private when stars cry // sunflowerpaw

Cottonkit's only heard of the misfortune that befell Sunflowerpaw. Most of her wants to visit the friendly apprentice and see the gnarly injury for herself, though the remaining bits feel apprehension for treating the other as just another learning opportunity. She likes Sunflowerpaw, quiet as they are. They're inquisitive, kind - they know how to throw a punch (she's seen it in their playfighting!) but they have no issue taking days slowly. This never would've happened if they became a tunneller... Her thoughts are uninhibited as she idles by the fresh kill pile, tail lashing behind her. It's not their fault, nor her mother's for choosing the other's profession. Still, it sucks.

She pulls a fatty bird from the pile, deciding that she's been sat still for too long. She drags it back towards the nursery at first, before spying the tufted tail of said Sunflowerpaw flicking just outside the medicine den. Cottonkit squints, and though her plan is far from masterful, she sets it into motion. She spends the next couple moments pulling feathers from the bird - some expertly tugged whilst others bend and break in her rush. And once the bird and defeathered to an improper extent, Cottonkit shifts her course and starts carrying it towards the medicine den.

"Sunflowerpaw!" she calls to the pale furred feline, putting on a smile to hide most of her frustration. "Just the cat - huff - I wanted to see!" she struggles to speak, drag, and breathe all at the same time, but eventually rounds the corner with the meal in tow. She leaves it just a step or two ahead of her friend, "I started defeathering on my own, but I still can't get it right... can you help?" she asks, keeping her gaze on the other's expression. Though her eyes flick down occasionally to peak at Sunflowerpaw's injury, she tries her best not to stare.

@sunflowerpaw <3​


When Cottonkit comes to the medicine den, Sunflowerpaw is doing the same thing they usually are: lying in a nest trying not to exacerbate their injury further, per Vulturemask's instruction. It's mind-numbingly boring. They've taken the spot closest to the exit so that they can at least pretend to be part of Clan life, but it's little solace. Their tail twitches with agitation. Only when they hear Cottonkit's voice do they perk up, awkwardly straightening to sit with paw held aloft. She's panting, clearly exhausted from the far-too-large bird she's dragging, yet her face bears a smile nonetheless. It's an endearing sight, the tiny kit so clearly determined to drag the massive, half-defeathered(?) bird all the way to the medicine den, seemingly for the sole purpose of dropping it at their paws.

Sunflowerpaw stares at it. They're used to Clanmates bringing them food, but this... It's got half-broken feathers sticking out from every angle, a mangled job of defeathering. Cottonkit's next words clarify, and Sunflowerpaw feels a rush of fond exasperation. "Still?" they echo, voice barely above a whisper. They remember showing her how, a moon ago now, and she did perfectly well then. Maybe it's just been a while -- they know the kit prefers moles, maybe she's been leaving all the birds for her Clanmates.

They look back, only up to catch Cottonkit glancing at their injured paw. She meets their gaze quickly, bout a of self-consciousness still surfaces in the apprentice, but there's not really any way they can hide it. Bound with a stick in an experiment attempt at straightening its unnatural twisted, it may as well be on display for everyone. Focus on the bird, they think. That, they can do. Helping someone, helping Cottonkit. Finally, something worthwhile to do. They settle back down, slowly, unable to keep their balance while leaning. Once laying, they reach forward to slowly begin plucking the bird.


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  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 4 moons. semiverbal.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
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Cottonkit doesn't think she could simply lay about and do nothing, even whilst injured or sick. She doubts that Sunflowerpaw is having all that much fun doing it, either. Prior to experiencing her friend in this sort of desolate state, she used to think felines like Tigerfrost silly for walking around on their injuries - how are they supposed to heal!? However given her chance for a more personal look, she can't blame any of them. Being stuck in this den, surrounded by herbal smells and Vulturemask likely muttering or grumbling about something... she's itching to get out now, and she's not even the one stranded.

