private WHEN SUMMER ENDS // villains // WILL YOU BE HERE?

[ @Fadingpaw for apprentice tag :) ]

Skyclaw's mind whirls with discontent. While he cannot justify everything with it being the fault of former outsiders, he can find some reprieve with talking about the injustice they do provide. Eating their meals, using their herbs... he's listened to the refuting thoughts of few, of how it'd be a waste to turn a few of their more privileged cats now that they've used their resources. But what of the sunk-cost fallacy? Cats like Bigfang, Leafhusk - cats like Roaringpaw, and the kittypet kittens that Howlingstar continuously allows in...

Something clicks. The conversation flutters around him and Skyclaw's posture shifts.

"We're in need of a change," he says. He looks around to the cats that sit before him, each well versed in the troubles that he, too, knows well. Each bothered by the state of their Clan, by the ruin that being pitifully kind has brought onto them. "Listen - listen," Skyclaw starts again, "Howlingstar is my kin. I love her to pieces," pieces that sweep away slowly, each tugged away from the rolling tide. "But she is growing too old, too... frail. Her decision making can't be up to par. We have too many mouths to feed and she keeps letting in new cats -" this doesn't limit to kittypets, but he glowers and he hopes they understand his reasoning.

"We need to show the rest of ThunderClan that it's time for her to retire," he voices. His tail twitches as he looks over the other cats again. Bold is he, grandson to their leader, to suggest they sabotage the very woman herself. But... "It's for the sake of our Clan. We cannot stand to continue to let her weak wills ruin us."
Like many of her young peers, when Skyclaw speaks, Redflower listens. Her pale yellow eyes are stretched wide with surprise when the warrior begins to speak against his own kin, but she finds herself nodding along to what he says. She is old and frail, isn't she? Allowing all sorts of kittypets to traipse around our camp... The tortoiseshell she-cat frowns at the thought, and she raises a white-tipped paw toward the mottled dark tomcat, as if volunteering herself for something. "I agree. ThunderClan must change if we are to survive."

She turns to look at her cohorts, her eyes narrowing. "We are surrounded on all sides by enemies. How are we to survive this leafbare with a bunch of kittypets hunting for us, stuffing their faces with our fresh-kill?" Her tone is cool, her expression calm. "What do you propose we do?" She directs her question to Skyclaw this time.

  • ooc:
  • Redkit . Redpaw . Redflower, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 14 moons old, ages realistically on the 15th.
    — mentored by NPC ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — thunderclan warrior. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh tortoiseshell with low white and pale yellow eyes. bright, spiteful, impressionable.


So let's pretend we like each other

They still did not like the half-blood much, but since both were on equal footing in thoughts, Yewflame might as well join him and the others who had no like for the kittypets and outsiders, so when Skyclaw spoke his own thoughts, his blue-brown gaze land onto the other coldly while ears perked forward, his plume tail twitching slightly while Skyclaw spoke, Redflower putting in her own words in making the warrior hum.

"I also agree, Howlingstar is allowing their impurity muddy our camp, our terrirory, wasting our time and food on them. Next thing you know, we'll be like Skyclan" she stated coldly, glancing towards Redflower and back to Skyclaw, awaiting for the other to respond to Redflower's question whil he hummed a bit, "Do you have an idea to propose?" he asked, biting back on the nickname yet, it was plain how he spoke, half-blood still lingers within his words. Hopefully this plan Skyclaw comes up with is worthy.

༻ ♥༺ When hot new-leaf air began to stifle the nursery, it was Littlekit her mother sent to fetch water from Gentlestorms den. The errand is quick enough, but as smoked forepaws step from the stoney cavern, a familiar voice cuts through the thick air like claws. Listen- listen!
Dual colored ears swivel, and with her moss still in tow Littlekit creeps towards the sound of her uncles voice. Ducking under a bundle of ferns, citrus hues flicker wildly to and fro as she takes a curious peak.
She recognizes some of the warriors gathered, the ones her mother would call bad news, she thinks. Pearlescent teeth sink into the spongy bundle still in her maw, water begins to dribble from the sides. Skyclaw speaks in a frightening tone about change, and Littlekit’s stretch wide when Howlingstars name leaves the tom’s maw, calling the wise leader frail and weak. Did Skyclaw see something Littlekit did not? It was probable. Still, the way her kin speaks nearly makes teardrops prick pins along the girls waterline. Was it true? Could it be?
Redflowers voice is even more biting, and again kittypets are brought to blame. Enemies. Impure. Mouths to feed. The words swim behind glossy golden optics, Littlekit barely realize how she has made the bush she hides under shake with her trembling. It wouldn’t be until a sharp pair of eyes was thrown in her direction that she’d finally get the senses to run back to the nursery with a small “eek!”
Her bundle of moss spills from her jaws and is forgotten about on the ground.
She’d like to forget everything she had just heard, surely a private talk with her uncle would soothe the beginnings of the bout of hiccups that has begun to bubble from her chest.

  • LITTLEKIT she/her, kit of thunderclan, 4 moons.
    Amber-eyed, dense-furred chocolate smoked she-kit with black ribboning stretching across her face, foreleg, and tail.
    daughter of Roeflame && Burnstorm ࿏ sister to Beetlekit && Dovekit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


☆⋅⋆ ── briarsong listens to skyclaw, words stoking the self-righteous fire that had been slowly growing in her chest. howlingstar was unfit, they needed someone strong, with a heart impenetrable by outsider tears and pleas. thunderclan suffered under her weak will, even her kin thought so.

redflower and yewflame are agreeable, it brings a slowly growing grin across her maw. this was a conversation of action, she wouldn't have to sit idle for much longer. briarsong didn't care what the ideas were, her claws were itching to take part. "i am with you, whatever is needed." they would make them all see, generations from now, thunderclanners would thank them for it.
  • OOC ⋆ ─

  • BRIARSONG she/her, warrior of thunderclan, twelve moons.
    a well built solid black longhair with white markings narrowed yellow eyes.
    NPC x NPC / / former apprentice to saffronpounce
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ battle info
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Ravenstrike stood off to the side as she listened as she smirks at the words calling Howlingstar frail, and the slight rustling of a nearby bush catches her attention. A cold gaze amber gaze reflecting daggers meet Littlekit until she squabbles off towards the nursery, a little rat. ”Seems like there was an little mouse being nosy, typical.” She scoffs in annoyance as she pushes a paw to her forehead as her sharp gaze flicks back towards Skyclaw and the others. ”None of the lead warriors will listen to us, so we'll have to sabotage her. Show that age has crippled her senses and she needs to retire.”

Her tail flicks as she stares off at the side as sharp claws flex in the dirt, pondering momentarily. It takes her a moment until a unsettling smirk settles on her lips as she glances at the group before her, ”I'm in little halfblood. I wouldn't mind killing more kittypets if it means for the best of Thunderclan.” Raven states as she rasps a tongue across her paw.

"She's been needing to retire for awhile." A huff would leave his throat as his tail lashed back and forth. Skyclaw was right, her judgement had been questionable for quite some time now. He had lost count on how many orphans she had 'oh so graciously' allowed to dilute their ranks. Roaringpaw, Ivorykit, Coltkit, Thundergleam the list went on and on. How many more cats would she allow to join before the clan began to starve? They were already hungry as is. What clan was hungry in greenleaf? Maybe if there weren't so many outsiders, then the clan could have supported all those kits that the queens decided to pop out.

"How will we make them listen to us?" His gaze turned to his former mentor for a moment, before returning to Skyclaw. "Flamewhisker is a bleeding heart too, and like Ravenstrike said, the council will support Howlingstar. Half the council is related to her in some way."

*+:。.。 Howlingstar, to Wrathpaw, was as consistent and true as the sun. Thunderclan couldn't be luckier to have such a kind and compassionate figure at the helm, guiding them through strife and bringing an age of peace so resilient the younger generation knew not of the perils their elders faced.
And yet, the sun needed always set eventually.

Wrathpaw still grinds his teeth remembering Raccoonstripe and his patrol being spoken to like kits - as if their sacrifices weren't something to be honored just because they asked for more than they were provided. Because they were brave enough to take more than they were provided. Even so, Skyclaw's proposal is a tough herb to swallow. Lifting darkened depths of deep, hollow blues, he studies Skyclaw as he takes control of the conversation. He's awed to know that he's trusted to be among those in this discussion, being one of the youngest here second only to Fadingpaw. Briarpaw had called him smart, perhaps the rest of the cats here thought so, true? Smart enough to know the truth.

Even so, his mouth remains too dry to speak. He hopes his presence is enough, especially when he pads forth to sit beside Briarsong. He nods along with her vow of loyalty, although...He lifts his gaze to resume studying Skyclaw, wondering what whatever is needed might entail. Quickly, however, he shakes his head. Asking Howlingstar to retire wasn't a bad thing...after all, she was going on in years...maybe it'd be for the best?

    DMAB— He/Him
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently

ˏˋ*⁀➷  All this talk makes Fallowpaw antsy. She'd been content to listen in, but the idea of letting in too many cats, too many mouths to feed... It makes her skin crawl. The idea of having been turned away in her youth - the terror of having to plead for her siblings' fate in front of the stony form of Howlingstar - it's a fear that has sguck with her.

