private when you live for someone | Florabreeze

Jan 5, 2023
While they would’ve loved to have celebrated with their friend days ago- it just wasnt a reality. Things had gotten busy, understandably so, and thus it had been a while since they had spent time with their ever growing friend, newly named too, Florabreeze. Also they had had their own things like deciding when to move to the nursery as the date when they would surely be made to move was approaching quickly. Still, they were hesitant. They didnt want to be alone in the nursery despite they knew that wasnt true. Butterflytuft and Bobbie as well as Duskpool where in there of course, but it wasnt the same in a way?

Regardless, they were determined today to celebrate their friends new name and the like! They had much to talk about and hopefully she’d be able to settle their nerves over moving den. Maybe they could bring Florabreeze with them? No- that’d be silly. Honeysplash shook their head slightly and sighed to themselves before padding along regardless. They found walking to be a little harder now a days with the heaviness of their belly growing. There hadnt been movement yet but surely it wouldn’t be too long now. It was terrifying to think about and they wondered if all these milestones would be done alone. Without the father of their kits around.

The thought made them flick back their ears before they pushed them down and huffed slightly. Mossy green eyes looked up and around camp once they entered from the entrance and went to look for dark chocolate fur. Surely she was in camp by now right? Honeysplash had been on a walk to pass time really and it had only bee around the outside of camp. Now they had a plan of what they could do today- a promise they had made a few days prior. “Florabreeze~!” They happily sang.


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Quiet contemplation followed Florabreeze these mornings, with the chaos that had been the past few days the hours had just flown by. Honestly, she had been so buried deep into her thoughts that the days blended together. She still thought about the meeting though, about the privilege she had to earn her name. No matter how frazzled she was these days she thought back on it with a fondness.

Florabreeze, it felt weird being addressed like that. She had been just Flora since she was a kit, part of her vaguely remembers being someone else before her twolegs adopted her but that aspect of her life was long forgotten. This was a new chapter right? Now a full fledged daylight warrior, she was so excited about yet so nervous. It still didn't feel real, but the suffix was evidence that it did happen.

The maine coon sat in camp, trying to enjoy the Newleaf sun. Having just finished some miscellaneous chore that a warrior had asked of her. The sound of Honeysplash's voice caused her to look up from a stray ladybug that had previously consumed her attention during this moment of reprieve. “Honeysplash~” she sang out to mirror her friends tone, it was clear that she was teasing them but she did her best to make sure it was light hearted.

Pushing herself up there was an exaggerated yawn before approaching the cream and white warrior. Brushing against her side with a light laugh, she paused briefly to make sure that they were doing alright. A flicker of worry across her expression before she wiped that away, they didn't seem outwardly upset at least so it seemed that there was nothing to be concerned about. “What can I do for my partner in crime today?” She asked with a slight tilt to her head, a tufted ear flicking in their direction.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    32 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

  • Love
Reactions: wolfie
This grin played on their lips as their friend sang back to them their own name and their tail lifted up behind them with excitement, “Oh partner in crime am I? I didnt know we were out here committing crimes!” They teased cheerily and chuckled a little bit in amusement, “But! With everything going on lately- I figured we could hang out or something? I still owe you that circle of flowers in the territory” They swished their tail behind them and bounced on their toes a little bit as they spoke, like a kit who couldnt sit still.

Honeysplash was trying to put as much into their day as possible before they had to sit at camp all the time again. It felt like just yesterday they had been able to running, to be free and having fun with their own apprentice! Now- it was like they were back in the medicine den waiting for bones to heal faster and willing Starclan to make the process go faster. Now they’d have to wait six moon before being able to return to warrior duties. Would Orangestar let her go early if she asked? When the kits no longer needed to feed from them?

A thousand and one thoughts swirled their brain and they blinked at their friend for a moment, trying to pull themselves from the trenches of their own spiral. There was no need to think about that right now! Florabreeze was the center of their attention today! They got a new name, and they know that finding Applefrost and Dandelionwish was not something easy either. They wanted to make things lighter, make it better, like she had done for them a few days ago.

