camp when the world stops // waking up and open !

Jan 5, 2023
Time had become an illusion and it wasn’t certain when it would stop spinning. A soft groan came from a pale furred creature as it stirred slightly with small noise of pain. Their leg throbbed so painfully and it was the first thing they noticed. Maybe it was broken? Or sprained? They didn’t even remember when they had hurt it in the first place or how. A lot of the injuries sustained they just- didnt recall about. It was all fuzzy, dark and with snippets of fear they felt but that was about it. It was like their mind was trying to protect them from the reality of twolegplace. Of their months alone, suffering in silence.

More shifting and a sharp structured face scrunched slightly as the world started to come into motion. At first it was confusing, where were they? The scents where strong but many and it made their head pound slightly from the over information. A sigh left a pink nose and a white paw pressed to their ear to try to see if the pain would go away on its own. Though it was futile and it was just meant to be dealt with. Whatever, least of their problems really.

The young cat shook their head slightly and then blinked open mossy green hues. This- This wasn’t the twolegplace. The minutes of waking up they thought for a moment they had been captured again, by someone else this time, and panic rose in a white chest. The last thing they remembered- what was it? Their foggy brain was struggling to catch up to their waking moments, and it made the headache a little worse so they flinched slightly.

Though as they moved in a nest of moss and feathers they realized that their chest had been patched up, and their leg was also bound up. Someone- helped? Was this what that was or would this turn into some sort of plot twist? No- that wasn’t right. Couldn’t be! Honeysplash rubbed at an eye with a front paw to focus better on waking up and getting the dust from their eyes. Had long had they been out? She didnt now to be honest as it felt like a short amount of time but also a lot of time at the same time? It was a strange sensation.

Honeysplash moved to sit up a bit as her paws felt like they had gone numb from laying down too long, and that’s when the young cat was able to click pieces together. The panic they felt in their chest subsided to be replaced with new found nervousness. The last thing they could recall was stepping over Skyclan boundaries and then- paw steps? There had been a voice or two- but everything else was filled with empty gaps.

D-Dawn..? Dawng-glare?” Their voice felt so hoarse, raspy like it hadn’t been used in a while. Sure before she had no one to talk to and was alone for the majority of the time but it wouldn’t cause such disturbances to their voice. Honeysplash cleared their throat a little and their ears went down slightly. They couldn’t really believe it. This had to be some sort of dream.

They had had plenty of those in their time away. Dreams- a lot of them. Dreaming of being back in the clan, of a moss nest, of a plump bird or mouse or something. She had dreamed about her friends, her family- her heart ached slightly. Did they think she abandoned them? Were they going to be pissed with her? Chrysalis would surely be so livid with her, even maybe Ora too and she sniffled slightly to herself. She missed them- all of them so much. Not a day had gone by she hadn’t thought of them or wondered if they had looked for her.

Honeysplash then furrowed her brow slightly and with uncharacteristic stubbornness, they forced themselves up onto their paws. They had faced worse pain when walking so surely this would be fine. Plus, she didnt seem to have anyone in here with them at the moment either. She just- had to see. Prove to her mind that this wasn’t just another hopeless dream of hers. Whether it was by pure desperation she wasn’t sure but she also didnt care either.

With her broken leg favored heavily, the young cream and white tabby gave a little pained noise before forcing herself to walk towards the den entrance. ​


living in a world so cold

Flowercloud had heard of Honeysplash returning, she had seen the body of her old friend tattered and torn- drug in by orangeblossom and the patrol. And she couldn't help but be relieved- excited that her friend was okay.

She didn't want to clutter the medicine den, her large form would surely get in the way. So instead, she took place pacing back and forth in camp. Soon, she would wake up right?

She didn't even want to think about the idea of Honeysplash succumbing to her injuries.


She had rejected sleep for a while, but her eyes grew tired, and her form laid down accepting the anxious wait. finally she heard a pained groaned through the medicine den. Her ear perked up and she was quick on her paws.

the amber warrior, fur much lighter and warm brown tones instead of the orange and black, face torn revealing new ears and stories, would intercept honeysplash from fully leaving. "what are you doing? you- you can't leave, you gotta lay back down. you're not okay, honeysplash. you can't push yourself like this," she stammered out, soft voice filled with worry. green eyes looked the other up and down before pushing forward, the large warrior wrapping her head over the other in an unwarranted form of a greeting. "Let... let me help you back, darling."


Upon hearing of Honeysplash's return, Twitchbolt had not really known what to do with himself. Before she'd disappeared they'd maybe-just-maybe been friends, but- but after that patrol, where all signs had pointed to her fleeing into Twolegplace, never to be seen again... it was odd, horribly odd, to have to face her now. Selfishly, selfishly odd. Because so many things were different now...

