pafp When the sun loves the moon ☮ PROMPT


He wears your grandad's coat!
Nov 13, 2023
Silverbreath does his best to bring some much needed cheer to a more-or-less dour clan... Offering some cryptic reassurance to the wrong, grouchy clan-mate gets him chewed out!

"...and that is why, my friends, no snowflake falls the same twice" Silverbreath would muse, trodding along pleasantly beside his fellow patrolmates. Some of which are snickering at his 'sage' advice, some nodding along trying to hide the confusion glinting in their youthfully wide eyes. Silverbreath never means harm with his odd little ponderings, but he's noticed through his life that the more enigmatic, the more cats hear what they feel they need to hear. And is that not what harmless little word vomits are all supposed to be about?

Well, it would seem not everyone found them quite so endearing. Silverbreath would blink to watch @LIGHTNINGSTONE up ahead of the patrol. is larger frame hunched with concentration, a brick wall of anti-social hints screaming to not be bothered unless it's important. So, of course, Silverbreath decides to bother him. "What's got you so glum, big guy?" Silverbreath would mew pleasantly, lengthening his strides to walk in step with the other tom. "With similar pelt colors, y'know we'd be mistaken for brothers" Silverbreath would purr, as if they weren't completely and wholly different in every other conceivable feature.

"The sun and the moon may chase each other through the sky, but that just brings them closer as siblings" he implores poetically, playfully elbowing the fluffier tom, "So as your brother it's my duty to ensure you've got a smile on that face of yours so 'mon, atta boy, lets see those pearly whites" When the threat of bared teeth doesn't come, Silver would tilt his head to the side, before cheerfully using his paws to lift up his own cheeks, "C'mon! Like this, you got it!" he laughs. When it still doesn't work, he'll reach over and try and lift up Lightningstone's cheeks, "Maybe a little help? Eh? Eh?"

Perhaps putting his paws so close to biting range may not have been the best idea.

    DMAB— He/Him — Bisexual
    35 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Father to Carp-paw, Mentoring Goldenpaw
    Riverclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #7d7d7d
    injuries: None currently