Where is your rider | rogue sighting


Riverclan is meant to be safe; protected by the very thing that gives it its name. But it is by no means an impenetrable defense. The river often freezes over in the midst of Leafbare, turning the insurmountable obstacle into an only slightly treacherous road, and in all seasons rocks and debris form pathways for the most daring and sure-footed invaders.

Many of them are overly confident, thinking the clan untouchable behind the silvery path of water that cuts through the forest. Snakeblink, in what he considers a warranted bout of paranoia, keeps his eyes trained on the other side of the border and his ears pricked for trouble. Perhaps that is why he is the first of his patrol to see the flash of fiery red as a furry shape pounces out of the tall reeds of the riverbanks.

At first he thinks it’s a fox; he stops in his tracks, whip-like tail lashing in front of Carppaw so she does the same. But his cry catches in his throat as the trespasser runs deftly across a waterlogged trunk caught in the shallows, crossing the thinner bend of the river and disappearing in the thick underbrush of Thunderclan in a matter of seconds.

”That was too small for a fox,” he hisses quietly, darting glances at his patrol. ”A loner, then?”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • apprentice tag @CARPPAW
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 45 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

"A loner?" Came the soft echo from Ratpaw's maw, brows scrunching as she squinted towards the direction of the area where Snakeblink had seen the other cat come from, rounded ears swiveling in that direction so she could see if there was something that could be heard... but there was nothing. The nothingness of it all is what confused and worried the apprentice, that a loner could leave no trace behind if careful enough - or at least no trace to the young apprentice not yet fully trained. "Could it have been a ThunderClanner?" She couldn't believe that a ThunderClanner would do such a thing - risk drowning themselves or getting their feet wet to simply be in RiverClan territory - but the idea of a loner coming to RiverClan was not something she believed either. They would be smart enough to know not to mess with the clan cats, right?

Tail bristled for but a moment before it smoothed down as Ratpaw calmed herself. "Are we supposed to chase them, or-or tell ThunderClan somehow?" This question was directed towards her mentor, unsure in this moment what they were supposed to do. If they got too close and the loner was still there would they be attacked, or would the loner turn out to be a ThunderClanner who enjoyed pranks and trying to scare the RiverClanners?
  • mentor tag @salmonshade
  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 4 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
Another day, another patrol. The busy work helped him forget the situation they were currently facing. Even though they had new apprentices, said apprentices still needed to learn a bit more to provide for them. Although, he did feel terrible that Beepaw and Starlightpaw were somewhat forced to take on more roles because of the clan's situation. I just hope this will pass soon. Unlike Snakeblink his attention is torn away from his clanmates to the flash of fiery red that passes by them rather late. It isn't until the figure is disappearing that he realizes what just occurred. Maybe the exhaustion is finally getting to him that his senses are somewhat dulled.

Snakeblink relays them information of the strange figure they saw, along with asking the rest of them their opinion. Ratpaw herself seems very confused and he can't blame her. He didn't offer a hum of agreement because it was too soon to make the call that what all of them had seen was a loner. When she mentions Thunderclan he shakes his head. "N-no? I would think Thunderclan is a bit too proud, I m-mean! They seem like the type to meet us face to face? Probably tease us while they scurry away, but... Wait. It was one, right?" The warrior's face would scrunch up in thought. This is sketchy. Something's off here. He continues, "Why would Thunderclan come here with just one cat? I-it's not like u-uhm our clans are friends. Why do something risky?" Funny enough he's not really directing his thoughts towards his clanmates, more so trying to lay out the facts for himself. If it does end up helping his clanmates, then he would be glad. Although if his thoughts ended up working against them, then he would regret saying such things.

In the end he shakes his head and turns to Snakeblink. "Uhhhhh... Well. I think our safest bet is to ask Thunderclan themselves, we don't need to add a fight with Thunderclan if we end up being wrong and it really is some loner. Still it's pretty weird though. M-maybe someone should tell Cicadastar?" Please don't let it be me. I don't need another scolding.
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

It was a good theory... one posited by a position that lacked understanding and exposure. ThunderClan were a bit... questionable at times (the loss of Sunningrocks would not be forever, that much she was certain of) but were they really stupid enough to trespass so blatantly? Looking towards Snakeblink with a hard stare, the blue couldn't help but grow more nervous by the second... Who had that been just now? And why were they in RiverClan?

Had word about the dwindling water supply gotten out? Was it some Ripple Colony cat getting confused by the scent markers and haring off to avoid trouble? None of it really seemed... reasonable. And when things defied reason....

It rarely meant anything good.

Pikesplash offers some amount of explanation to the inexperienced apprentice about why this seems so unlikely... why ThunderClan should be smart enough to know better. Right now of all times... But maybe that was all the justification the forest dwellers needed? The suggestion to be direct and ask certainly was... something... but one Lichentail worried would cause issues pretty immediately. Asking if a clan had trespassed was nothing short of an accusation, even if they curled their tails and looked away so sweetly while they inquired about it.