They were awake, though. He heard the murmuring, and his attention was pulled- viion trailed behind Flowercloud, who rushed to their aid, worry aswim in her eyes. Mirroring that fretfulness, Twitchbolt trotted over to her- his skin prickled beneath his fur, embarrasment or something, but he tried to ignore it in favour of his gladness. She was so, so hurt- and if she'd left on purpose, why would she have come back? To steer his confused opinion of Honeysplash now was difficult, but in this very moment as she faced the bright winter light, injured but still very much the same cat, it was quite easy to offer her a shaky but genuine smile.

"It's good to see you again," he murmured to her, voice wobbling on a tightrope but holding sincerity nonetheless. "But- but you've got to rest, Honeysplash. We- we can't have anything else happening to you." We can't have you getting any worse. The words tasted strange as he spoke them, but- he at least hoped they might see the weird relief buried beneath his concern and surprise.
penned by pin ✧
Mossy green hues looked up suddenly as they heard pawsteps and suddenly Flwoercloud was wrapping her head around them. They froze slightly in place as they where not use to such kind touches anymore and they swallowed thickly. She fretted over Honeysplash and the young cat gave a little chuckle, “I’m fine! I just- need to-,” She tried to think of some lame excuse, something to be why she got up. Suppose it was the suffocating scent of the medicine den? The need to see her family? She wasn’t sure.

Then another familiar face approached them and she gave an awkward twitch of her tail, “Thanks Twitchbolt- i- uhm appreciate it,” She had always had an awkward relationship with Twitchbolt. She had wanted to be his friend but then thing with Quillstrike got complicated and her jealousy got the better of her. Honeysplash shook her head and pushed the thought down quickly.

Fine, fine, ill lay back down but i want you two to tell me stories then. Catch me up on life,” She countered back to them with a raise of her chin. She tried to give her good natured smile but she felt it falter. They couldn’t find it in them to smile much anymore.

With a huff, Honeysplash turned and limped her way back to their nest. Laying down, the young cream and white cat settled with slight discomfort and tucked their paws under their chest to make the pressure lessen on their chest wound. ​


living in a world so cold
Dawnglare is elsewhere, turning snowmelt to water - soaked moss when Honeysplash arises. He is too engrossed in his task— bemoaning his frosted paws, to hear the panicked mewing of clanmates all too soon. And— the water was for them, whenever it was that they would wake. He did not necessarily expect it to be soon, no... Which is why it's a surprise, when he turns to see her perched in the interest to his den, and straining her beaten legs to do so.

" No, no— " he rushes forward, tail whipped up in irritation behind him. He is greatful, for once, for his clanmates' nosiness. He does not need to use too much of his voice scolding her... Though he still would, some. " You are not fine, " he protests sharply, " Listen to them, hm? " And it's a strange thing, if he cares or not. To an extent, he does. But in that regard, it's because he would not like to have a den resident as permanent as they could come to be. His privacy only grows more and more scant, it seems.

He wonders at how she had gotten so far, with the shape she's in. He wonders at this again, as he watches them hobble back. Dawnglare wrinkles his nose. With eyes like blades, he sets his waterlogged moss in front of them. " And stay off that leg if you're interested in walking properly again, " he adds with a sniff.

Tell her stories. What, would they sit in the maw of his den all day? His hazel bush was no nursery or elder's log. Perhaps it would satisfy them, if he said, " You may sit outside once you're better. " Why anyone would want to sit in such cold is beside him, but it would not be him out there, after all...

  • geLHt4I.png

  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 60 moons old as of 1.1.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
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Greeneyes finds himself worrying a lot more than usual, as of late. It’s just the nature of his job now, he supposes — having to be aware of what’s going on more than what he might have two seasons ago — but with his new promotion to uncle and the blood-marred return of his childhood friend on top of that, he finds all the more reason to worry for his clan’s well-being.

The tom is stuck in his thoughts when a golden blur rushes past him. A viridian gaze lifts, concern bubbling within him as he spots Flowercloud — and Twitchbolt too — rushing over to the medicine den. It’s enough to lift the tom to his own paws, to follow suit without question. Something might have happened; Greeneyes might have to say goodbye all too soon, he fears.

But it is not sorrow that encapsulates the scene he approaches, only doting worry that turns his own dread into relief. " Nana! " he greets her with chirping tones. Honeysplash is okay, or… as okay as she can be, he thinks. He’s glad she’s awake, but even the ginger tom knows she shouldn’t be up and about in her state. Flowercloud and Twitchbolt plead for her to settle back in her nest, and Greeneyes nods in agreement.

" Please… Please get some rest, " he urges her, paws shifting beneath him. " We can… Maybe we can go hunting when you’re better, yeah? But, right now you need to rest. "

She asks for stories from the duo ahead of him, and the tom offers to share, mouth opening to speak, only to shut at Dawnglare’s words. The lead warrior takes it as a warning — a means to step back from the den he stands too close to — and a sheepish smile spreads across a snow-masked maw.

" Sorry, Nan, " he offers instead with a nervous twitch of his tail. " But, I’ll think of some good stories for you, okay? "​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
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