camp when random rules ↷ [ JUNE 9th PATROLS ]

Clan life holds two ultimate truths. They exist as eternal constants, and defy all attempts to break them, no matter what. Death, and patrols. So long as a ShadowClan cat draws breath and demonstrates enough will to drop fresh-kill off at the pile, death and patrols will happen absolutely.

The dark-striped deputy loiters in Clanrock's shade with his haunches snug against its flank. This side of the towering boulder may just be the only nook in camp which fully eludes the sun's swelter, barring Starlingheart and Chilledstar's separate dens. For that reason, Smogmaw claims the shadowed recess as his own. Were he to place a single paw outside this boundary, it'd invite the sunlight's wrath unto the sable sections of his pelt. He'll have to venture beyond his refuge eventually, what with the patrols he's about to dole out. In the meantime, though, the sun does not rule this brief interval. It stays outside, where it belongs.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather 'round for some patrols!" Begrudging limbs rise into a standing stature. Coinciding this movement is a somewhat graceful stretch of his spine, so languid in its pace that two legs rise longer than the rest. He scrutinises clanmates' faces as they emerge into view and pools them into their respective groups; those who'll perform enough well enough at their tasks, and those who won't without monitoring.

"Alrighty, alrighty," he begins coolly, "first things first. An apprentice from our clan, Snowypaw, has not been seen since the night of last gathering. So, the cats leading the border patrols'll be asked to inquire about her whereabouts, assuming you run into any neighbours." Gatherings, from a logistical standpoint, serve as the perfect occasion to lose someone unnoticed. Swathes of cats from all five clans moving around and intermingling in a boisterous commotion lends a lot more cover to disappearances. He'd like to hope that the apprentice hadn't been nabbed, having lived through the moons of Halfpaw and Laurelpaw's captivity.

"On that note, @FORESTSHADE, you'll lead a border patrol out ThunderClan ways. With you will be @POPPYPAW, @Swansong, @nectarsong, @shrike, and @THORNPAW. Then, towards our border with WindClan, @SHARPSHADOW will be taking @Duckshimmer, @Haretooth, @BATCHASER, @Halfpaw, and @sneezepaw on a similar patrol." Steady exhale, flick of the tail, the tom gently leans down to rasp out further instruction. "I'll reiterate again: Forestshade, Sharpshadow, you must make sure to ask if Snowypaw has been seen, should the chance arise. Thank you."

Done and dusted, the border patrols leave his stream of thought. Smogmaw clears his phlegm-ridden throat loud and unceremoniously, before he points his focus to the largest cluster of apprentices in his audience. "Seein' as how our troubles of Newleaf are behind us, I'm going to host a li'l group training session for apprentices; apprentices who might've missed out on combat training because of the frogs. @BLOODPAW, @SINGEPAW, @Snowpaw., @Swallowpaw., you'll be coming along. @Lotus☽, you too, and I'd like @CHILLEDSTAR. to join us as well." A little treat, he thinks. Much of the clan's youth holds their deputy and leader in the highest esteem one could consider possible, and Smogmaw's willing to entertain the fact.

Smiling (or appearing to at least) faintly, a singular nod drifts over in @FERNDANCE's trajectory. "You're taking out a hunting patrol. Take @Laurelpaw., @Valleysong, @springflame, @Willowburn, and @Mourningbloom along with you. Puttin' out a personal plea that you bring back something other than frogs, but of course, all fresh-kill is needed and important."

Lastly, he lends his attention to the newest member of Chilledstar's council. "@MIREPURR, I need you to take a group up to Carrionplace. Scavenge around, bring back rats 'n other things we can eat. Accompanying you is @FLINTWISH, @ASHENFALL, @orchidbloom, @APPLEJAW, and @Bonepaw."

Ears pivot, sensing for any indication of protest or disagreement. "Okie-dokie. Get to work."

thunder patrol : forestshade, poppyglow, swansong, nectarsong, shrike, thornpaw!
wind patrol : sharpshadow, duckshimmer, haretooth, batchaser, halfpaw, sneezepaw
apprentice (and lotus) combat training : smogmaw, chilledstar, lotus, bloodpaw, singepaw, snowpaw, swallowpaw
hunting patrol : ferndance, valleysong, springflame, willowburn, mourningbloom, laurelpaw
carrionplace patrol : mirepurr, flintwish, ashenfall, orchidbloom, applejaw, bonepaw


A part of the cinnamon tabby felt relief that Smogmaw had not volunteered her to find Snowypaw along the border patrols. On and on she could push to be at the centre of the search, but it was killing her, knowing the answer of her daughter's location was likely the one she'd readily agreed to (but knowing that she could never know for certain). Settled on politely tucked haunches, Ferndance's gaze darted like a minnow between her patrol members. There was no one on her particular wavelength, but she held no issues with those present and welcomed the opportunity to distract herself by conversing with them. The Deputy mentioned frogs and the chestnut-brown ear of the she-cat twitched - it seemed the beggar was trying to be the chooser. She turned to Smogmaw, messy-furred and blank-stared, and smiled flatly. "The blood of my enemies... That's what I'll bring back," Ferndance promised, running a tired tongue across dry lips. Luckily for ShadowClan, her enemy today would be any prey that crossed her patrol's path. A hollow chuckle escaped her as she tilted her head. "I'm just kidding... that comes after we murder the lizards. Let's go, patrol." The warrior whipped her tail to rally them around.

Smogmaw is the same as he has always been, with sunken holes for eyes sweeping the lot of them. He looks just the same, grey and dingy. He stands just the same, slouched and horrible ( Not unlike himself. ) He doesn't really see why now, anything else would change. Or why it should for that matter. He liked when things were predictable, even if that meant predictably shitty. He liked when he could anticipate who would through barbed words his way, and who would simply leave him be.

