where are you - bat and flame


oh look, a squirrel!
Jul 15, 2023
Tigerpaw was hardly coherent, even still after being given the lungwort. Her body still looked sickly, her chocolate and red striped pelt protruding bones. her head lifted lightly as others came in and out. she could smell the familiar scent of flame whisker, but she still felt her throat hurting- and she smelled the worry hanging in the air of the den.

so she remained quiet, keeping to herself. she couldn't protect them with the rogues, she still smelled the tang of blood, the yowls still sometimes loud in her ears. but at the same time, she could barely remember it.

what she did remember was things she wished she didn't. one day, her mother was there to greet her. what seemed like the next, she was awake in the den, and never really seen her much again.

she felt so very sore, and drained. any attempt she had made to move would just have her collapse anyways, no strength in her bones quite yet. she could take a bite of food here and there, but she was still scared.

and she worried that flamewhisker nor batwing were actually there.

so she laid, uncertainty flowing through her, curled in a ball with her tail in front of her nose. berryheart said she'd have a bit more time here before she was released. but, apart of her was uncertain.

@Flamewhisker @batwing
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Alongside Leopardtongue, this was another large anxiety of his. He had seen her pelt from across the medicine den earlier, when Leopard was kitting- but things were screwed up then, he had to take care of his mate. Mate? Not-mate? He had no idea. Green eyes were lowered as he stepped into the den, Flamewhisker somewhere behind him. And he drew near her, ears slowly flattening against his skull.

She looked so small. Too small, he knew. She was supposed to be growing big and strong, not dying like this in a den when he had just gotten the cure back a few days ago. Batwing blew out a puff of hot air. "Tigerpaw." He finally said in greeting, his tail curling near to himself. He shouldn't touch her, he knew better then to get sick and go back to his kits. "It's Batwing and Flamewhisker." He said softly, vision staring down at her.

She had seen Tigerpaw during her visits for Stormfeather, but the apprentice hadn't been aware enough to notice her. This wasn't the same, bright eyed apprentice they left behind. She was a shell of her former self, little more than a scrap of fur on the medicine den floor. Every time she came to see her daughter, she checked on the young apprentice as well, and she had heard today that she was doing a little better.

The cure had almost come too late. If Nightbird, Batwing, and Stormywing hadn't come back a couple days early, she feared the young molly may not have made it. She followed closely behind Batwing, gently pushing her way into the den that had become all too familiar the past few days. First she checked on Stormfeather, but when she saw she was asleep, she decided to not stir her. She then padded over to Tigerpaw's nest, resisting the urge to touch her nose to her pelt. It was risky enough having her daughter in here...she wouldn't dare purposely expose herself to the sickness. "How are you doing?" Flamewhisker asked gently.
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 26 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse


Her ears swiveled as someone came in. two someones of familiar scent. She was groggy, but she was feeling a little better. Not by much.

Her head lifted just a bit, looking up at the two with a gentle smile. "You guys are really back? Or am I still sick," she asked, sighing softly. "I thought you were a while ago, but I was told not yet."

She felt she was just imagining things, but to keep her hopes up, she should weakly stretch and lay her head down to better see them. She didn't care, really. She got to talk to them. But, Berryheart had given her the lungwort. So it had to be real.

"I miss you guys. A lot.. a lot. Day by day, I hope I get stronger," she smiled, green eyes trying to look positive, but a layer of exhaustion we easily read. She was still scared, but she didn't want them to see that. The only thing she would be scared of was thunder. She'd sing her mother's song a lot to herself during storms, her breath shaky even in the depths of the medicine den.

"Is thunderclan okay after the scary cats..?" she asked softly. She hasn't been able to see for herself.

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Batwing's heart was in a million tiny needle-like pieces, jabbing into his core. Seeing her sick like this... well, it wasn't hopeful, no it wasn't. Meaningful glance was given towards Flamewhisker, then back towards Tigerpaw. "We're really back." He responded softly, his tail tucking in against his side. Ears drooped again as thoughts took over. He bit his tongue to let them slip free, vision softening a moment later.

"We hope you're getting stronger too. I can't wait to get you back to training." He murmured softly, a tiny shudder shaking his shoulders. "You should be progressing with the rest. I want you to be.. strong, Tigerpaw." He said, and his words were genuine- he wanted to see nothing less of her growing up and strong and with the rest of the warriors.

She shouldn't have to be delayed like this.

"As.. far as I know, Thunderclan is okay." Batwing's vision shifted towards Flamewhisker, as he wasn't totally sure if there was any losses.
