camp when we all fall asleep |x| intro.

Mar 22, 2023

venomthroat | 26 months | non-binary | they/them | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold black
There is not a lot in this world that Venom cares for. They can probably count them all on one paw at this point. Windclan is... not one of them actually. Their brother... eh, maybe. But the rest? Faces in the crowd, all of them. And yet they are never alone - cannot be long without company, cannot live without the feel of another's touch. What a strange creature they are. But despite the lack of sentimentality, windclan is never boring for long. There is always some drama or another unfolding - some fight to fight. They live to follow orders, and not much else.

Now that things are calming down in the aftermath of the ambush they sprung upon the fish-clan, they are left utterly bored - keen mind unoccupied. A dramatic rumbling groan slips past their jaws as they stretch languidly, limbs flying every which way as they wriggle about in a rather unsightly and uncoordinated manner. They've done their duties, their tasks, their patrols. Their belly is full, their mind fully rested. And yet the feel discontent, antsy even. Oh dear - what are they to do?

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Dryness at the back of the throat. Eyes creak open as a muffled groan expels roughly past a fanged maw. Thirsty again, Tigerfrost thinks, pulling himself from the clinging throngs of sleep. He's not one to nap, but his injuries drained his strength, made his limbs heavy, his vision blurred. Perhaps it was the blood loss, or the toll on his body from the healing.

Still tasting blood, he realizes with annoyance. It's a memory, little else. The raid replays within his dreams. For now, though, he pushes himself to his paws, stretches out his figure. Herb-scent still dances around his coat, but as charcoal pupils dart throughout the clearing, they catch upon a midnight frame.

Ah, Venomthroat.

Tigerfrost's sibling was aloof, a walking conundrum, distant and cold like a wintry night sky. What were they up to, he wondered. Deciding to make his way over, the dusty hued tabby grants his sibling an acknowledging wave of his tail. When he's close enough, he finally speaks, "Hello there, Venomthroat." A simple greeting, polite enough. "Done anything interesting today?" Tigerfrost voices his curiosity out of shared boredom, taking a seat beside them.
Cottonpaw is antsy, perhaps akin to Venomthroat themself. Whilst she doesn't have a laundry list of tasks to complete yet, she wishes she did. She doesn't necessarily wish to busy her day to an insane extent, but being an apprentice now means that she has so much more she can do! She can go on patrols, complete apprentice-duties (even ones that the older ones complain about!) and so much more! Perhaps she should just have initiative, go on and continue her training even without the direction of her mentor. The issue there is that she has not a single clue of where that'd go.

She spies Tigerfrost speaking to Venomthroat, and though neither are tunnellers, she still approaches nonetheless. Lessons are lessons are lessons - plus, the lead warrior just asked if his sibling did anything fun today. Maybe there'll be a story in that! She attempts to sit herself calmly nearby, though her tail betrays her as it flicks and twitches, "You went on a patrol earlier, right, Venomthroat?" she speaks as if she's reminding them, though she means no harm in the gesture, "Anything fun in that?" At most, Cottonpaw's attempting to piggyback off of Tigerfrost's initial question. How successful she may be without being entirely annoying is up to the two older cats.​

venomthroat | 26 months | non-binary | they/them | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold black
In the wandering wind of their thoughts, they almost miss the voice directed at themselves. Dark eyes turn upwards - a rather sharp grin stretching across their maw, more of a smirk than a smile. "Brother," they greet, voice a quite rumble not far off from a purr. They take in their brothers state with impassive eyes - he's a bit of a mess. "You look like shit," they state slowly.

"Hm-? Oh, I took a nap," its said in such a deadpan manner at first glance it can almost be mistaken as sarcasm, for napping is not the most interesting of events, but it's certainly the most notable to them. They don't always get the chance to laze about during the daylight times, no matter how they wish it were so. A younger ,smaller figure is quick to join them, butting into their conversation - and they blink slowly as they take them in. "Oh... a child," their tone does not change, but theirs a clear air of disgust - their experiences with children have always been that they are needy little things, prone to running off and crying to their parents when they spend to long around them.

anything fun on that? Venomthroat thinks for a moment, long tail swishing back and forth idly all the while, before they finally open their jaws - fangs flashing. A great dramatic pause and then - "No."


\╱╲I'll chew you up and I'll spit you out ╱╲/
Little white paws trailed along the moorland clearing, a plum of a tail trailing out behind them as they approached the group of cats. They gave a tilt of their head in slight wonder with a blink of mismatched eyes, then a smile played across a chocolate jaw, "Come now, surely there is something you must've done worth the wild," They spoke up as they took up residence beside young Cottonpaw. Sparrowfang lifted their head a bit defiantly and spoke rather matter-o-factly , "I for one found some very interesting flowers out in the moors! They where purple in color but their name- oh I couldn't tell you," There was a little bit of a laugh but it hardly held any real joy behind it.

Then mismatched eyes turned to the young blue kit beside her, "What about yourself, Cottonpaw? Anything exciting going on in your own life?" There was another head tilt from the older cat and they flicked their tail behind them. They really could care less about that of Cottonpaws' day, she was just a kit after all and there wasn't anything that exciting in a kits life. It just seemed like their sibling were not ones for communication or conversation. So of course, Sparrowfang had to pick up the pieces so they weren't entirely outcasts.

'Cause that's what young love is all about
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His flaming eyes shift briefly toward Cottonpaw, an inquisitive one. But Venomthroat seems entirely disinterested in the youth. Tigerfrost has never minded kits all that much, in truth. Perhaps that set him apart from his sibling. He viewed the young of WindClan as the future, and therefore, would see that they were as protected as possible. Apprentices fell into this category as well, at least the newest ones. They still had plenty left to learn before they could grow into valued warriors of WindClan. But, as expected, Venomthroat does not respond to Cottonpaw with warm vocals, but rather, a clear disgust. Tigerfrost snorts, though it is more-so in response to his sibling's comment towards him. He imagined he did look like shit.

"Should see the RiverClanner." He responds with a bit of a shrug. He had left Cindershade dying in a pool of her own blood. Of course, much to Tigerfrost's surprise, the RiverClan Lead Warrior had actually managed to survive. Charcoal pupils flicker toward Sparrowfang next, another of the brood. Flowers? Lavender, perhaps. Tigerfrost is no expert on local floral, though, and it's clear that Sparrowfang isn't either. As his sibling turns their focus toward Cottonpaw, Tigerfrost does the same, speaking gruffly, "She just started her training. I imagine every day is exciting for Cottonpaw." A casually spoken observation from the half-faced tom.