So are you like- busy at all? We can go now or maybe have something to eat first then go? Eat there?” Honeysplash found herself nervously rambling suddenly and it made her brows furrow slightly. She swallowed thickly and chalked it up to overthinking about the situation than anything else. No, Florabreeze couldnt make her nervous of all things. This wasnt a date or nothing like that!



“You never know, a crime may be committed today” there was a serious edge to her tone momentarily before it's dropped in favour for a series of giggling. The mention of the flowers circle caused her head to perk oh. Oh she remembered that? It caught Florabreeze off guard, with everything that happened around SkyClan recently she had forgotten that conversation.

Shame briefly floods her system as she realises that she had forgotten it. This was at odds with the fact that she was deeply touched by the fact that her friend had remembered it. Her eyes glanced up at Honeysplash, watching them bounce on her paws made her want to do the same. A lingering thought remains as she watches her friend in amusement, should she be leaving camp? Surely they would have to go to the nursery soon, should the warrior really be running around. Florabreeze didn’t make an effort to vocalise these concerns, this was her friend after all and an adult. She could make up her own mind and certainly didn’t need her passing any concerns, the last thing the daylight warrior wanted was to be seen as judgmental.

“I’m not busy! Lead the way” She assured her with a laugh as she tapped the warriors side lightly with her tail, a silent reassurance. Contemplation was clear as day as she hummed in thought, ultimately shaking her head. “I can’t eat the food here though, you could eat for me?” She chuckled as she stretched out her hind paws. The statement didn’t appear to bother her at all, it didn’t seem like the molly was reading into anything anyways.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    32 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

Of course she was going to remember, she tried to not forget her promises and besides she wanted to do something with her friend! It was either this or climbing and they werent sure how well they’d be able to climb now. Still, there was a small tinge that told her her friend needed her in some way and they intended to be there if so. They could be wrong and entirely over thinking the whole situation at the same time- that was their speciality after all.

Honeysplash smiled when Florabreeze agreed to go with them to the circle of flowers- a meadow? Maybe, but technicality aside they were determined regardless. Though her friend voiced something odd to them; cant eat the food? Why not? Suppose they hadnt really thought on the fact her friend might now eat prey like the rest of the clan does. They remember eating twoleg pellets and how boring they had been. Had Flora even tried prey before?

This series of thoughts had the cream warrior falling in beside the chocolate Maine coon with a genuine curious look on their face, “What do you mean ‘you dont eat the food here’? Have you not tried prey yet?” Her tone wasnt meant to come off as brunt and up front, they had been honestly curious about the notion. Baffled maybe? They werent sure, but they felt there wasnt anything they couldnt ask their chocolate furred counterpart.

Though in the meantime, Honeysplash did nudge her shoulder with her muzzle and trot towards the camp entrance. Right they still had places to be! They could talk and walk at the same time, right? Maybe, they were prone to being clumsy sometimes.



Florabreeze blinked in confusion at her friend's question, she knew that the question held no malice behind it. Merely curiosity, she could get behind curiosity. Laughter spills from her, light and twinkling just like the neighbours windchimes she had shown Honeysplash when they last visited her twoleg nest. “I’m pretty sure that’s not allowed, ‘sides, I don’t wanna get bird breath” she teased with a toothy grin as she leaned her shoulder against their muzzle when they nudged her. Quickening her pace so she could walk beside her friend, walking out of the camp entrance and into the surrounding forest was something she wasn't tired of. The birdsong above them was a welcomed sound, looking up at the tree tops she had to squint so that the sunlight didn’t hurt her eyes too badly.

Large paws tried their best to be mindful of where she was talking, taking into careful consideration the fact that Honeysplash was next to her. She would feel awful if she were to accidentally nudge her a little too hard or anything like that. Instead, they danced around stray pebbles, branches and leaves, making a mental game to see how long she could go without accidentally brushing up against anything.

“How’s being SkyClans coolest up and coming mother?” Curiosity was laced into her usual playfulness. As she spoke she continued her game, moving around a stray twig that had broken apart from the trees above them. The maine coon was unsure if this was a conversation that Honeysplash wanted to have, truthfully, she was hard pressed to find something else to talk about. Her thoughts were consumed by the concerns of foxes and potential cat murderers that lurked along borders, the only reprieve outside of her family had been talking with Honeysplash about her pregnancy.

