when you're ready come and get it | patrol assignments

Flycatcher had already been awake for a short while before he moved to the centre of camp to call out his patrol assignments. His sleep had been uncomfortable and he had woken up earlier to spare Flamewhisker from further waking due to his tossing and turning. Still, despite his early rising it had given him plenty of time to ponder his assignments or the day. "ThunderClan!" Flycatcher boomed, once he had taken his familiar spot in the centre of camp. "Please gather for today's patrol assignments."

"Nightbird, I am tasking you with leading the dawn patrol along our RiverClan and SkyClan borders. Take Cobwebtail and Badgerstrike with you."

"Howlingstar, if you are amenable to the idea, would you like to accompany me on the dawn patrol along the border with ShadowClan and WindClan? I was thinking Hailstorm could join us."

"Little Wolf, you led a patrol quite well the last time I left you in charge. I'm tasking you with the dusk patrol along our border with RiverClan and SkyClan. Sandthorn, Batwing, I want you to accompany her and ensure all goes well. Take Berryheart with you and help him if he needs to gather herbs."

"Finally, Silverlightning, I want you to lead the dusk patrol along the ShadowClan and WindClan border. Take Burnstorm and Shiningsun with you."

"Rabbitnose, Wolfwind, I am tasking the two of you with the hunting patrols. Choose who you wish to accompany you at your own discretion."

"Moonwhisper...would you like to hold a training session today?"
Flycatcher watched her quietly for a moment to see how she would react before continuing. "I'll leave it to you to choose what you'd like to teach. I'm trusting you to be a fair teacher though!"

With the assignments complete, Flycatcher waits a moment before nodding his head. "You are all dismissed."

threads to make
dawn river: @nightbird @COBWEBTAIL @Badgerstrike
dusk sky: @LITTLE WOLF @sandthorn @batwing @BERRYHEART
dusk shadow: @Silverlightning @BURNSTORM ! @SHININGSUN
hunting patrols: @Rabbitnose @WOLFWIND
training: @Moonwhisper
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Patrols. They are a way of life for a clan cat. He knows that Flycatcher would be fair with the assignments, and he doesn't mind taking the harder duties upon his shoulders anyways. His shadowed paws bring him to the center of the camp, where others gather to hear what they were doing for the day. His mother was leading a patrol to RiverClan at dusk and out of the corner of his golden colored eyes he looks at her. She catches his eye and smiles in his direction. Of course, he smiles back, but his attention quickly returns to their deputy so that he could hear where he was going, or if he was doing anything at all.

The dusk patrol to ShadowClan and WindClan wasn't a bad deal. He is a little dissapointed he is not leading his own patrol, but he supposes that comes with time. He nods his head in acknowledgement to his former mentor before turning to Silverlightning, ready if the older tom had any ospecial instructions before he left to wait till dusk.

As he turns, however, he hears Moonwhispers name accompanied with instructions to lead a training session. His pelt prickles with envy but he does not say anything nasty. Despite his jealousy, he is happy for his sister really. "Good luck today" he tells her, flicking her shoulder with his tail as he walks past her.
Another day, another round of patrols. Batwing picked himself up from where he had been resting, stretching his limber body out with a soft grunt. He had been awake since halfway through the night again- the unfamiliar faces in the warrior's den added with the stress of the sickness? His nightmares had returned for a stint. He pushed all of that out of his mind as Flycatcher yelled for them, and he padded over, neatly settling him down.

He listened- oddly enough, waiting for Leopardtongue's name as much as he was waiting for his own. He gave a soft noise of acceptance to the patrol heading to Riverclan at dusk, dipping his head. He glanced towards Burnstorm and his sister- then back towards Flycatcher. "Gonna grab a small bite to eat- I'll see you all at dusk." He called. And a nap. He needed a nap.​

nightbird joined the gathered cats with a yawn as flycatcher began setting patrols. tasked with the riverclan and skyclan borders this morning, maybe she would see that funny little river tabby today. she wasn't particularly in the mood to bicker, but the warrior supposed she could be enticed. she glanced around to find cobwebtail and badgerstrike, tail waving as she approached to offer them instruction before she would turn and find breakfast. "eat something quickly and meet me at the entrance."

  • IMG_0032.png
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-five moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


* ˚ Hailstorm walks over with both of his ears perked forward and offers those around him a sleepy yet warm smile but the moment he hears his name and who he's going with makes him wide awake. Both the leader and deputy, sure, he has gone on patrol with them before but there had been more of his clanmates there. Well, he supposes that it isn't bad and simply shrugs it off, he gives Flycatcher a quick nod and would meet up with the tabby tom later. He needed to make a really quick pitstop to the dirt place and he'd be ready for anything.
Howlingstar remains nearby, knowing she is to lead one of the patrols after requesting such from Flycatcher. He obliges quickly, casting her a smile as he invites her to join himself and Hailstorm on the dawn patrol to WindClan and ShadowClan. Returning his smile, she nods her head and trills to the two toms, "Be ready soon; we will leave momentarily!" Already, she is turning on her heels and padding towards the camp entrance, where she will sit and groom out a few last-minute tangles in her pelt. She is not too worried about the day's patrols. She and Chilledstar are on reasonable terms after the other leader agreed to withdraw sanctuary from the ThunderClan traitor, and WindClan's tensions seem to have died down. It appears they never found out about the part ThunderClan played in their battle with SkyClan.

