Iron lungs swell the shoulders and bulge the ribs of a restful beast. Less of a bundle of fur and more of a spool of jagged fur and limbs. Fur uncleaned, still stinking with tar and city muck- mane speckled with mud and grime. He sucks air in through his teeth as he sleeps because his nose is clogged with the scent of flora and sap. A smell he missed- of course, but his body had gotten used to smog. The burnt metal and squealing tire fumes that perfumed black topped streets. Skin was porous, Thistleback soaked it up like a sponge. Having grown up in it- he hadn’t realized just how poisonous it was.

He wakes once more, but finally there is a den above his head. His eyes peer up at the leaves and branches. At the sway and dance of sunlight, an orchestra he had missed as dearly as his children and mate. Only he bites down on pain, swallows it like a stone with thorns. He swears he can taste blood but he doesn’t bleed out now. He can’t, but if there was anything he couldn’t do properly was mourn. He still had Coyotecrest, Eve, Johnny, and some of the greatest friends he couldn’t help but call family. He had what he needed, more than he deserved.

He rises from the nest his son had fashioned for him on such short notice, a squirrel from Johnny is laid at the side. Thistleback’s eyes linger on it, and he allows himself to feel touched at the sentiment. To be if not, a bit tender- like skin where a scab is ripped off is to the wind.

He grasps the prey in his jaws and drags it just to the threshold of the den. Squinting against the sunlight stinging his retinas, but he catches sight of Johnnyflame outside. Thistleback whisks his tail like a whip to get the other’s attention quietly. He didn’t want to kick up any bustle just yet, the light was too bright and his head had a dull ache.

" I almost feel, like a tree roach. No matter how many times this world tries to squash me. I prevail. " he begins with a raspy joke, something to break any tension that may stem from the fact that he didn’t know what to say. To apologize for being taken? Thistleback didn’t do apologies. To gush about how much he missed Johnny? he wore his emotions much deeper than the sleeve.

" or maybe it’s a curse " Thistleback snorts, but it’s humorless in a way. Would he outlive his children? If anyone could bear that weight and still walk, unfortunately it was him. Albeit with a spiritual limp.

" Johnny I- " missed you so dearly, my friend. unspoken words dance behind a tongue that tasted rancid behind his teeth " how are you?… you look- very well … " he begins, there were many questions he wished to ask many he would have to eventually. He knew not just how shaken the forest was.

  • — sorry if this is choppy lol I wrote it in 3 different days/segments hahaha @Johnnyflame

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22
    Father of Coyotepaw, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring none formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png



Johnnys mind was all over the place that day.

Thistlebacks return, despite the bobtails forced optimism, had ultimately been unexpected. In the wake of the traps, sickness, windclan attack, and a dozen other hectic (and typically grief-inducing events), a part of him had been slowly, subconciously preparing himself for the fact that his friend was just one more on the list. It was something he would have denied until the day he died in order to cling onto the hope that they'd meet again one day, but it would have been little more than a poor attempt at a defense mechanism. The fact of the matter was that for all his capability and worth when it came to his position as a warrior, Johnny was woefully inexperienced when it came to the deeply formed bonds that came with living in a clan.

Johnny'd had friends in the past, cats he would have jumped to defend in a heartbeat without ever having to be asked, but he could admit now that it wasn't the same. Skyclan was far more intimate, cats whose survival and comraderie literally meant the difference between life and death. The kind of bonds that were forged through those trials and tribulations- good times and bad alike- were powerful and intricate in ways that he was still getting used to. And the loyalty and admiration he held for Thistleback? It was enough to knock the air clean from his lungs sometimes, in ways both good and bad alike.

He hadn't gone far from camp since the ex-lead had been hauled back on Coyotecrests shoulder and left to recouperate in a fresh nest. He didn't want to crowd Thistle; there was already a list of cats waiting for a chance to see the other tom -cats who had more claim on his time than Johnny did by far- but he still felt that impulsive need to be nearby.

To make sure they were okay. To make sure they were properly taken care of.

So the bobtail had busied himself with work around camp, sending his apprentices off for the afternoon to relax for a change and using his anxious energy to do some good by reinforcing the clearings walls. And it worked for the most part, until he spotted the familiar black and white pelt slipping out of the warriors den. He tried not to let it distract him, told himself that he was going to give the other space and not exhaust them farther- but it was really hard to do that when the sharp flick of a dark tail had bright eyes snapping to attention, socked paws obediently abandoning their task to instead steer him toward Thistleback.

" I almost feel, like a tree roach. No matter how many times this world tries to squash me. I prevail. Or maybe it's a curse. "

"Whatever it is, curse or blessing, I'm glad for it- glad we get to meet again." he replied unabashedly as bright eyes met pale; sunshine and moonlight, fire and steel. If that was selfish of him to say, he didn't seem bothered by it, a selfish streak he would happily own if it meant being able to tell Thistle he was happy to see him.

And if the sight of the other tomcat was one for sore eyes, then the sound of Johnnys name spoken in that familiar rumble was no less soothing. Fuck. Had he ever missed someone so much before? Had he ever feared not seeing someone so badly in his entire life? All the friends he'd left behind in the many moves his twolegs had made, and yet Thistlebacks absence had hurt the most. Had left him the most regretful.

" how are you?… you look- very well … "

"Uh, yeah- yeah I've been good." he replied with a half-hearted grin, trying to reign in his scattered thoughts as he got caught in pools of silver. In a strange way it felt lke he was meeting Thistleback for the first time all over again, like he'd forgotten how he was supposed to act with him.

"Can't say you haven't seen better days though." he huffed, smile turning a bit more genuine with his cheekiness.

It was true though. Thistles fur was still a mess and he looked exhausted- even his voice held a nasallyness to it from what was surely a stuffed nose, and Johnny had immediately squash the anxiety that rose at that. Surely staclan wouldn't be so cruel as to bring him back only to make him ill with yellowcough? Then again, they'd been cruel enough to do just that to Sheepcurl, hadn't they?

"Nobodys been in to look after you, yet?" he asked, tone holding a bit more seriousness to it. He'd thought for sure that Coyote or Eve or Deer would have been in there helping to clean the warrior up while he rested...

"Why don't you eat while I fix you up a bit?" suggested to bobtail as he came to sit beside the other, glancing over with a hopeful expression he couldn't quite keep from slipping into place. He just.. he just wanted to help, to comfort his friend and make them feel a little better- even if it was just cleaning his fur so he didn't feel so gross.

OOC- no worries!! I also apologize if my post isn't the best, I have to head out for a bit and wanted to post before I left, so it's a bit rushed!!!
