camp WHERE NO OTHERS CAN FIND [left behind]


how boring, what a waste!
Mar 19, 2024
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
AMBER EYES WATCH SOLEMNLY as the patrol leaves for tonight's gathering, his mentor amidst the group. Roaringpaw's sickness meant he couldn't attend, couldn't hear first-hand what the other Clans were up to, couldn't meet new cats and see old faces (would Bonepaw of ShadowClan be there? He hoped not, as he wouldn't be there either, and to miss a friend would destroy his spirit.... more than the illness had).

The sepia tom was seated right outside Gentlestorm's den, lethargic and disheartened as he was he still wished safe travels to Copperfang and the others; although he found himself unable to smile at them (despite knowing this predicament was his own fault and no one else's, Roaringpaw was rather childish at times - if asked, he would blame his sickness for his lack of enthusiasm, which wasn't completely untrue). A warm Greenleaf breeze ruffles his pelt and he lies down in silence. Some cats were grouped in their own conversations, yet the apprentice remained by himself, no strength in his muscles to carry him far beyond the medic's den. Besides, what if I end up collapsing and they have to carry me back? It would be an inconvenience to his clanmates.

"speech" thoughts
OOC: -
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE

"You should have been going with them, no?" Softpaw hummed thoughtfully as she took a seat beside Roaringpaw, following his gaze to the departing group. Even if he was childish about it, he knew it was his own fault; that's all that Softpaw could really ask of him, to not blame others for his predicament. Last moon she had the opportunity to go, and felt as though she had squandered it, having kept close to Honeydapple the entire time; but, like Roaringpaw, that was her own fault.

"Was there a reason you look like you want to go so badly? Just for the experience of it?"
  • !
  • 78702926_pKp9rsLXtiBg2Kr.png
  • SOFTPAW apprentice of thunderclan, eight moons
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.


"hi roaringpaw! hi softpaw!"

the chipper young tom practically skipped over, grinning widely as he greeting his fellow den mates. his ears perked up curiously when softpaw spoke. oh, right! the gathering! he went last and and that was a lotta fun because he made a new friend! he wished he could go back and see them but he can't just yet! he has sooo much to tell her! giggling, he takes a seat, beginning to groom out his fur as he listens before speaking up.

"gatherings are fun! I can't wait to be able to go again! maybe next time, roaringpaw, we can sit together and I can introduce you to my friend! surely they will be your friend too! ooh and you too, softpaw! have you ever gone? do you like the gatherings?"

he sure did!

Squirrelkit had yet to experience a gathering of her own, but she knew that it must only be a matter of time! Her momma was the clan deputy, so surely she would bring her children along to keep her company once she was feeling better. Squirrel couldn't quite grasp the reasoning behind her mother and the other queens being kept in the nursery with them for so long, when clearly they were perfectly capable of taking care of themselves, but surely once she was feeling better they would all start going on adventures together. That's why the young torbie couldn't bring herself to feel crestfallen at being left out of this moon's festivities, unlike the sullen Roaringpaw appeared to be.

The kitten bounded towards the group of apprentices cheerfully, tumbling over her quickly-growing paws as she perched next to Softpaw. The ivory she-cats wavering tail provided a tantalizing opportunity for mischief, and the molly's haunches wiggled slightly as she fought the urge to pounce. Her forest green gaze widened on her prey, but she managed to force her attention to refocus on the former kittypet who seemed to be pouting in the wake of the gathering patrol. Her ears perked up and she tilted her head like an owl, studying the sepia tomcat with open curiosity, the way one might scrutinise an odd insect.

"Why do you look like that? Are you in trouble?" Now that was a predicament that she could certainly empathise with. It seemed like every other day she was being scolded for some ridiculous reason or another. If the elders didn't want to be climbed on, then why did they sit so still all the time!

  • SQUIRRELKIT she / her, kitten of thunderclan, 5 moons
    lh blue torbie with high white and green eyes. round and fluffy. good at climbing.
    too young for relationships // flamewhisker x flycatcher // mentored by no one
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted // underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
"I'm not in trouble, just sick. So I can't attend the gathering." He explains to Squirrelkit calmly, still frowning despite his best efforts to smile at the kitten. It was true that he was the only one to blame for his predicament, but he felt fine enough to go. . .

"Gatherings are fun! I was hoping to see Bonepaw of ShadowClan again at this one and maybe bond with cats from other Clans if he wasn't there." Roaringpaw answers Softpaw's inquiry excitedly, wondering if his first cross-clan friend would be there tonight... maybe he should've asked Copperfang to say hi if he saw the other apprentice, but it was too late, now.

"Do you think anything is gonna happen?" He asks to no one in particular, staring at the sky wordlessly, the full moon bright and imposing in the night sky.

"speech" thoughts
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE