camp Where I am going is right where I am ⚜ reintro

Jan 17, 2024
*+:。.。 Frost gives way to a blizzard gives way to chilly calm; the sun gives way to the moon, and the days bleed into the next with little resistance...the universe continues its march. Those far too slow and weak to keep up are left behind without fanfare. Out of sheer spite, Duckshimmer keeps her pace steady, one step faster than the slowest cat on this endless march. She'll be damned if she doesn't outlive Chilledstar.

She hates to admit it - loathes it to the core of her being - but she misses the fool. As much comfort as she finds in Ripplestream's company - in the next tom's, in the next after that one - it never quite feels the same. For that reason she vows, when she takes her own last breath, she'll wring Chilledstar's throat for all they'd done to her. But for now, within the fog of dreams buoying just above soundless sleep, she's stupid enough to feel their presence.

Dim-witted warmth fills her chilled coat, rising from a stomach filled with adoration as she grooms a pelt she's thought she'd never see again. Dark shadows ripple beneath her touch, scars from heroism she's too blissful to consider fool-hardy now glitter with stars. A powerful need to keep them safe leaves the skin under chocolate-dipped fur scorching with determination. This time, they're not getting away.
All at once, the dream shifts. Where Chilledstar once was now nestled three little kittens. In the way only a dream can explain, they were both her actual brood and not. Somehow both chocolate and flame, but also dark as a starless sky. In any case, they were hers, and as each little life wiggled beneath her paws the fire in her stomach grew all the hotter still. She'll keep them safe, she swears it.

The waking world - the reasonable one - Duckshimmer would be found grooming Ferndance. The poor woman, having made the mistake of sleeping beside Duckshimmer the night prior, is fated to be awoken by lovingly aggressive licks from the multi-colored tortie-point. Should Ferndance attempt to get away, or even adjust herself, Duckshimmer's sleepy paw would instantly shoot up, hooking around her fellow lady and pulling her back close. Like a mother hen to a lost duckling, Duckshimmer seems determined to groom away any and all imperfection from her clanmate.

  • //Just a silly thread to kick of some silly little symptoms in Duckie girl <3
    The working title for this was "nonconsensual adoption"

    You don't need to wait for @FERNDANCE <3
    DFAB— She/Her — Bisexual
    33 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mother to Singepaw, Swallowpaw and Sneezepaw
    Shadowclan — Warrior

    Physically medium | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #ffa98f
    injuries: None currently

There is the barest traces of humor in Scalejaw's expression as she looks on.

The days recently have bled together- hard to think upon, really. Mirestar's disappearance, Ternstar's sudden promotion, the inevitable and foreseen demotion of Mapletuft- Thunderclan's snarking from across the border, feeling like a trapped rat with each passing hour. Sleep had grown more difficult too. Much like Duckshimmer, she dreamt of past loves, of pelts she'd never see again. Smogstar's eluded her, but her first, and only mate, was oft in her mind on these cold nights.

But she had awoken without any restless dreams this night, glowering eyes shifting towards the sound of tongue lapping in early morning. Which wasn't so unusual- those who were mated or padding after one another did this sometimes, but what she did not expect was Duckshimmer all but curling Ferndance closer. So Scalejaw watched, and then rumbled a quiet hum of amusement. Scalejaw herself had shifted her nest to touch again Mapletuft's- a beacon of safety extended if the other wished for it, but she didn't think she'd be waking the other up quite like Duckshimmer's method any time soon.

If Mapletuft was awake, her ear twitched in her direction, quiet words softly uttered- "Do you think Duckshimmer is going to wake up?" The burn of amusement in her words was hard to find these days, almost a surprise to anyone heard it on Scalejaw's breath.
  • "speech"
  • SCALEJAW 🌧 she/her, lead warrior of shadowclan, sixty-eight moons.
    A SH black/LH blue smoke chimera with glowering orange eyes, tufts of fur that make her look dragon-akin, and scars that she wears with pride. motherly and stern attitude, with a warm streak for clanmates and a cruel streak for enemies.
    mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / mother to bonerattle, nightwhisper, and shadefall
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Needle had never been good at grooming since the cinnamon tabby had known her. She had adapted well to her broken jaw, but her bug had always been a little bit slobbery and too much saliva turned any moment of sharing tongues into a bath. Fern had never minded - spiked fur and uneven patches were worn like badges of honour, because it had been the blue she-cat trying her best and... well, that had always been enough for the warrior.

But, when her eyes opened, Ferndance knew she had stopped dreaming of such things. The tongue that pressed to her fur now was too perfect, too methodical, too wrong because it was too right.

She shuffled at the intrusion but felt paws wrap around her like a puma's and drag her once more into the fray. Perhaps Fern did need to take better care of her fur again, but it didn't feel comfortable anymore. Somehow, someway, even in a world of pure platonics... she felt as if she was betraying Needledrift. As she twisted around, she noticed Duckshimmer had her eyes closed and, from a short distance away, there was a whisper that implied the torbie was asleep.

So, silently, Ferndance let her continue. All the while, her tail began to snake around, aiming to tickle against Duckshimmer's ear to wake the she-cat up.


swallowflutter 15 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan warrior

While it is certainly nice to share a den with her mother once more, there is a difference - Swallowflutter is no longer a kit, curled into her mothers belly, but instead a warrior in her own right - her nest carefully placed as near Lividsmokes as she could manage without raising questions. Still, adulthood offers no answer to the strange sight that meets his eyes that morning, a snort slipping past his lips. They think, absently, that they remember being the subject of such attention - once, long ago, when Swallowkit[/u] had far better things todo then worry about which way her curls fell or what lay tangled within them. Now, she keeps herself much tidier - best not to be an eyesore, lest her only friend decide she'd lost her place at his side. " You should prolly wake her - don't think Ma's gonna stop anytime soon, " he murmurs - though he makes no move to be the one to do so. It's simply to funny to keep watching.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

( F A R F R O M B O R I N G )