where good men go when they die ⚘ blazestar

Someone had pointed out his accent faded, but he can't tell if that is from being sick or how he'd screamed himself hoarse for several days now into that wretched ex-deputy's face. When Dandelionwish steps into the leader's den he's hyper aware of himself, tired, and can't push his usual good-natured smile onto his maw despite his efforts. There was no false pleasantries, no attempts to lighten the situation or even offer excuses; he was blunt and to the point. "Blazestar, I...wanted to apologize. For my..." He trails off, unsure of phrasing it, "...for causin' a scene."
He had, for lack of a better term, lost his mind at that border; briefly kicked into panic and fear and anger all flaring up simulatenously and he'd not acted proper for his stature as a SkyClan warrior, screaming and questioning his leader's decision. He'd hated it, he'd hated the choice made there-he agreed with Orangeblossom and the others they should've killed them right then and there but a part of him still admired Blazestar's refusal to spill blood if he could help it. Even if that softness was admirable, it had sharpened into a thorn for him in this situation specifically and he was tired of being stuck by it.

"...I'll respect what decision you make...even if I won't like it.." And he certainly didn't like it, that Badgermoon was still here was like being spit in the face repeatedly everytime he caught a whiff of the others sent. "...but please keep him and his away from me and mine..." One day he wanted a family, with Butterflytuft, and the horrible acrid taste of bile rising in his throat at the mere thought of one of their future kits being apprenticed to that monster is enough to make him adamant in at least one thing. Nothing that black and white tom ever said would be enough to even pretend to tolerate him. They were not the same and any fool touting such nonsense could drop in that pit with him. He could care less about the tom with him-who even was that guy, some tunneler? He didn't even know his name and he didn't care to learn it-but Badgermoon was a threat and he'd never see otherwise.
"...those that...willingly threw in with Sootstar, they can claim they see the light now all they want but... it gets in their heads. She does, that is. She never quite leaves. He was more than happy to kill for her before..." He'd do it again, who was to say this wasn't some ploy by her anyways to get a cat into SkyClan for her own scheming. Butterflytuft said she threatened to raid them to find him, he wasn't worth the SkyClan blood that'd be spilled. "...I'm...scared....admittedly. I can't sleep, I don't know what to do....please get someone other than me to guard him, I feel like I'm going insane...I'm sorry, I wish I was stronger...but I can't...not with him.."
Through the elderberry, Blazestar detects the peat-driven scent of one of his warriors. Dandelionwish’s expression is weary, the shadows beneath his mismatched eyes prodigious. The Ragdoll’s heart is heavy as he listens to his friend speak. “You are forgiven, Dandelionwish. This can’t be easy for you.” His eyes deepen, dark as indigo. “Had I considered your history with this cat, I’d not have assigned you guard duty. You will be relieved.

After a heartbeat, Blazestar asks, “What do I need to know about these cats, besides what I already do?” He could have asked Mallowlark, but he’d frankly rather remain ignorant. And Coyotecrest had been little more than a kit when he’d lived with WindClan. Dandelionwish had been brutalized and chased from their Clan by the mad queen’s dogs, and Blazestar feels guilty for subjecting the kind-hearted cat to Badgermoon after he has just begun to heal.

  • djGoyK1.png
  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

"...thank you..."
He breathes and it is a sigh of relief, sparred the grueling task of having to look at Sootstar's once successor and remember the cruelty of the tom now at his mercy. It does little to ease his other worries, he does not know how he will handle them remaining long term and hopes Blazestar will make a decision they can all live with. He trusts him, more than he could ever explain, so he has some hope his worries will cease to be in time. Until then though...

"...I don't know the smaller of them, to be honest. Judging by his size 'es prolly one of them tunnelers. They don't get out much so reckon I just never bumped into'em properly. Couldn't tell ye anything about him."
The tunnelers were an entirely different existence of cats than the others, you could go days without seeing one of them and he never had a desire or means to seek them out himself; the tunnels had always scared him. The idea of being buried alive was so strong it kept him above ground. "...but Badgermoon...I once thought he might be different but...he's worse than Sootstar frankly. Least she's honest, least she shows you who she is. He smiles and yells softly and you think it a kindness but he's shared her ideals for so long, dutifully followed her from the marshes and devoted himself to her cause...I strongly doubt catching her in one lie and realizing maybe they should've listened to reason and not been bloodthirsty brutes will change that..."
Dandelionwish inhales sharply through his nose and tries to keep his breathing steady, he just wants to go back to his nest with Butterflytuft now that he's relieved of this guard nonsense. "I'm not convinced this isn't some ploy from Sootstar...with the way she called out both Sky and River at the gathering as if she already knew...ain't something I'd put past her...but, I might just...be paranoid..." He wouldn't deny he was scared and not thinking straight, but the one truth he knew was cats don't just change overnight and Badgermoon was still the same deputy who served under Sootstar without protest and with eagerness to carry out her whim. Being opposition to her suddenly didn't change who he was: the shadow of a monster.
Blazestar shifts in his nest, eyes narrowing as he listens to Dandelionwish intently. He states he does not know the cat who he refers to as a tunneler. He blinks, bewildered. “They send cats underground? To dig?” He’d never realized this and has to wonder what the point is, but he does not dwell on it now. Vaguely, he remembers Coyotecrest having mentioned the odd rank to him once or twice offhandedly… now it clicks, the smell of soil ground into the blue tabby’s fur is deep.

Badgermoon he seems to have more of an opinion on. Blazestar cocks his head, listening without judgment. “I have thought the same,” he confesses, exhaling softly through his nostrils. “But I have my reasons for doing what I do. I thank you for understanding that, even if you don’t like my decisions.” He rises to his paws, looking at his friend with empathy. “It was wrong of me to put you in this position. I had forgotten… you were his prisoner once.” He shakes his head, Dandelionwish’s words about the former WindClan deputy ringing around his mind. “He smiles and yells softly and you think it a kindness but he’s shared her ideals for so long, followed her dutifully from the marshes and devoted himself to her cause…”

I suspect as you do—it takes more than what he claims to change that much.” He rests the feathery reddish tip of his tail against Dandelionwish’s shoulder.Tell Foxfire she will be taking your watch until it is time for her to go back to her housefolk. Then Drizzlepelt will take over.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun