pafp WHEN THE BEE STINGS // attempting land hunting (again)

// @coyotecreek please wait for coyote to respond!

By now, it must be common knowledge that Mudpelt is helpless on land when it's not on a battlefield. Never in his life has he ever been able to successfully catch a single piece of prey that wasn't covered in scales and fins. But today, his clanmates insisted on coming out again to try, Coyotecreek the loudest among them. With their encouragement, he's motivated to give it another chance.

The hulking tom doesn't hide well in the undergrowth, so he instead crouches behind a rotting, frozen tree stump and peers around at a water vole snuffling about near the shore. He tries his best to keep his breathing even, just like he does for fishing, but his claws suddenly feel clumsy and awkward within their sheathes, his paws heavy unlike how light they are in combat. He casts a look towards Coyotecreek, reluctant, as if feeling embarrassed for the impending failure he feels coming. He's never been able to do it - why should think he can now?

The usually-confident tom is apprehensive as he stares and waits for another bout of encouragement. At this rate, he needs it.
( ) there's friendly amusement in the odd eyes of the ginger tom as he crouches beside mudpelt. he can see the water vole from here, can almost smell the warm blood flowing through its veins. he watches carefully as the brown tomcat crouches, looking as uncomfortable as he's ever seen him look. golden eyes cast a doubtful and embarassed look towards coyotecreek and the man will offer a gentle smile. "there's little harm in missing. yer good at fishin' and truthfully that's what matters in this clan," he points out, flicking his feathery tail against the other's flank for a moment.

the water vold quivers, oblivious to the low voices discussing its demise. coyotecreek crouches low. "ok try to copy me move for move. we'll first crouch. keep your front paws close to your chest, and bunch your back paws behind you like you would if you were going to jump up onto something." he demonstrates, keeping his paws flat and his tail curled delicately. "land creatures are difficult 'cause they can hear your pawsteps. ya gotta keep your weight balanced across all four paws. when moving, imagine yer in battle, about to do an ambush. yer good at that! imagine the vole is an enemy you gotta get the jump on. don't picture it as prey, that might help. think you gotta be silent or you'll compremise a mission."
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — In general, Swiftfire considered herself to be a pretty good hunter. Her fighting skills certainly often left something to be desired, but she had never felt particularly out of place among her fellow colonists, easily swiping up without a care in the world. The action was actually pretty soothing, her mind clearing itself fully as she just sat and waited for the chance to strike. Her experience with prey on land was much more limited, but she didn't quite have the same anxiety about hunting out of the water that Mudpelt seemed to be struggling so strongly with. She had her preference, certainly, but she didn't find herself shaking like a leaf in apprehension when her paws were out of the water.

Despite not knowing Mudpelt well - yet, hopefully - Swiftfire always wanted to encourage others with things they were struggling with. So, she had followed after the others with Coyotecreek and Mudpelt, keeping a bit of distance so that any potential prey wouldn't be driven away. She doubted any of her potential advice would be as helpful as what Coyotecreek had to say, so instead she just offered Mudpelt a supportive grin. "You've got this. Maybe you could imagine it like a fish flopping around instead?" She winced a little as soon as the words left her mouth, abundantly aware of how silly that advice sounded. Still, if it helped?

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    38 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

"Wait... Are we learning how to hunt land creatures?" Bubblepaw asks, voice practically overflowing with excitement at the idea. "Can I learn too?" she asks, glancing between Coyotecreek and Mudpelt with a great sense of enthusiasm. Nevermind the fact that she's only just learned to catch a fish a few weeks ago- far behind the curve of other apprentices her own age. When presented with the opportunity to learn a new skill, Bubblepaw is enthusiastic regardless of the reality of whether or not she'll actually be good at it.

Unlike Bubblepaw, though, Mudpelt seems particularly bothered by the fact that he can't nail one of the land animals. Although she had been aware in her fishing skills lacking, it had never once bothered the apprentice. And eventually, she had gotten her first catch. She blinks at the warrior through his distress, and pipes up in his direction: "Coyotecreek is right, you're good at fishing! That's the most-est important thing!" she puffs out her chest as if proud of her unhelpful compliment "If anyone can catch one of those freaky little land animals, it's you!"
✦ ★ ✦
No cat in his Clan would catch Otterpaw hunting on land even if it meant going hungry. It wasn't what he was born to do (one could argue the same for his fishing skills, slow as they were to improve), and he figured it was a job good enough for the Drypaw's to have instead. Earlier that day, as he and Coyotecreek patrolled before this, Otterpaw had managed to catch a barbel. Certainly not the size of one in greenleaf, this one was clearly thin from the struggle of finding food in the cold but it was a big catch regardless. One he was proud of.

He sat on the sidelines with his fish held down with a paw as if it would come back to life and find its way to the river again. He watched Mudpelt with a disapproving stare; why bother trying when he was already good at fishing? Land hunting was supplemental, it was for cats that couldn't handle getting their paws a little wet to splash around. Mudpelt was already better than them!

This is dumb. He thought bitterly, envy bubbling in his chest as more joined in at this pointless demonstration.​
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