"It'll definitely need to be addressed with Cicadastar," they confirm, turning to Pikesplash with an affirmative nod before looking back towards the two sullen girls they often dragged around these days. "You two wanna see if you can smell anything? Now's a good opportunity for the apprentices to learn something..."

-- apprentice tags !! @brookpaw @DIPPERPAW

Dipperpaw does not say much during this exchange. She is content to stand on the sidelines and escape notice, both by her mentor and by the eyes of others. She could quietly go about her day, unbothered by the embarrassment that usually plagued other cats when they opened their mouths and only spoke nonsense. Oftentimes the blue pelted molly wonders what the point in opening your mouth is if what comes out is not right. "It wasn't a ThunderClanner" her voice comes quietly from just behind her mentor but it has an uncharictaristic edge to it as she sends a glare in Ratpaw's direction. What a fool... did she lack a sense of smell?

She agrees most with Snakeblink (for once) it had to have been a loner and if not a loner then WindClan is the only other clan she can think of that would do something so blatant. Pikesplash chimes in as well, a lot of words just to say that he also does not believe it was ThunderClan. Did he not get tired speaking so much? She does find her interest piquing when he mentions going to ThunderClan but she does not react in a way that is noticeable to anyone else. Her eyes flick towards the warrior and her tongue passes over her lips in a quick nervous swipe. She felt foolish, wanting to see that strange tom again so badly but he captivated so many of her waking thoughts that she felt like she had to.

Her mentor confirms that Cicadastar would at least be hearing about it and while she makes no audible comment, the apprentice does nod her head, her gaze flickering to the distant horizon for a moment before her attention is captivated, annoyingly, once again. At the prompting of their mentor she looks to Brookpaw first, hoping her fellow trainee would offer. When it does not happen she lets out a heavy sigh before stepping forward, puts her nose to the air. "I smell ThunderClan but also something else..." she confirms and then she parts her jaw, drinks in the air instead of just nearly sniffing, lets the scents roll over her tongue as she tries to distinguish them. "I don't think that cat was a part of any clan" nor did they smell like the usual loners or kittypets that sometimes must be reminded where the borders lay though.... She looks back to her mentor with eyebrows creased with worry.

  • ooc : — ​

  • 69166767_W29VveJbx7B3cGv.png

    ➵ she / her
    ➵ riverclan apprentice
    ➵ single
    ➵ bisexual
    ➵ a tall, long legged blue tabby and white she cat with a plumed tail and blue eyes, the left one containing a burst of yellow
    ➵ toyhouse [ ]

  • Love
Reactions: lichenstar

"Tell Cicadastar what-" He stops, sentence cut short as well as his steps as he pauses alongside Lichentail as Dipperpaw speaks 'it wasn't a ThunderClanner' and he is immediately on alert. He had been at the end of this patrol, showing Beepaw something when the voices had risen in urgency, so Smokethroat had not actually seen what had seemingly darted across their path but given the discussion it wasn't anything good. A trespasser perhaps? He wondered what clan would be so bold, but this was too far for WindClan to be wandering aimlessly even if it was to step upon their land.
Loathe though he was to actually consider being amendable to the clan that took part of their territory in an underhanded claim, he did not like the idea of holding his silence if a rogue had actually gotten onto their land; especially if it did something.
"Right, Pikesplash...head back to camp and fetch Cicadastar. Let him know Snakeblink saw a trespasser." They might need to catch a ThunderClan patrol and see about a talk but it would preferably be with their leader in tow, "Remain alert for this patrol...we'll finish up." A nod to the tabby tom at the lead, encouraging him to continue forward in his advances along their territory border. Now that they knew something was amiss they would tread more carefully.

Apprentice Tag - @BEEPAW.
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beepaw stays attentive to what Smokethroat had been showing her with eager little nods as she absorbed everything that her father was teaching her like a sponge. But when he becomes alert of what's happening at the front of the the portal she's quick to mimic with both of her ears perked forward and ready for anything. It seems that there was a trespasser of sorts but she can't quite identify the smell itself but listens closely to what Dipperpaw says, her bicolored gaze searching around for said trespasser but they were long gone and sees that Ratpaw is present. She breaks her stoic demeanor to offer her friend a quick toothy smile that lasted for a few heartbeats and turns to Smokethroat telling Pikesplash to get Cicadastar.

She has to will herself not to cringe or wince at the idea of Pikesplash going off to get her other father since the memory of the warrior being called kittypet dust was quite fresh. A part of her wishes that she could volunteer but she does not utter a word of it only giving the older warrior a quick sympathetic look that disappears within seconds not wanting Smokethroat to catch her feeling bad about the royally named kittypet dust Pikesplash retrieving Cicadastar. Her parents being the kings of the river while Pikesplash was made their poor, pathetic royal jester.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of smokethroat & cicadastar
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus