pafp WHEN ROME'S IN RUIN || kitten mischief

As any cat that had rules when they were kittens or were born into the clans knew; being stuck in camp was boring. There were things to do, sure, but they all seemed to be the same thing over and over again, and it was making Aspenkit bored. He wanted to go out again, go with Pipitkit and Mottledove out to pick flowers or catch bugs, but they were stuck in camp now, and there was even less to do now that there were cats getting sick. The sickness scared him, but Aspenkit did his best to ignore it, distracting himself and making sure that he stayed away from anyone who even so much as shivered in an abnormal way. The only exception to this rule he had made for himself was Twitchbolt, the twitchy warrior having been twitching before the sickness had come, and otherwise he seemed fine, at least to the tabby kitten.

It was why on this day, to cure his boredom, Aspenkit was carefully following around the brown and white warrior, hoping to stay out of site and try to practice his stalking. When Twitchbolt would turn around, Aspenkit would quickly scramble as quietly as possible to behind the other, carefully following in line as he began to move once more.

[[ please wait for @TWITCHBOLT before responding! ]]
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Twitchbolt had always been a good tracker- and had equally always been paranoid. He was very familiar with the feeling of being watched- he swore, swore, that there were always some eyes on his back. From beyond the grave or on the ground... either would be equally horrifying. Today, though... today, there was definitely someone there. He shuddered, padding forward carefully as if one misstep, one trip, would knock him belly up to whatever. was following him. And there was someone following him. He was sure, he was sure- this wasn't a feeling, he could hear pawsteps! But, whipping around, he only ever found there was no-one there.

"Who is doing that!?" he cried, nervousness cracking his voice. Suspicious eyes scanned the ground- he was sure the footsteps were lighter than a warrior's would be. This was a kit, somewhere... a kit who likely had a destiny as a good hunter. Was it- odd, to be embarrassed by being the victim to a kit game he wasn't aware he was playing? If, indeed- it was a kit game, and not some warrior attempting to rile him up...
penned by pin ✧

Orangeblossom watches Twitchbolt and his shadow of the day with a faint expression of amusement flashing across her scarred features every time he turns around to find ... nothing. No Aspenkit, which is highly impressive; Twitchbolt is paranoid, and for a kitten to hide his entire self from the lead warrior's jittery eyes implies a level of skill she doesn't see very often. The deputy decides that she might have a suggestion for Blazestar on his mentor, too - it's about time, she thinks, that Rushwind teaches an apprentice. He's an excellent tracker, and Aspenkit might hone this skill to impressive levels for not only an adolescent but a fully trained warrior if paired with someone who can work with him on that.

"Try turning the other way, Twitchbolt." She meows, slightly amused, hoping to catch Aspenkit's eye just long enough that the lead warrior would be able to turn and spot him.


A moment of rest for Greeneyes is led with an amused gaze. It follows the blue-furred Aspenkit around camp as he quietly creeps behind Twitchbolt’s shuddering form as the lead warrior remains unaware of his shadow’s identity.

And when the brown and white tom turns to catch the kit that follows him - only to find nothing - Greeneyes grins, stifling a laugh at the scene before him. Aspenkit leaps away each time, scurrying to remain hidden from a twitching, two-toned gaze. He’s quite good at it too; a skill in the growing kit that will most definitely be forged in a successful hunter in time. For now, Aspenkit is merely a kit, and this is merely a game that keeps Greeneyes entertained in his downtime.

I didn’t see anyone —” he hums, a shrug of the shoulders following as he tries to pass off to his friend that no one was actually following him, though the smile pulling at his face says otherwise.

Ginger ears twitch as Orangeblossom suggests for Twitchbolt to turn the other way, and his own gaze shifts to the kit behind the tom as well, though part of him wants to see how long Aspenkit can keep this up.
There were a few close calls (mostly close calls) and as time went on, Aspenkit found it harder and harder to not laugh just a little bit. Twitchbolt’s nervous cry didn’t help with that, and afterwards the child looked like he was about to explode. That was, until Orangeblossom told the brown and white warrior to look the other way, catching Aspenkit off guard. He had been doing this without input from others for a while, so the sudden words from the deputy of all cats definitely threw him for a loop.

”No fair!” The child blurt out, fur puffed out as he did so, both upset and embarrassed that he had given himself away. It couldn’t have gone on forever though, Aspenkit wasn’t usually the quiet type, but at least he could say he didn’t explode into a fit of giggles to give himself up.

//mobile (idk how y’all do it, mobile users are so strong) [/COLOR]

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Orangblossom offered him advice, of course- though he wasn't sure he'd seen amusement buried in her tone like that. He met her eye with a thankful but slightly embarrassed look- right before Greeneyes briefly distracted him, a smile cast upon the ginger-and-white warrior's face. Now- now, Twitchbolt knew he was lying, but for once it wasn't borne of rampant suspicion but instead because he knew that this was a kitten, from the tiny pitter-patter pawsteps and the shape small enough to slip past his scrutiny. Humoured, he met Greeneyes' namesake gaze for a moment before finally heeding Orangeblossom's advice, just as his pursuer blurted out their dissatisfaction.

"Aspenkit," Twitchbolt breathed, his previous nervousness ebbing away. Soon it was replaced with entertainment and, less visibly, awe. Aspenkit looked disappointed the game was over, which Twitchbolt took to mean that he was at least enjoying himself. "You've got a- a talent for speed." Though it was as wobbly as every other muscle on the warrior's snow-splashed body, the smile he offered the kitten was entirely genuine. It was an impressive show- he was glad someone important had been watching.
penned by pin ✧