She feels vulnerable, and she hates feeling vulnerable. Her claws dig into the earth where she lies. Keep the conversation on kittypets, keep the focus off of rogues and outsiders. It's becoming a form of self-preservation. All this anger bubbling up within the clan needs to be kept away from her and her kin. She's not like the kittypets - and she hopes with a pit in her stomach that these cats who seem hungry for kittypet-blood like a pack of wolves will see that clearly enough. Her voice is gruff, breathy. "Don't make much sense to let in cats who got food waitin'. Just wastes prey 'n herbs."

That is the difference. If it had been turned away, it would have starved, if her mother did not kill her first. If Roaringpaw - if Stormywing had been turned away, they would face nothing but a full belly and a life full of pampering and play. A quiet reminder to the other cats: "She sure drilled it into me 'n my siblings that we got to earn our keep..." And what of Roaringpaw, eating up herbs for a bout of idiocy? "Guess she's got a soft spot for kittypets," it mumbles, casting a glance to Skyclaw. It makes sense, with how much pedigree blood her lineage bears. She does not begrudge him his ancestry; no, she hears Ravenstrike's jab of halfblood and feels a kinship. He too, is on the menu for the more bloodthirsty of the group. They both must set themselves apart, if they want to survive.

Her rotting-leaf eye flicks over to the dark warrior. "No one said anything 'bout killing, foxheart. Try to listen through those bees in your brain, mm?" It flashes its teeth at her. "Just gotta knock some sense into 'em. They'll go runnin' back to their nests soon 'nough." Once they realize that this pipe-dream of an adventure isn't all they imagined, once leafbare comes and they miss the comfort of a full belly.

She gives a soft sigh, looking back to Skyclaw tiredly. She does raise a good point about the concil, much as it is loathe to admit it. "...But uh, Howlingstar's still gonna be a problem. You got a plan?" She'll listen to Skyclaw, at least. He seems more reasonable than... Most everyone else here.

  • 84967151_9ydGxfWsqAPcif1.png
  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, eleven moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw & doepaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Skyclaw had not anticipated such unilateral agreement - but then again, why would any of them disagree? In some way they each understood the plague that has descended on the Clans, one that is rotting them from the inside out. While Skyclaw isn't in favor of letting any loner or rogue thrive on their land, at least those cats have learned what it means to fight to live. Kittypets need to understand that their soft way of living will never mesh with the forest, and ThunderClan needs to see that their elderly leader is misusing her power and allowing the Clan to wither.

He lets his gaze waver on the shivering bush as a kitten skitters away. Making a note in his mind to pester each and every child until one confesses to being nearby, the tom looks back to the group - his real Clanmates, if he had to discern them from the rest. Those not here will understand... They'll make them understand.

"We'll start slow so that no cat suspects us -" His gaze sweeps the warriors and the few apprentices scattered about, landing on Briarsong. "Find your way onto a hunting patrol with Howlingstar. Ensure that she brings nothing home," short term, it'll hurt them. But long term, they will thrive. He looks towards Ravenstrike, Yewflame, Smokefur - the former two still combat his very existence, but the newest warrior seems eager to simply right the world's wrongs. "We must make it irrefutable that she is not capable of leading any longer. Confuse her on border patrols, help her mistake rotten prey for good... Whatever it takes. If the Council will not listen even then, we will be in need a new council."

And the kittypet issue. He looks over Fallowpaw, who's security of life hinges on providing for itself and its sisters. Meanwhile kittens of pedigree homes are fed without consequence, brought up as 'true ThunderClanners.' Wrathpaw, who's been outspoken ever since the patrol to SkyClan - and more. "If you've the free time, do much of the same for the weak-blooded in our Clan. Kittypets do not know when to turn tail - when this game they're playing has ended. Make their lives feel like they're standing in a fire or drowning with no chance of air. They'll leave on their own, and if they won't..." Skyclaw trails off, and his gaze finds Ravenstrike again. His ear twitches. "We will discuss again."

sleekserpent & 17 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan warrior

Its strange sometimes, to find himself within such a group. Sleekserpent has never been one to make friends - and in truth, even now she's not sure these are friends. Aquaintances perhaps? Comrads with a common cause, a purpose? Whatever it might be, the pale furred boy watches with baby blues as the others gossip amungst themselves - a snort passing his lips at the idea. " Sabotag? You really think that will work? Well.... if it does, Howlingstar clearly doesnt deserve her rank. Hah, " Sabatoge. Really. Sleekserpent thinks back on her own apprenticeship days, where she wasnt well liked and more then one petty disagreement had turned into trying to one up one another or ruin her hunt. If the leader really cant see something so petty coming and push through it, the way they can, perhaps she really has gone soft.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

B O Y S D O N ' T C R Y A N D I W O N ' T T O O