
Hummingkit | Rumblerain XX Edenberry
(Alternative name options: Blackberrykit, Downpourkit, Mizzlekit | feel free to honestly assign him a name that calls to y'all the most)
(Note: happy for him to be renamed by Rumblerain if they want to! If so possible names: Berrykit, Badgerkit)

AMAB, HE / THEY (note: pronouns and any future sexuality may change on IC events) | KIT OF DUSKCLAN | ONE MOON

There is a glimpse of Edenberry within this kit, the strongest resemblance is their green eyes. Their face is mostly white apart from some unique facial markings that are exempt from the white spotting. He has two patches under their eyes which is an echo of what Rumblerain has. It connects to two patches above his eyes which further extends to connect to the back of his head where it is black. Their markings create a mime like style and these features are a blend to represent both parents in an abstract sense. (OOC note: the upper eye markings are also to reflect Edenberry’s black eyebrows because I think they’re super cute and look like little markings to me sometimes)

Otherwise his body is white for the majority, along the spine connecting to his tail is a black strip, their fur is always immaculately groomed and despite the fact that his head is always in the clouds he has the time to keep up appearances.

His frame is sleek and will grow to be quite tall, still at the height of an average cat but will have rather long legs which will lend to the appearance of height. They will carry himself simultaneously with a rigid posture and one that’s a little too relaxed for any given situation. His green eyes will always carry some twinkle of amusement and wonder, always seeming like a kit ready to pounce on a piece of new information or experiencing the world for the first time. Their expressions will be a little too cool and calculated despite their eyes betraying it, as emotion is always held within their eyes.

Personality notes are based on in/out of DuskClan but in general in DuskClan would also be the equivalent of kit/adolescence and out of Duskclan is roughly older teens/adulthood!

Birth/In DuskClan

Overview: cunning, laid back, sensitive, prone to outbursts, outgoing, naive, stubborn

Hummingkit presents himself as an air head, always seeming to have their head lost in the clouds or away in some day dream. That is to an extent true, he finds it extremely easy to be whisked away into a rich fantasy life as a form of escapism. Quick to emotions he will later learn to use it to his advantage, while in his infancy it will be quite the challenge to keep him content. Easy to cry at the drop of the hat and even easier to get a rise out of, a tempest of a child but the one thing he will never be is fearful.

A side effect of believing that StarClan is a fairytale is having a lack of fear other than being reprimanded. This combined with their rich fantasy life is a recipe for a lack of regret, he's prone to take things too far by default while in Duskclan. Not knowing what's too much until told so, over this course of their life it will be extremely likely to do things that he will regret later on.

They are an extremely confident kit, willing to try new things and has a healthy curiosity about the world around them. Is very gullible as a child but is stubborn in their beliefs alongside that naivety (for example if you successfully convince him that the sky is green then he will defend that fact to the grave and act like he has always known it). Because of that stubbornness they're a little bit of a know-it-all and will masquerade questions as suggestions.

Outgoing despite being so prone to emotions, tries to not be so serious all the time and promotes the role of a jester. Thinking things get dull a little too quickly he will happily pull out a joke or a pun that he's heard, has a habit to mimic others due to this. Hummingkit will develop a sharp tongue and quick wit, fast to mock and equally as fast to delight those around him.

Post DuskClan/Older years

Overview: Elusive, hardworking, charming, fearful, cunning, outgoing, curious

Hummingkit will eventually learn the consequences to his actions. Whatever the IC cause for this sobering reality will fundamentally shift them into a different cat. He will still be quick to feel emotions but at this point will have learnt to use them to his advantage, his default purpose for them is to manipulate those around him. Hummingkit will be a mirror of his younger self, now deeply fearful of his actions being judged and obsessed with the deed of redemption. Wherever it being in the eyes of StarClan or through trying to correct any wrongs that have occurred by their paws.

They won't be the perfect cat, far from it. Hummingkit will always be inherently flawed, being raised with Duskclans ideals as his sole belief system for so long will never truly be erased. Duskclan will always live on in him and depending on IC events they may always hate themself for it. While Repentance/Redemption is the goal for them it will be rocky, he will keep his cunning mindset but will try to use it for what they perceive as ‘good’.

There is a hunger for something more, whatever it may be could depend on IC circumstances, the fill this void may be power or to seek being loved by those around him. No matter what happens his loyalty will remain with his littermate, that is the one rooting constant in his life that he won't try to fight.

However, he will still be outgoing and will become a spitfire of a cat. He will develop a strong sense of justice and that will come into play with them being so outgoing. Not afraid to call others out and will often land himself in hot water because of it. This is due to the fact that they still sometimes take things too far, will act like he's burnt when releasing this and will be very apologetic. They have learnt how to evolve his jester like mannerisms into flattery and as such will become a rather charming cat due to that. Not above turning that quick tongue that he had as a child into a silver tongue, sometimes they even mean it.

Overall character personality notes (carried over from younger years into adulthood)

Hummingkit will always be a character of devotion, originally the devotion is held towards DuskClan and Rumblerain, as they grow older that devotion is solely directed onto his littermate and what the idea of Edenberry is. He could grow to have devotion to SkyClan and others outside of family but it will take time.

Hummingkit represents Jesters privilege, the ability to mock and talk without fear of punishment. Not to say that he wouldn’t face punishment at all but it’s rather the delusional mindset of not believing there is really that harsh of a punishment out there.

Overall in both stages of life he will always be that emotional kid who still clings to fairytales and daydreams.

During DuskClan/Young stages of life:

  • Will solely use he/him for a couple of months, then realising that they/them pronouns are a thing just outside of Rumblerain they will adapt that into his own pronouns.
  • The first indication that he doesn't know when to stop would either be pushing himself too far during a game that results in him accidentally injuring himself
  • Will show a penchant for strategy, this would show in him butting into conversations with suggestions that while are rather clever should not be brought up since the conversation didn't involve him
  • Will involve his littermate and/or other clanmates into their daydreams / adventures
  • Finds out jokes are a thing, will become obsessed with them (loves puns)

Post DuskClan/Older stages of life

  • Obsessed with the idea of redemption combined with their child-like curiosity he will seek out Edenberry. To him they are an unobtainable figure, maybe if he can find them then he can find a fragment of himself worth saving and get to better know this fairytale like figure of their past.
  • Will be very self sacrificial, hungry to prove something.
  • Will aim to join skyclan if IC circumstances allows it, his views on clans are warped but if Edenberry is part of it then surely it's worthwhile.
  • At some point will fall back onto old habits and tries to resolve a solution through poor choices, will take the conflict too far.
  • Slowly regains that childhood curiosity, finding a new zest for life and a wonder for the world as if he's discovered it for the first time
  • Becomes a workaholic, married to the grind

Misc character inspo
  • Essek theyless (critical role campaign 2)
  • Jonathan sims (magnus archives)
  • Thistle (dungeon meshi)
  • The hanged man tarot (reversed duskclan, upright post duskclan)
  • Mirrors (mirroring oneself specifically)
  • Mimes, jesters