Well, there was another thing she could talk about. “What kind of flowers are at this circle? I need to know what I’m destroying when I move there and never leave” she had a soft spot for flowers, it was easy to catch her attention when the well.. Flora was up for discussion.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    32 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

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A small pout played on her dual toned muzzle as Florabreeze didnt answer her question! Had she never had prey? They were not overly curious about it and wondered if they could sneak them a piece of prey or something from the pile to at least try! Everyone had to have a mouse at some point, it was basically a right of passage! Honeysplash though let it drop and rolled her mossy green hues at the other as Florabreeze commented on 'bird breath'. That was hardly a thing! Though suppose she did notice a distinct scent to cats who eat birds right after- but that wasnt the point! The cream and white warrior flicked their ears a bit and then adverted her gaze downward.

Unaware of the others dance to not run into them, they gave a small shake of their head at her, "I would not say i am the coolest mom, i dont even know what kinda mom ill be!" They objected in mock correction before giggling in response, "I'm okay- getting heavier by the day and ill be moving to the nursery sometime soon here as well" They responded back earnestly and gave a small shrug of their lithe shoulders, "How're you? Ready to be the coolest aunt on this side of the forest?" They smirked a little and nudged her slightly.

Honeysplash was trying to get better at talking about her pregnancy. They hadnt told most of their family yet nor most of the clan- suppose they where avoiding it until they couldnt anymore? That day was coming sooner and sooner than they cared to admit. Chrysaliswing hasnt spoken to her since she told him, weeks ago, and they werent sure if he'd ever come around to it either. The fact of being an only parent was terrifying to them and made them feel jealous over their sister. Ora at least had a mate who had been excited about kits. Wanted them and loved them till he died and they couldnt say the same for Chrysaliswing.

Thankfully, Florabreeze asked them a question to pull them from their thoughts and they gave a light smile yet it didnt quite reach deep green eyes, "Theres all sorts! Mainly flowers that grow in the forest, like lillies, lavender, corn flowers, bluebells" It wouldnt be like the twoleg gardens with fancy flowers, but it was a round, circualr shape with a patch of grass in the middle. Dandelions sprinkled it the last time they had been there and they wondered if they could make a wish. Maybe one that would be better than her last when she asked for kits, and she hadnt meant in the way it had happened.

"If you could eat prey- what would you choose to eat?" They asked her promptly as it was now their turn to be asking the questions.



There’s a shake of her head and a wide grin “How can you not say that you’re the coolest mother if you don’t know what kind of mother you’ll be?” It’s an effortless retort, it seemed like she had this prepared beforehand. She notes the mock correction yet treats it like a real one, in case there was some lingering doubt in the back of the warriors mind. Florabreeze hums as Honeysplash mentions needing to move to the nursery soon “how does that work? You just move in? Do you need to do anything?” She wasn’t too sure what the procedure for queens were, she doesn’t intend to become one herself but it would be good to know the procedures anyways.

The question of how’re you, carries a hefty weight. Should Florabreeze be honest? Things were weird lately, the metaphorical rug had been pulled out from underneath the daylight warrior and she was yet to find a replacement. That ignorance of security and safety within both homes had been shattered, she felt weightless, floating about with that sense of dread anchoring her down. Yet, she still stands, she still pushes forward. She doesn’t even know how she is, that wouldn’t be a polite conversational topic though so that’s swept underneath the lack of a rug.

“An aunt? I didn’t think I would be given that privilege!” She gasps, the surprise genuine. For someone who surrounded herself in an adoptive and chosen family the concept of another participating in that had eluded her. An aunt, how cool! She practically buzzed in excitement at the thought, there was determination within the daylight warrior to live up to the title of coolest aunt on this side of the forest. “I don’t know if I can claim such a title, I’m competing with SkyClans leader” she mused with a chuckle, though she supposed in the eyes of a kit that wouldn’t matter much.

She frowned as she noticed the fact that their smile didn’t meet her eyes, this was not something for her to press though. Instead, focusing on a lighter topic like the flowers that they were going to see became the goal. Bluebells were interesting, she didn’t see those types of flowers around often at the twolegplace. There was the occasional flower bed, a lot of twolegs in her area at least seemed to focus on growing the fancier types. There was a pep in her walk as she thought about the flowers that Honeysplash described.

