twolegplace Where are we || Jasperglare and Grapejuice oneshot

Nov 10, 2022

He awoke somewhere strange. Last he remembered, he had hauled himself across the territory to the thunderpath. He remembered oncoming lights... A monster skidding to a halt as he finally gave in to his injuries and fell unconscious. His senses were slowly coming too, and he realized he was tested on something soft and warm. It was comfortable, he didn't want to move. His paws hit something cold....

He lifted his head and to his horror, he was trapped in one of those twoleg contraptions they use for animals. But this one was more solid, and he heard other animals nearby. Cats and dogs, mainly.

Where in the world was he...?

And what was around his neck- this.. this THING. He couldn't get it off- this... This CONE.

A voice full of venom called to him from the floor below.

"What are YOU doing here?"

Jasperglare looked down through the cage door as best he could with this damned contraption on his neck.

"Who the hell are you?" He hissed.

"A Skyclanner."


"Ew. Anyways, where am I?"

Grapejuice laughed. Oh, this was going to be so much fun!!

"THE CUTTER, BABY! You were brought in here bloody and beaten and my twolegs, Starclan bless their kind souls, thought you were worth saving!" Grapejuice explained. Oh, he was loving this. A kittypet hating Windclan rat, about to become one himself.

Jasperglare felt his blood run cold. "DID THEY... THEY DIDNT...."

"Oh they haven't done it yet. You have to heal first. But when you DO~" Grapejuice devolved into malicious giggling.

"I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE, THEY WONT MAKE A KITTYPET OUT OF ME!!!" Jasperglare yowled. He gripped the cage door and tried to push it open to no avail. He thrashed against the wall, crying out in pain as his injuries protested his movement.

Grapejuice just watched him struggle with a smug look on his face.

"You'll be here for a little bit, enjoy your stay~" He said, just as a twoleg came it with something sharp in their hand. He watched innocently as Jasperglare got the jab and some calming coos from the twoleg.

With Jasperglare sedated and falling asleep once more, the twoleg discarded it's needle into a bin and picked up Grapejuice into it's arms. With a little kiss to his head, the two left the room leaving Jasperglare to himself.