So it's probably nothing, when it feels like Smogmaw's gaze passes over him in a way that's different than it had before. Lead Warrior or not, Smogmaw would always be a mentor to her. Wouldn't it make sense that she's still just a sniveling apprentice to him? Sure, he's said otherwise... But he says a lot of things. A lot of nonsense. She doesn't think the tom remembers half of what he coughs up. ...Was that unfair to think?

Well, nothing was ever very fair between them. Nothing was ever very fair here. Snowypaw disappearing wasn't fair. Smogmaw's gaze dips down to her in particular, to remind her of her mission. Like a rebellious apprentice, she scrunches her nose. " I know. " With a mirroring frown, Sharpshadow looks his way.

WindClan. She almost wishes it would be them, because at least that would be predictable. ...ShadowClan didn't need a fourth – fifth – sixth – whatever number... They didn't need something new to worry about. A tentative look is cast Ferndance's way. ...He'd never tell her that, though.

Sharpshadow lifts her head in search of her patrolmates. " We - We're leaving as soon as we can, " she murmurs.

Mirepurr expects Smogmaw to call the Clan before he even gets to his rightful place in time. There is nothing different about this than before, not really, but Mirepurr feels something akin to excitement as they await the deputy's instructions. It's not like either Chilledstar or Smogmaw flaunts their position more than necessary, but the difference between them and a regular warrior is always present.. now, Mirepurr gets to serve alongside them as an equal.

Their ears twitch with each new patrol named. Is it bad if they're relieved they haven't been assigned to a border patrol? Snowypaw's disappearance has hung in the air, heavy and never ignored, but... they do not wish to be amongst those who question the other Clans about her. It might lead to violence. Definitely high tensions.

They just hope one of the patrols will find her- or at least a clue or two. Something to go off of in the coming days.

Smogmaw finally names them, and Mirepurr's eyes find his. Right. Carrionplace. Something non-committal; the only goal is to find anything edible, and given ShadowClan's unusual tendency to enjoy even the scraps, it should be no big deal.

"Hunting duty. Easy enough." Their face is soft as a marshmallow as they gather up all the members of their patrol. "If we're all ready... let's go."

[ ༻❄༺ ] Patrols, something that was a daily occurrence in the clan life, something that came and went. More tasks to do and stuff to pay more mind to. This was something that was drone into them from the beginning of their apprenticeship and something that'll continue one even into his own warriorhood... which was 2 moons away from now, would he manage to survive that long? Head turn to face the deputy as he listed out the patrols and it would seem the apprentice would not be joining his mentor this time around on a patrol. Yellow gaze flicked towards Mirepurr silently wishing the other good luck before making his way to the deputy.

Combat training with other apprentices, not only that, ones much younger than him deeming him the eldest of the group (aside from Lotus). Despite that though, this was a test of skill and Snowpaw was not going to simply go easy on his fellow peers even if they had less experience than him, because in a real fight, their opponents would not care. Still though, this would be a great way for them all to sharpen their skill even of it was Snowpaw's least favorite activity.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 10 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Sneezepaw hadn't been on many patrols yet. He follows close behind his mentor as cats gather for their assignments, and listens carefully. At the mention of Snowypaw, his smile wavers - at the prospect of visiting WindClan, his ears lower. There was never a Clan quite as fearsome as WindClan, Sneezepaw thought. They were not above stealing kittens, murdering, taking. He finds that he hopes that the treacherous Clan bears no news of Snowypaw; she would be better off getting lost in any other territory.

Then.. he learns what he will be missing for his simple border patrol. A group training session, to make up for what time the apprentices have lost. Sneezepaw presses close to his mother now, Duckshimmer, assigned to the same patrol as him, and looks over to Singepaw and Swallowpaw. His once eager smile is all but gone now, twitched down into a disappointed frown. Bloodpaw. Singepaw. Snowpaw. Swallowpaw. Both his siblings, most of his denmates. Battle training - something Sneezepaw has barely had a lick of. What kind of fun would they have without him? Would his den be filled with joy and gleeful laughter, reminiscing of the training he had been left out of?

It is not the battle training that will be missed, but the companionship and shared experiences with his denmates - with his siblings. Sharpshadow's voice cuts through his thoughts, and Sneezepaw finally tears his gaze away from the luckier group. "Yes, Sharpshadow,"
  • sneezekit SNEEZEPAW
    ━━ APPRENTICE of SHADOWCLAN | 7 MOONS ,, ages every 2nd
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none

  • speech is #ffcc8a


If there was anything Mourningbloom liked about life, it was adventuring out of camp. Being forced to go out of the camp could be fun some times, but really he enjoyed time outside alone way more. Nevertheless, he was willing to do anything at this point. His focus remained on Smogmaw, awaiting his name to be called, but he got somewhat distracted by the mention of Snowypaw. A sense of worry ran its way through him. Despite not knowing the apprentice at all, she was still a clanmate, and a younger one at that. All he hoped was that StarClan was watching over her, and that maybe the border patrols would be something back.

As for his own requirements, he was pleased with the thought of a hunting patrol. Eyes flicked over to Ferndance as she tossed out a joke. He shared the same sentiment as Smogmaw. The taste of frogs was starting to make him nauseous, not quite to the point of skipping meals, but he could sense that it was going to get to that point soon. All he wanted was anything else. That was enough motivation for him.
  • ooc ))

  • - MOURNINGBLOOM . tags
    - AMAB Male (he/him) - 30 Moons
    - gen 1 . npc x npc . sib to none
    - speech . thoughts
    penned by doc