Florabreeze barely heard her question, too lost in that train of thought. It took her a minute to think about it, well, it took her a moment to recall what the question was. “If it’s general prey, a pheasant.” The answer came with ease, she often thought about this mythical bird that she may never see in her life time, much less be given the opportunity to eat it. “SkyClan prey though? A Squirrel, they’re funny to look at.” She wasn’t sure if there had to be a reason to it, she was happy to give it though.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    32 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

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Reactions: wolfie
They couldnt help but roll their eyes playfully at the chocolate tabby cat as she mentioned how she could know if they weren’t sure what kind of mom they would be. Suppose Florabreeze had a point, but Honeysplash wasnt going to press it. They hoped they would be a good mother to the kits. They really hoped they would be loved and sweet like Hollykit wished for them. Though the young warrior couldnt help the tips of doubt creeping in their mind. Part of them was worried they would be hated and disliked cause of who they were and what their father was like. Though none of them would be like him- right?

Honeysplash had delved into her own spiral of thoughts that her pelt heated up when the Maine coon she-cat spoke up about the privilege. She blinked a few times in confusion cause why wouldn’t she be their aunt? They were best friends, Florabreeze had been there for them more than they could’ve asked for. It was only right to honor her in being their aunt or whatever they chose to call her. “You’ve been there for me more than anyone else- i should’ve asked instead of assuming and im sorry for that” She meekly responded and gave a slight smile, though her pelt felt like it was on fire. Though the topic of Orangestar came up as Flora would be competing for the title and the young warrior shrugged their lithe shoulders. They didnt even know if their sister knew of the pregnancy and new life coming. They hadn’t exactly been talking since they got back from their disappearance. Maybe because she had been so busy? Honeysplash didnt know, her sister had different responsibilities now and a whole clan to run. Their relationship was damaged and they didnt know if it’d ever be the same, “I think the only cat you’ll have to fight for coolest relative is Cloudberry- and that’ll be some fight” They couldnt help but chuckle at the image of her brother and Florabreeze ducking it out for the title. There wouldn’t be a clear winner but it was a funny thought regardless.

I also dont know how its suppose to work- moving to the nursery that is. Duskpool is in there and so is Butterflytuft- but i dont know. I’m so use to the warriors’ den and it feels like everything is moving so fast-” They shook their head as they started to ramble and sighed softly. They had gone back not he topic of moving into the nursery and they weren’t sure how it was going to work. They just assumed they’d just walk in and make a nest? Was there some formal thing? They weren’t sure, but at least the den wasnt empty in any regard.

Honeysplash looked at her taller friend as they walked and chuckled, “A pheasant? I haven’t seen one of those before- i hear theyre quite large” They commented happily and trotted along, though they couldnt keep up the pace for long as their weighing stomach made movement with their lame leg hard, “Squirrels are delicious though, i do love me a good squirrel or maybe even a bird of some sort? Robins can be stringy though” They gave a small gesture with her tail as they spoke about prey. Honeysplash loved prey and her favorite prey was indeed squirrels- irony of that one.

The trees started to thin out as they got closer to the small clearing. It had sunlight filtering through the branches and glowed with pollen in the sunlight. There was many flowers of various colors liked lavender, bluebells, dandelions, and the like. Some roses here and there too but not many. It was a nearly perfect circle with dirt in the middle like something had been sitting there for so long the grass hadn’t had a chance to grow. The rest of the grass was long, swaying in the warm breeze and Honeysplash felt her shoulders relax slightly with a sigh. It was always so pretty here and a place she liked to come think in. Now she got to share that with Florabreeze.

This place is always full of bees and stuff so be careful okay?” They spoke to the young warrior and smiled brightly, this time it reached their mossy green gaze. Honeysplash bounced into the clearing and then turned on Florabreeze, and crouched playfully, “[color-#e3ac72]Now my plan can commence![/color]” They giggled and then batted at their friend with a cream-dipped paw before running away. Well as fast as a lame leg and round belly could let her go.