At least, she thinks for a second, Vulturemask likes Sunflowerpaw. Cottonkit is unsure what that solves. Maybe the medicine cat would be just a tad less bitter, or provide the lilac feline with little tasks to keep them busy. The thought rolls away when the apprentice takes her poorly set bait, struggling a little with their balance. The grey furred kitten blinks before trotting around to the other's side, laying down as close as she can to provide the other with some stability whilst they work on the remainder of the bird together. It's the least she can do for the help, she figures.

She tries to avoid looking at the other's paw, but she can't help it. "Does it hurt?" she opts to ask, tail twitching. It surely doesn't look comfortable, bound as it is, but she wants to hear it from the other's mouth. While waiting for an answer, Cottonkit leans closer to the meal, pulling and tugging at a couple of the looser feathers.​
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Sunflowerpaw stills for a moment when Cottonkit settles herself next to them. Their fur is brushing, and Sunflowerpaw's skin prickles -- they're not a fan of physical touch, as a general rule. But they know Cottonkit, at least, she's not a stranger. And she lays close, not against, so they breathe out slowly, still the clamoring unease that threatens to rise up. No, it's not truly so bad. In fact...

Sunflowerpaw leans into Cottonkit's side, slowly and carefully. Their usual discomfort does not come, given the chance to act themself. They shift a bit, steadying themself against her, trying not shift too much weight onto the smaller feline. It does help, though, having an anchor to lean on. Their mouth twitches towards a smile, eyes still fixed on the bird. "Thanks," they breathe, hardly a word rather than an exhalation of air vaguely in the shape of one. They can see her from the corner of their eye, and they try to ignore her gaze upon her injured paw.

Does it hurt? she says, and they do not flinch. They were expecting a question about it, they're just glad she's not asking if it'll heal like everyone else seems to. This one, at least, they can answer. They nod, a small hum of confirmation rumbling in their throat. It does, still, and the herbs do little to help. They're growing used to it, now, much as one can.


  • //
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 4 moons. semiverbal.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
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Truthfully, Cottonkit can't say that she knows her supposed friends very well. Raised as she was, with two high-standing parents and a nursemaid, she hadn't exactly been given the tools to be observant like that. Much of her crawling kittenhood was hand-fed to her. The idea that many cats had to like her, or at least tolerate her, because of her heritage was and often still is comforting enough for her to drift through life without trying. But for once, she notices - the hesitation is only a second long, stretching from when Cottonkit grasps a feather to when it finally releases from the prey. Sunflowerpaw doesn't lean casually into her like she's used to, like her siblings do. It takes a moment before they do.

She says nothing. Her tail twitches away from the other's body and curls up on her lonesome side, and she notches this somewhere in her mind to contemplate later. Regardless, Sunflowerpaw offers some of their weight to her and murmurs a quiet, "Thanks," in response to the silent offer of help. Cottonkit simply hums, knowing herself too well. Opening her mouth now would only allow unnecessary questions and maybe even accusations and - for once, she wants to keep her mouth shut.

It's their turn to hum, a quiet tone to accompany a nod. Cottonkit pulls her gaze from the other's injured paw up to their expression - determined, distracted, maybe even apprehensive? She wishes she knew more about Sunflowerpaw, or maybe more about the cats around her in general. She swallows and puts on a smile for the both of them, so that they don't have to wear one that hurts for much longer. "It'll get better," she decides, her voice full of childish naivety, "WindClan cats are strong - you're strong, yeah? I think... it'll get better." She has confidence in what she doesn't know. She's not sure if her words would help Sunflowerpaw at all and given her natural demeanor, she's quick to abandon the idea that it wouldn't. After all, she has to be right, virtue of her heritage and all.

In any case, she pats the kill with a paw, "Y'wanna share this with me? I was gonna bring it to the nursery, but it's getting too crowded in there," she supposes with the RiverClan battle, the medicine den isn't too much better. Her ear twitches, "You got out just in time," she then tries to joke.​