camp WHEN THE SUN FORGETS TO SHINE ⟡ prompt, playing games

Dec 18, 2023
In leafbare, it seemed like the days just dragged on endlessly. Even for Wavepaw, who tended to be endlessly optimistic and tried to see the beauty in the cold, barren season. Everyone was grumpy and constantly complaining about the snow and mud, not to mention most of their bellies were half-empty on a regular basis. But worst of all, it meant that all the warriors of the clan were busy busting their tails to keep the clan warm and fed, and no one had time to stop and have a little fun anymore. But Wavepaw couldn't live with the serious tension that hung over them all; he needed to play, he needed more silliness in his life.

And, in his expert opinion, the adults of the clan could use a bit more silliness too.

Wavepaw had seen a great opportunity to have a little fun, and had set himself up in a covert position just inside the entrance to the camp. He'd tried his best to camouflage himself in the snow, burrowing down into it so that he could just barely peak out at whoever might be coming in and out. He waited for several long minutes, his body beginning to tremble slightly in the cold, when finally his chance arrived. The poor, unsuspecting victim of his devious plot had just walked into camp, carrying some bit of prey or another, and the sorry warrior had no idea what was about to hit them.

The fluffy young apprentice waited patiently until just the right moment when the warrior walked in front of his little snow mound, wriggling his haunches playfully as he prepared to strike. Once their back was turned enough that they wouldn't seem him coming, Wavepaw launched himself forward in a flurry of snow and furious battle cry, hurtling at top speed towards his target. "ARAAAAAGH!" With a series of mischievous giggles he reached out and smacked the warrior on the shoulder with a paw as he zoomed past, before sprinting away as fast as he could while shouting back over his shoulder. "Tag, you're it!" His wild grin was infectious as he darted through camp, a clear challenge issued in his ocean eyes as he turned back to look at the new seeker of his game. "Bet you can't catch me!"

[ feel free to have y/c be the warrior he tagged <3 ]
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She was surprised. Just barely, she had managed to catch a vole that for some reason has decided it was time to burrow out of its den and scavenge. She was grateful nonetheless for the easy catch of the slow moving creature, and she normally struggled badly. It had been a few days since she caught something, so it heightened her spirits up just a bit to be able to feel useful.

It dangled from her jaws as she entered camp, her fur caked with snow from being out for so long in the day. Her jaws clenched tight onto the creature, not allows the trembling from shivers to drop the creature until she reached the freshkill pile. Gently, shed bend down to place it in the small pile when suddenly she heard a cry and felt a sudden paw on her shoulder that sent her jumping into the air, fur bristling. Fear drenched through the molly, her heart raced, and it took a moment of collecting and seeing Wavepaw run off in a series of giggles that she realized she had been tagged.

A nervous grin appeared on the lilac torties features before she shook out her pelt and raced after the apprentice. Her paws hit the ground hard, sending snow in all directions behind her. She was not long, or very tall, so she definitely was at a disadvantage as her bounds turned to leaps to try to close the distance. "If I d-do, you're in for it!" she yowled, tail still bottle brushed behind her as she ran.


Though he still felt the serious tension, Ferngill tried his best to keep a degree of silliness in adult life- and he knew, with the joy he tried to keep emblazoned across his face- that plenty of the adults in RiverClan were partial to games, to things some could brand inconsequential. Still, to young apprentices, especially those who'd enjoyed games of make-believe in kithood, it probably looked like every warrior hated fun. So they needed convincing, right? He could see the logic...

Wavepaw's sudden emergence, even from afar, startled Ferngill- and his unsuspecting victim Lilacbird, who was often on the shyer side, well... he'd never really seen her jump quite so far. Entertainment took blazing place upon Ferngill's face, especially as his fellow warrior yelled her vow of revenge. "Yeah, get him Lilacbird!" the ginger tom encouraged from afar, though in truth unsure exactly who he was rooting for.
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