private When somebody loved me ⚜ Starlingheart


I'd let the world burn for you
Jan 17, 2024
*+:。.。 Duckshimmer stared at the medicine den's dark maw, periwinkle eyes shinning with a glimmer of dew as she thought about who was residing within that lonesome ebony...and who isn't. She had dipped her toe in the waters of grief only recently, and the emotion had been too much for her, even in such a small dosage. Singepaw's limp body dragged into camp had stolen something from Duckshimmer she hadn't expected to lose. She didn't realize how much her kits could affect her - how much possibly losing them could affect her. Being a proud woman refusing any compromise in her independence, she was always careful to balance loving from a distance and tethering herself just enough so that space didn't grow wider. To think those three little worms still managed to take hold of pieces of her - pieces they'd take with them if they ever...left her.
Singepaw, of course, recovered quickly, and with his return to action, Duckshimmer felt that broken-off marble return to her, albeit a bit chipped and off-center, but still leaving her whole. She pulled her paw out of that chalky water, and hoped never again to experience a grief so cold and awful.

But Starlingheart had been pulled right under, hadn't she? Again and again, before the poor molly could rise above the surface to take a breath, she's yanked right back down again. Her mate, her family, her kits and now...her apprentice. She understood the bond between a cat and their ward as she loved her Marshroot so dearly she saw him as part of the family - her practice son, if you will. To experience the loss of that, on top of everything...

Sympathy clawed at Duckshimmer's chest until she could bear it no longer. Picking herself up, the woman would tread into the yawning maw of that too-cold medicine den. Peeking inside, she'd whisper softly, "Starlingheart, my dear, I'm so sorry to disturb you so late into the night, but I was wondering if..." she debates being blunt and asking her if she wants company. She hesitates only because if the roles were reversed, Duckshimmer would be desperate for a cat to simply breathe nearby but would be too proud to accept any form of pity. So instead, she lies, "I cannot sleep, you see, just an awful stomach cramp that I fear might get worse if you wouldn't mind if I could stay just in case the worse should happen?"


    DFAB— She/Her — Bisexual
    30 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mother to Singepaw, Swallowpaw and Sneezepaw
    Shadowclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #ffa98f
    injuries: None currently

She sleeps in his nest. Eventually, she knows that she'll have to throw it out. When the edges got frayed, when it was nothing more than a decaying pile of moss. But then, it wouldn't smell like him anymore and perhaps by that time the hole in her heart would scar over and she would have the strength to throw it out. Not yet though, for now she clings to it like it's her last line to him. Like she feels that if perhaps she could smell him she could reach him in her dreams.

The den feels so empty right now and she finds that without the gentle hum of another's snores that sleep does not come easily. When was the last time she had been alone here? Not before after Bonejaw left. And even then, it had only been one night before she had invited Granitepelt to come and share her den with her. She shivers and curls tighter into herself.

She looks up as a shadow disturbs the moonlight filtering into her den, lone green eye shining in the darkness and landing on the figure of Duckshimmer. She listens to her words quietly and then lets out a soft humm. "I can-can give you some watermint if you'd like" she says, remembering how she had discovered its use during that awful leaf-bare. "y-you're more than welcome to-to stay here though" she says, feeling slight relief pitch in her chest at the thought. "Theres a-a spare nest over-over there. I just muh-made it- just made it today" a nest for just in case of a situation just like this.

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    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training