sensitive topics when the night was full of terror | Badger's den


Riverclan is going through a chaotic time, Hazepaw knows — moving camp twice, being attacked by Windclan and losing Sunningrock to Thunderclan, whatever else the warriors are worrying about at the moment… but it’s hard to see the storm brewing when the night is so quiet, the air so sweet, and the company so nice.

Catfishpaw and her set out with no particular destination in mind, just for the pleasure of exploring the territory together, and have been walking in comfortable silence for some time; their asymmetrical — but never one-sided — conversations wax and wane to the rhythm of their own private rhythms, easy with the knowledge that they could equally talk or stay quiet for hours. It feels natural. Safe, as well: despite the adults’ warnings, she knows that she’ll always be safe with the other apprentice.

A warm breeze ruffles her long fur and Hazepaw fancies she could follow it through the rustling of foliage the way she would a prey; as if she might catch wind itself between her teeth if she were quick enough.

They smile, a small, private joy at the whimsical thought. Something about the hour is making them dreamier than usual. Turning to share it with Catfish, they instead notice a singular sight: a deep void in the grey darkness of the night. A strange hole that wasn’t there before.

Leaning their shoulder against Catfish’s, they nod their head towards it and throw their friend a look that glints with unrestrained curiosity. Where did this hole come from? They’ve heard Windclanners dig tunnels underneath the earth, but they couldn’t have dug through the gorge. And it doesn’t smell like anything they know, nothing that rings a bell, not even in alarm. Only damp earth and a musty smell, faint, that she can’t quite pinpoint.

More importantly, where could it possibly lead to?

That, unlike the hole’s creator, she can discover for herself. Lightly nudging her friend — a gesture to convey both follow me and watch this — she makes her careful, discreet way towards the yawning maw of the Hole. Maybe it goes all the way across the river. Or further, even, to the Twoleg place! Or perhaps it goes nowhere at all but there’s a treasure in its depths, like a piece of the moon, or a cool rock.

There is no treasure.

In the darkness of the claustrophobic space, loose pebbles rolling under her paws, Hazepaw blinks to acclimate her sight and meets sharp, beady eyes, set into a lean, black-and-white face. Everything stands very, very still. And then it shifts — and the shadows shift with it, revealing the bulk of a body twice the size of Haze’s, revealed in glimpses of scant moonlight: outlining wicked claws, the briefest flash of teeth, thick muscles shifting under its pelt. A creature out of nightmares. A monster.

A predator — and Hazepaw the prey, for the first time in her life.

Panic, foreign and vertigo-inducing, jolts through her frozen limbs. Struggling to turn around in the narrow passage, Hazepaw scrapes her face against the walls of the tunnels as she twists around and scrambles back the way she came from. Her paws slip on the stones scattered on the ground, some revealed as tiny, bare bones as they snap under her weight. She feels a warm breath on her heels; imagines teeth closing a whisker’s breadth from her as she drags herself out of the hole. The burrow.

They rarely need words to be understood by their best friend — but fear tears this one out of them, unbidden:


// please wait for @Catfishpaw !

'cause my girl's made of peaches—————————————————
Youthful tomfoolery was Catfishpaw's and Hazepaw's specialty, and so far it had yet to really hurt them. A scolding from warriors was something of the past, they had gotten better at scampering away from camp undetected and the night was the twos own personal Starclan. The first couple nights at the new camp were used for figuring out how to leave the new camp. It didn't take long to find out the darkest shadows and now the once familiar territory was new for them again. Of course the best part of this newness was having the familiar cat next to her side to explore it with her.

The silence they shared was given her full attention, listening to the branches that bumped into each other while trying not to bump into Hazepaw's shoulder as the two walked together. Savoring the connection her and Haze had built was the best part of the silent moments in the night. The two cats could tackle the world together it seemed, neither afraid of the dark and anything that it may hold.

Catfishpaw noticed the smile that crept over Haze's face and waited for the other cat to share whatever thought they had when instead of sharing she is bumped in the shoulder. With a tilt of their chin Catfish's eyes land in the darkness that gapes into the night. She flicked her ear as she looks from it to the grey tabby, wondering what the game plan would be. "What do you think it is?" It was a dumb question, she knew it was a hole, but she was more wondering about its origins and hoped that Hazepaw could infer the real meaning of the question.

The musty smell that wafted from the hole struck some sort of familiarity in Catfish, she couldn't quite place it but it smelt like it was missing something from the last time she had smelled it. Her brows furrowed as Haze stepped in front of her and to the gaping darkness, "Hey, I know like we are ... like okay right now but I don't have like a great feeling about this Haze." she wasn't sure if all the words were even registered by the adventurous apprentice that was slowly sinking into the pit. Catfish's white feet drew her to the pile of dirt that had been scooped out at the entrance, "I don't like it..." she whispered to herself as her green eyes turned to nothing but pupils as she tried to glare into the darkness that had swallowed her best friend.

