private where the passion fruit are sweet! // chrysaliswing

Jan 5, 2023

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- It was a warm day today. The sun was out, the snow had seemingly melted further into the depths it came from. Though it was still not quite new leaf yet the air begged to differ with a rather warm day that they could’ve sworn they slept into new leaf this morning. However, sleep had been rough this morning due to a stiffness in their back leg. They hadn’t been using it if ever, trying to, and with that meant it was weaker and the weather made it ache a little from the rapid movement of cold to hot.

Honeysplash wondered if she would ever be able to walk again. Would she have a limp from now on? Was there going to be a lot fo scarring on her leg now? She didnt remember if there had been any open wounds on her leg, just that it was broken along her longer bone. Femur? That’s what Dawnglare called it she thinks but she hadn’t really been paying attention when he was talking about her wounds. To her it all just sounded like ‘you’re trapped here forever’.

The young warrior sighed softly to herself in thought and looked down at her paws for a moment. They had taken up residence outside of the medicine den and was settled in what had become their spot outside now. It was where they went to watch camp, listen in on conversations, and overall be outside in the sunlight. And on a day like this? They couldn’t pass up on the chance to bask in warm sunlight for the first time in a long time.

But suppose she should get up and move, do something, as soon- hopefully- Dawnglare would allow her to start using her leg little bit little and she could gain back her strength in that leg. Though that was a hope only and it made her frown slightly to herself. The one thing about her leg that didn’t make sense was how she broke it. She didnt remember being crush, it twisting or anything like that. It was a curious case of memory loss, a space in time in the twolegplace that her brain completely blocked out. She didn’t know if it was because of how bad it was or just truly hadn’t been something she retained.

Shaking their head, the cream striped warrior dislodge the slight foreboding sense that formed in their chest and swallowed thickly. Then shifted in their spot before forcing themselves up and figured they should eat, or not lay there anymore really. Mossy green hues looked around for a moment at the different faces of the different cats of camp before spotting this charcoal fur amongst them. Honeysplash felt her breath catch slightly in her throat for a moment as she tried to think of a reason to approach him.

It’d been a few days since their last visit in the medicine den, and they chalked up most things to just everyday life. They were stuck to the den while he had things to do- important thing at that too. Still, she wanted to talk to him and she grinned a little as her paws brought her up to him, “[color=##eec25f]How goes it? You busy today at all?[/color],” She asked curiously and tilted their head to the side, their dark furred ear flopping slightly at the motion, “I had a request of ya- do you wanna help me with some physical therapy? I-I could use the company?” Deep hues blinked up at the tomcat and they dropped their smile slightly, shuffling the ground in front of them with a paw.

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  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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"No. I'm not doing anything right now." Chrysaliswing muttered, and it was very much true. Vernal sun had sprung from the outer reaches of winter, glowering in its full glory. Though the air had not been scorchingly hot like it were under greenleaf's might, it was certainly warmer than he would have thought it would be at this stage of the season. The s brought out the best in Skyclan, as if they had blossomed as the tide's first green hairs. Kits and apprentices scrambled and scurried outside, and the murmurs had become mellower and almost rounded in cusps of hope. Snowmelt still stuck around, though the previous season was certainly not in its prime now, for it shied away from the spring as though it melded into the very shadows of the forenoon light. The day was quotidian, in any sense. Chrysalis went about his daily business. Now, he simply sat in camp and soaked in the sunlight, with his the fiery portions of his pelt shimmering and smiling in gracious rays of day.

Well, here was something to do, he supposed. Honeysplash tilted their head in that bitterly lovable way, the way that made Chrysaliswing rescind in a curling disgust. Still, he did not pull away, and felt strangely... drawn to it. Honey was the only cat that stayed with him, even after he yelled at her and called her all kinds of names (quite typical of him). Dulcet-sweet hues of the daylight warrior shone like the celestial above itself, though the chimaeric tom took note not to stare for too long, as if his gaze would surely wither and burn if he rested on her coat for too long. Or perhaps embarrassment would sear at him first. Regardless, he felt like he couldn't refuse an offer from her. It was that warrior's sense of owed debt that would surely eat ravenously at his heart otherwise.

