it rained, the best case scenario was a wet pelt, made heavy by the water that seemed to clump together, weighing Softpaw down; at worst, with rain came colds, sniffling noses and wet eyes. Not a vain cat, Softpaw typically didn't mind when her white coat got dirty, but she tried to avoid it when she could - rain worked actively against that by softening the ground and letting mud stick to her.

"You two should get inside before you catch a cold." Softpaw hummed as she came up beside Meadowkit and Yewkit. She was sure that the queens would appreciate dry, healthy kits over the two soggy creatures that they would become if they stayed out in the rain for much longer.


As a younger cat, Tinystorm used to worry about such silly little things as the sky. The sky didn't care about the feelings of cats or prey; when it wanted to rain, it rained. When it wanted to be hot, it was hot. Quite bold. Laughter snuck out of her chest at her clanmate's unabashed distaste for being soaked, and a warm smile spread across her face. Also quite bold. Tinystorm tore her eyes away from the object of her affection to turn and look at Bigfang. "At least you can hide from the rain, but the cold finds you,"she says playfully.

Two kits pop over, either seeking shelter or entertainment. She moved a bit farther into the den so they could take up the covered space by the entrance without 'entering.' Dirty, it took a good bit of effort for Tinystorm not to try and clean them or the tiny bit of mud that got on her fur. But her stare was poignant. "Hopefully the rain will be done soon, so you two can enjoy the rest of your playtime." Tinystorm's tone was sweet but rung with another meaning. Their energy was much appreciated, and with all this sitting down and doing nothing, she felt the need to crawl into her own nest like the other warrior. "Your fun shouldn't be stopped by the mean rain." Almost forgotting that kits will be kits.

The sand in the warrior den was dry and warm. Tinystorm greeted the white appearance, patting the ground next to her with her gray paw as an invitation. "Come out of the rain, Softpaw," the warrior called out. If any cat with authority came, she'd take the heat, plus it's only temporary. It was a shame to see such a pretty coat plastered in mud.

Tinystorm's voice dragged her out of her own head. She had to admit the rain at least sounded nice. She had finally decided to take a rest, which was a good sign. "I guess your name fits you, Tinystorm," she commented, flicking her tail in amusement at the shouts from Yewkit. She had to find something fun for the kits soon, she thought.