⋆✦⋆ ”Uhh too soon the sun will rise on the destined of the abyss…” he’d yawn wide and wipe a paw at his tired eyes. For once the Dark Warrior looked less than ready to face the day head-on with his fiendish zeal. He’d gathered to hear the patrol assignments along with his mentor, Asterflame. ”What? Is someone like you slowing down?” Asterflame would ask and Dream couldn’t tell if it was out of concern or confusion. But he knew what it looked like so he blinked some fire into his eyes through sheer force of will.

Ha, if he acted too out of sorts someone would think he’d gotten sick. Which he wasn’t and he wouldn’t worry anyone by giving them any reason to think so. Yellowcough wouldn’t dare sneak up on the fabled Dark Warrior and a visit to Berryheart wasn’t in the cards today. So he shook away the sleepiness and lifted one side on his lips to flash his fangs.

”The Dark Warrior never slows down!” he’d reply to his mentor before adding more generally to those with assignments in high spirits, ”I hope everyone’s patrols go well. Don’t disappoint.” He wanted to leave on a patrol too. It been too long since he had a chance to gawk at the shameful plots of ground the other clans called territory, especially the non-forested clans. Plus, he was interested in the role Flycatcher had given Moonwhisper. A decision to hold any kind of training one wanted had to be, like, an honor!

”Then it’s off to Sandy Hollow in a moment. We still have training to do,” he’d hear his mentor call as the npc warrior turned and left his side for the preypile.

Dreampaw would lean himself into an arched-back stretch. Right, battle training again. He was getting quite good. By now he felt powerful and comfortable in a grapple and rolling around on the ground with a foe. He needed to strategize more to his strengths and so his thoughts would flicker to the best way to surprise his mentor during training today. Perhaps a prank would suffice?

  • name ▹ Dreampaw
    gender ▹ trans ftm + he/him
    age ▹ 9 moons
    ages real-time on the 1st of every month.
    sexuality ▹ pansexual

    clan ▹ Thunderclan
    rank ▹ apprentice

    created on ▹ September 1st
    penned by ▹ yamitisane

  • short description ▹ lithe, short tortoiseshell tom with hazel eyes.

    physique ▹ delicate, smaller than average height, stature lends easily to agile feats
    notable features ▹ a strong menacing gaze
    eye details ▹ hazel eyes

  • traits ▹ confident, creative, genius, delusional, impulsive, prankster, dramatic, mischievous, prideful, antagonistic, sadistic, awkward, likes to play the villain, adorably the chuunibyou archetype (evil eye variant), seems egotistical but it’s mostly for show because he doesn’t mind putting his friends and clanmates first, speaks in third-person person often, likes to eat

    personality ▹

    The self-proclaimed 'Dark Warrior,' Dreampaw is mischievous and proud of his power. He appreciates a good prank or joke and has earned himself disapproval from his peers for his fondness of causing trouble. He's easily excited and makes decisions on a whim, often driven forward by his impulsive nature. Although he hates losing, he sees every defeat as 'preparation for victory,' and waits patiently for opportunities to present themselves.

    Despite the title he gives himself, Dreampaw isn't as sinister as he claims to be. Rather, he's simply an eccentric and somewhat socially awkward youth with a taste for theatrics. Even so, he knows how to portray an intimidating persona that, combined with his impressive natural skills and thirst for power, help make him live up to his self-appointed title.

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on: gingerpaw

    parents ▹ npc x npc
    offspring ▹ n/a

    mentor ▹ Asterflame (npc, red and high white tabby tom with van markings; focused, tolerant and worried in regards to dreampaw)
    apprentice(s) ▹ n/a

    friends ▹ gingerpaw
    enemies▹ n/a

  • interaction notes ▹ willing fighter / shows no mercy / not always the most calculated but has a strong spirit and is fully confident he can succeed in nearly any encounter even when all the odds say otherwise / daring but also plays smart when he has prior knowledge on a certain opponent or challenge / persistent / strikes to kill or disable in real battles with a cold-blooded lack of hesitation / has no issue fighting dirty, inflicting fear upon opponents, being cruel, killing, or interfering with others' battles

    adept at ▹ quick on feet but only for short distances, very agile in his moves, can climb well, not often discouraged and not often does he break his personal facade
    inept at ▹ staying focused, keeping track of time, skills that require brute strength such as carrying many things at once or heavy objects etc, expressing thanks

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◆◇◇◇​
    stamina ◆◆◇◇◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇​
    charisma ◆◆◆◇◇​
    intellect ◆◆◇◇◇​

    hunting ◆◆◇◇◇​
    swimming ◆◇◇◇◇​
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇​
    fighting ◆◆◆◆◇​

  • ▹ Clanborn and raised in Thunderclan. Sometime before his apprentice ceremony, he developed his ‘Dark Warrior’ persona along with his true gender identity and considers this self-defining moment one that he is both proud and fond of.

    WIP as events occur in roleplay!


Her name is called and she is beyond thrilled but she does not show it. Her expression is as calm and icy as ever but an intensity flares up in her gaze as she regards their deputy with a quiet nod. A fair teacher, he says, and she resists the impulse to scoff dismissively to that comment. When was training ever meant to be fair? It was to prepare you for the battles that may come, Raccoonstripe had certainly not pulled his punches with her and she saw no reason to alter her own methods of possible teaching in turn.
"Combat it is." Moonwhisper declares, head lifting up and she only breaks her aloof facade briefly to smile at her brother passing bye with a dip of her head, "Any cat available-" Interest didnt' matter to her, "-meet me at the Sandy Hollow and we'll begin." Assigning them in pairs, perhaps-or even just picking a fight with some upstart apprentices...it was sure to be amusing nonetheless and she had not gotten to enjoy a proper fight since the moonlit battle for her name she had endured in the woods at the claws of her former mentor.