where the light hits the sky and the sea [open/joint hunting]



Riverclans arrival in Skyclans territory was sudden, to say the least. There'd been no time to properly prepare for their arrival- hell, there hadn't even been time to decide if they wanted to take them in in the first place. The cats had simply shown up, ragged and worn and without their leader, camp gone and every kit, elder, and sickly clanmate in tow.

How the hell could Skyclan turn them away without any help at all? Riverclan wasn't their enemy here, and if they forced the group into twoleg place Johnny knew the clan would be destroyed. As well meaning as humans could be, they were also extremely ignorant when it came to the lives of other creatures. The kits would be taken away, the sick would euthanized, and the warriors that weren't captured and taken to the shelter would be left to the mercy of the city; roads, dogs, poison, traps, and so on.

And so as much as him and clanmates were left scrabbling to accomodate the extra bodies in their camp, Johnnyflame couldn't bring himself to resent the Riverclan cats. He knew there were some in their camp who'd prefer the other group just moved on so they didn't have to waste their already strained resources, but the bobtail was opting to look at it a different way.

Skyclan territory would be easier to defend with more cats, and if they could keep the rogues out then they could get their prey back. Things could fix themselves if they went about this the right way- they just had to be willing to give it a chance to work.

"I'm taking a hunting patrol out toward the river!" the koi tabby called, pausing near the exit. "Any riverclan cats who come can hunt the water while skyclan hunts the trees," he paused, gaze sharpening a bit as it scanned the cats making their way over to join. "I want us watching each others backs while we're out there, aye? Our enemies are the rogues, not each other."

With that he he gestured for the group to move out, leading the way out of camp and into the pine forest toward the river.


OOC- Joing Skyclan-Riverclan hunting thread! Anyone whose fit to hunt can join, this takes place shortly after the Riverclanners arrived in camp. tags for @Snakeblink @Glimmerpaw @BRIGHTPAW , but feel free to post before :)


As… focused on Riverclan as Snakeblink can be — as any good lead warrior would be — he has to admit that he doesn’t mind Skyclan as a whole. Their refusal to join the short-lived conflict over Sunningrock notwithstanding, they have been nothing but welcoming to the Riverclan refugees despite less than ideal circumstances. It’s nice. The prospect of trying to wrestle their territory back from the rogues appear less daunting than it would if they were still on the run, drifting through the forest or worse, the twolegplace.

He’d be willing to put up with far more than hunger and side-eyes for this meager chance at future victory, frankly.

So when one of their leads offers a joint hunting patrol, Snakeblink doesn’t hesitate before slinking off after them. He would hunt with Sootstar if it meant swimming in the river once more — and maybe getting some prey for the many empty bellies in camp.

”Have you had direct confrontations with rogues before, or should we expect to see them coming mostly from our side of the border?” He asks the amber-eyed tom as they make their way through the territory.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 45 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

She isn't sure why she'd felt that the shameful out-casting from their territory meant the river was neigh unattainable... something about being forced from their home in the middle of the night had rattled a fluttering anxiety in her chest that yearned to avoid the wound- the gaping scar that was their rogue-infested territory...

When Blazestar had offered a purred assurance that the river still marked the edge of the territory rather than the center, she'd felt rather dumb to have voiced complaint about trying to get the RiverClan apprentices to catch land-prey. Sheepish ears laid folded at her helm, struggling to swallow the awkward and stupid stumbling of her social nature as she plodded after Snakeblink with a belly that growled for their success.

Johnnyflame was a strong indicator of the tree-climbing clan's gentler disposition... His support for his leader does not waver despite his lingering paws in Twoleg nests. It is... nice... though not something she'd find any comfort in herself. At the very least he has his head on straight, speaking commands for cooperation... collaboration... togetherness.

Lichentail just hoped there would never be a time where it would be the kitty-pet clan begging for refuge and safety, both because she doubted they could adapt in the near treeless mires and because she hoped better for them than this displacement.. this repeated banishment from their own home.

An ear twitches as they listen to the two toms, dimly aware of the way her paws remain shaky even now, even well after their moonlit escape.. Was it hunger? Or was it fear of those damned rogues returning while they let their guard down in hopes of a meal taken back from thieves?

Casting the apprentices a wary glance, she is only glad for their safety.. the lack of serious injuries that otherwise mar their friends and kin... "Don't stray far... We will keep you safe." Surely even SkyClan's youth must be wary, knowing what chaos lurks beyond the scent lines.


apprentice tag @brookpaw @DIPPERPAW

Dipperpaw had been afraid when the rogues had invaded their home, yes, but now the fear was gone, replaced by a innate sense of annoyance. How dare they? She thinks. Don't they know who RiverClan was? Before her mentor had instructed her to join this patrol, she had used her claws to rip grass from the earth, her eyebrows furrowed in thought but her anger simmers just below the surface. She hates this feeling, hates thinking that she had not been strong enough to defend her clan the way she should.

She follows along in her usual sullen state, perhaps even more so because she loathes the idea of having to eat something that does not come from the river. Luckily though, the SkyClanner seems to catch on pretty quickly and he leads them to the water. Immediately her mood improves, happy that it was possible that she did not have to fill her belly with land-prey. Just as quickly as her fleeting happiness comes it is dashed by her mentor. 'We will keep you safe' she says and it makes Dipperpaw feel weak, small. Her large limbs carry her above many others and she is ten moons, nearly old enough to be expecting a warrior ceremony. She should not be made to feel so incapable. "We are not kits meant to cower behind your legs, Brookpaw and I are more than capable of defending ourselves if need be" she grumbles softly, and her irritation may come as a surprise to anyone who knows her. Rare is it for her to speak out in this way.

  • ooc : — ​

  • 69166767_W29VveJbx7B3cGv.png

    ➵ she / her
    ➵ riverclan apprentice
    ➵ single
    ➵ bisexual
    ➵ a tall, long legged blue tabby and white she cat with a plumed tail and blue eyes, the left one containing a burst of yellow
    ➵ toyhouse [ ]

  • Wow
Reactions: lichenstar
Brookpaw doesn't feel indifference; though she holds little love for the camp itself, it is entirely too frustrating that their land - the river, reeds, grass, and more - are all stolen away too. She can do without the nest she's been sleeping in for moons, but not having access to the streams and rapids is more of a direct assault against her. And as much as the SkyClanners try to accommodate them by offering them bits of water here and there, it's not the same.

The apprentice's expression sours as Dipperpaw snaps back at their mentor. Brookpaw's never been outwardly affectionate towards Lichentail, but she doesn't necessarily like when others pick on or bully the lead warrior either. Even Dipperpaw, who she holds almost to the same regard as the point cat. Brookpaw bumps her shoulder into Dipperpaw's, furrowed brows accenting her wordless expression. There's a time and place, and though she appreciates the defense...

"Let's focus on fishing," she suggests, in order to thin out the tense air. She hates being the mediator and yet here she is, doing exactly that even if only for a second.​