While she waited for anything to escape the darkness she began sniffing the dirt around her, trying to place the smell she knew she knew. It was deep inside her, she just needed a deeper whiff of it. Her mouth opened slightly as she inhaled deeply, it smelled musky... like the fresh-kill pile almost, just without the fish. That's what it was! It didn't have the smell of fish with it.


Her stomach dropped. It was missing the smell of fish and iron-rich blood. This was some sort of predators home, not an otter but something similar. The realization made her pause for a second, a stupid second. Before she could manage to yell a warning to Hazepaw she heard her name yowled into the night followed by the dirt stained face of Haze.

She was nearly ran over as Hazepaw scrambles out of the burrow, only just tripping to the side. Then the musky smell became overbearing and Catfishpaw's eyes met with the hollow eyes of the badger. She had never seen one before, they were big. Unlike Hazepaw, Catfish had been prey before, the white, tight, scar tissue that the moon highlighted in that very moment were evidence of it. She had lost any wits she had when she was bit by the otter, it was something she lamented in herself. Now she stood in a all too familiar situation.

The badger lashed it's large claws out at her face as she tried to reverse out of the entrance. The claws missed their mark and instead the silver torbie received a huge and powerful paw to the side of her head. Her head hit the ground hard and her body followed like a carcass, thumping hollowly to the ground. The adrenal forced her claws to grab at the dirt and try to pull up and away from the beast. She felt a warmth start to run from her nose and even though her heart was pounding her mind was focused. She wasn't going to lose her head again.

She was on her feet now, but the beast quickly was on top of her. Hardly noticing the hulking monster that was breathing down on her she tried to see where Hazepaw had went. She couldn't see them in the quick glance and before she could say to try and climb a tree or something she felt a sickeningly familiar burning shoot through her right hind leg. Now was when fear started to blind her, a terror filled screech left her as the powerful jaw locked down tight. Her body jolted as a crunch sounded through the grass, or maybe it was just in her own ears? She couldn't tell. She flipped her body back and forth trying to reach back to the badger with unsheathed claws that soon turned red when they made contact with the grey musty fur. She may have been screaming for help but she couldn't tell, the only she could think of was shooting pain that was making it hard to think. Not even the thought of Hazepaw could penetrate her mind at current.

and soft grass in the moonlight—————————penned by WriteAboutRadish
( tags ) Something was wrong. There was frantic screaming for help and he knew that voice. Catfishpaw. He was her mentor now and it was his job to look after her, yet it was impossible to ensure anyone's safety completely. Without really thinking, he abandoned the patrol he was in and rushed ahead. Paws were thundering throughout the land, all that mattered was reaching Catfishpaw. When he arrived and could make out his apprentice the scene was horrifying. A badger of all things had their jaws down on Catfishpaw's leg. Badgers are extremely dangerous and it is foolhardy to assume one could easily defeat one. However, when he sees something red, the fear is dashed away. Something ugly stirs and he tries to suppress it as the figures become more clear.

Badger. Green eyes sweep the scene. Hazepaw, looks fine. Badger is focused on Catfishpaw. Be quick. Draw badger away. Fully knowing that he doesn't have the upper hand, he doesn't consider the possibility of killing the thing. His concern is only to make sure they get away safely. It's when he is a tail length away that the badger notices him. Good. Without a moment to waste he takes another pawstep before hurling dirt as hard as he can towards the badgers eyes. When his right paw meets the floor again, he leaps with claws unsheathed in across Catfishpaw's body and in front of the badger's line of sight had it not been obscurred by dirt. While he had leaped he attempted to claw the badgers eyes, but if it didn't land that wouldn't be an issue. For him to succeed in an area where others were much more capable in was slim.

When his paws meets the ground, he darts to the right of the badger. Faster! All he can hear is his own heartbeat roaring. With not a thought about his own safety, he would attempt to jump on the badgers back and sink his claws into its back as deep as he can. It's in this moment he is overwhelmed by his roaring heartbeat, the scent of blood, and his own frame trembling from anger and fear. If you asked what he thought after this, then he had no plan after this. No one really told him what comes after. Battle was a far cry for him. Had it been other warriors like Aspenhaze or Petalnose they would fight bravely and try to leave as many wounds as possible. However, he was not them. And this was different.

