oneshot WHEN IT SEEMS THE WORLD IS DYING || one-shot, open

Jan 5, 2023




StarClan is supposed to be a paradise. Tigerfrost is living a nightmare. He watches over his clan with a grim realization, a bitter acceptance. He hadn't seen it before, blinded by loyalty. Blinded by lies. He could only blame himself for his warmongering temper, though. Even if he had disagreed with Sootstar (he hadn't), the former Lead Warrior would have never spoken up against her. She was his leader, chosen by the ancestors. He hadn't wanted to believe anything other than that, hadn't wanted to admit that StarClan could have been wrong.

That he could have been wrong.

But now, he is faced with only truth, bloody as it is. Bodies that paint the earth in red, haunt these very grounds in spirit. He lurks alongside them, shares their sparkling sky, faces their anguish with only the despairing acknowledgement that he had been part of this evil. He had supported Sootstar. He had known her to be a tyrant, yet he had accepted that. Enjoyed it. Had convinced himself that it was right. Defeat tastes bitter upon his tongue as he watches WindClan stray further and further from the light. Some dare to speak out against their ruler, but Tigerfrost knows it is futile, and their lives hang in the balance. At any moment, Sootstar could banish or kill them all. She had no tolerance for rebellion.

No leader does, he notes quietly to himself. But this is different. This is wrong.

He isn't there to greet Hyacinthbreath when her fur turns to stars. How can he face her, knowing she had made the right choice? The only thing that would stop Sootstar now was... death. It's a cruel realization, but there is clarity in such thought. Sootstar would not give up power easily, and even after she is gone, some of her influence would linger for generations, like a haunting wraith. Staring down at white flecked paws, the former WindClanner lets out a sigh. There's nothing he can really do. WindClan would have to figure this out themselves. They would have to realize Sootstar was leading them astray. But, if the abduction of those kits wasn't enough, what was?

Sootstar, what have you done?

What have I done?

WindClan had killed for her. He had killed for her. If he were still alive, would he still be killing for her? Would he have learned the truth like the former deputy? And even if he had, what would he have done? Denied it? Kept his mouth shut and accepted it? Attempted to stop it? He doesn't know. He'll never know for sure. His time in the world of the living was long past, after all. Still, as he watches WindClan, he can only feel a sensation of dread for what might come next.

When the sky is thick with soot, the wind shall suffocate the stars. He thinks to himself, and then, daring to feel a flicker of hope, Tigerfrost vocally amends, "When the sky is thick with soot, the wind shall sweep it away to return the stars." There, a bit of light in the darkness, perhaps. He might not be able to help WindClan anymore, but perhaps they could help themselves...

Have faith, he silently ushers, though none of the living would hear. Perhaps the assurance was more-so to himself. Sootstar was not forever.

WindClan would outlive her.
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