Perhaps Hazepaw and Catfishpaw can hear the desperation in his voice when he yowls, "GET OUT OF HERE!" He knows Catfishpaw would struggle fleeing, but he hoped that the others would rush and help them. If anything, Cicadastar would send out a warning about badgers being around this area to avoid after this.
She’s at Pikesplash’s heels, the stench of badger quickening her pawsteps. She’s only a few days out of the medicine cat’s den, and every second she’d wasted recovering her strength has built inside of her. Her body is electric, her eyes flashing icy-blue in the gathering dusk. Hazepaw and Catfishpaw’s fear scent is cloying, and the tang of blood runs through it.

Pikesplash roars, hoping the girls will find him so he can rush them to safety.

Iciclefang knows what her duty here is, and she's never been more prepared.

The lean, limber tortoiseshell darts to one side of the furious beast. The badger is still scraping earth from its beady little eyes, just as she’d hoped, and Iciclefang springs into action. She leaps, crashing onto the lumbering creature’s back with fury. Her yowl splits the chaos like lightning as she wrenches her claws into the badger’s shoulders.Get them out of here! Catfishpaw is hurt!” She snarls and sinks her teeth into the disgusting-tasting flesh of the badger’s shoulder.


The badger attacks in a blur, a whirlwind of claws and dark fur. Hazepaw’s brain only registers the scene in flashes. Claws slashing at Catfish’s face, blood dripping from her nose, the dim thud of her body in the dirt. Hazepaw’s yell gets trapped in their throat as their friend pulls to her paws once more: bulwark, breakwater, a rampart standing between the beast and the smaller Hazepaw.

Bravery serves her poorly: she crashes down once more, pinned, and Haze flinches when she hears something snap under the badger’s powerful jaws. Catfish’s screams for help finally spurs her into action. She throws herself forward, claws swiping at the beast’s side ineffectively: it’s as if it barely notices the hit, and she doesn’t dare get any closer. Her mind is a storm, howling wordless terror: she doesn’t know how to make this stop, how to get out of here, how to survive the night. Turning tail never occurs to her. Not when Catfish is still trapped.

The stars above shine cold and distant. Hazepaw grits their teeth, thoughts whirling: do something, they beg, addressing themselves and the heavens in equal measure. Don’t let us die here.

As if summoned, another cat leaps into the battle. Pikesplash, Catfish’s own mentor, fearlessly pulls the badger’s attention away, a whirlwind of fur and claws — and then another, the flame-and-shadows pelt of Iciclefang crashing into the creature with a fearsome yowl as she clamps her jaws around its shoulders. Both yell orders, voices indistinguishable in the chaos: get out, get out, get out!

Deathly aware of the badger’s flailing, Hazepaw darts closer, reaching for Catfish. The smell of blood has their throat closing, eyes stinging with tears of something too bitter to be merely fear or disgust. They don’t look at her leg; they couldn’t stand the sight. Blinking hard, they would bite onto her scruff and try to pull her out of the way, as far from the badger’s reach as they could. They hope she can still walk — hope so hard it almost made a prayer.

'cause my girl's made of peaches—————————————————
The teeth released.

She didn't really know why, everything was fuzzy. There was noise, movement, smells, but they didn't reach her. Pain and fear mixed inside her in a mind numbing fashion. Her breath rasped out of her as she raked her claws into the dirt, trying to move away, something inside of her knew enough to move. She had to move faster, that's what the something was saying, she had to escape, so she moved her left hind leg up. Then the right one, only to feel unbearable pain and then the ground once again in her face, she couldn't have made it more than a tail lengths from the badger.

As her chin dropped to the dirt a small whimper left her, a last protest as darkness crept around her vision. She hadn't been using it so she didn't really mind, until she saw Hazepaw run forward. There they were. A sort of calmness tried to crown Catfish as she felt her scruff get tugged on, she tried to help as best she could. Her front claws once again streaking against the ground. But, the darkness was very persuasive, and soon the sleep took her, and why fight it? She wasn't afraid of the dark.

What a funny dream she was having, one filled with gnashing teeth and rich red blood, and pain. So much shooting pain. Catfish was grateful it was just a dream.

It had only been a few seconds before her eyes snapped wide again. Brightly lit with confusion and terror, her scruff still taut in the grip of Hazepaw. A damsel in distress. A cruel discovery to find out it wasn't a dream. The adrenal was starting to fad, and Catfishpaw could feel her body start to succumb to a mixture of exhaustion and probably some blood lose. It ran warm and liberally down her leg, emphasizing the cool breeze that now chilled her bones. She didn't know if her and Haze were safe yet, and she couldn't look behind her to check, so she just kept trying to walk and limp beside Hazepaw. Tripping and gripping with her front legs and sometimes the uninjured back leg, it probably was making it harder to carry her in all honesty but still she tried to be helpful.

and soft grass in the moonlight—————————penned by WriteAboutRadish