"I'll help you. But not because I want to, or anything." Even his usual scorn had dulled, like a bonfire that bayed and bowed to a pressing wind. It was quite rare for his flames to extinguish themselves, but in this case, he did not do so voluntarily. The softer words seemed to hop out ungracefully, like choking out pebbles rather than smooth streams of song. Heterochromatic gaze lilted on her leg, and wonder sprouted into a wit-filled mind. How had she broken it, anyhow? Did she sprain her leg while running? Or had a dog chewed it up? Or a Monster cracked through the bone with its infallibly strong feet? Whatever it was, it surely must have been traumatic, he surmised internally. The Skyclan warrior just hoped it was not portentious of potential prophecy or misbegotten misfortune. Maybe I should ask later, maybe not. Paws shuffled, as though errant thrumming laughed at him for suddenly being preoccupied with the manners and mind of another cat.

Chrysaliswing placed his body so that the molly could stand besides him and share their weight amongst each other, aiming to act as a place to lean on whenever she lost her balance or her pawsteps faltered from her grasp. He didn't know how to provide physical therapy, but he figured it was a good guess from what little he had seen Fireflypaw and Dawnglare perform. The tom never considered himself much of a pillar of support, and if he were any kind of statue, then he was surely unwieldy and untrustworthy. Stronger, healthier frame would become Honeysplash's column, the telamon to her frangible entablature. "C'mon. Get a move on."
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Their gaze brightened at his words of not being busy and then gave this silly smile across her patched muzzle. Not that he wanted to She mused in her head at his comment about asking for his help. He didnt have too of course, but she was glad that he was here anyway. She’d hate to have to ask someone else as she didnt know who to ask outside of Chrysalis. Maybe Applefrost? Or Greeneyes? Though they were busy with their own things of course. Not that Chrys didnt have his own things! Her mind started to race a bit with thoughts and she had to advert her gaze from heterochromatic hues. She was so scrambled lately and it only seemed to occur when this silly tomcat was nearby.

Honeysplash chalked it up to nothing more than her own anxieties getting to her. She was nervous about her leg and it was only natural to spiral in the face of nervousness and anxiety. Though they had been so in their own thoughts that they took a moment in registering Chrysaliswing moving in a way so she could use him for support. Had he always been so tall? She could’ve sworn they had been the same height- at some point? Those mossy hues furrowed slightly then they grinned a little bit with a playful trill noise, “Always such a gentleman!,”

She snickered at her own amusement and then adjusted to try to stretch her leg. She had moved the sticks that had been keeping the bone in place to be able to do so and winced slightly at the new sensation. It has been a few moons since she was able to use their leg, and moving it was more painful than they would like to let on. Though it was only cause it was working! Stretching the muscle from its stationary place against her side after days- it was gonna suck right?

The cream and white cat placed their back paw on the ground carefully, leaning into the long furred chimera as she did so to try to not put all of her weight onto the leg. She gave a small huff as they were already out of breath from the strain of stretching, but they were stubborn and determined to be free once green leaf came. “Okay I’ll step when you do, and then we can make our way around? I know I can’t walk super far yet- but maybe to the warrior den and back or camp entrance and back?” They questioned a little breathlessly- that seemed like a good distance right?

Honeysplash then lifted her head, she had to tilt it slightly upwards to meet amber and emerald otherwise their muzzles would surely collide. They didnt need to crash noses with Chrys, that would surely hurt and also make him rather mad too. “What do you think?

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


He rolled his mismatched gaze at the 'gentleman' comment, though it was awfully on par with the cream-colored cat he had come to know. If Chrysaliswing was the rotting fruit upon the ground, then Honeysplash was the ripened yield that had saved itself the respite of the earth. The daylight warrior had always been much kinder and more gracious than he borne of brimstone and wildfire. Stony face had never been keen to let emotion bleed through, except for that of abrading anger. He wore it well, as it fit all of his features. Reticent as he tried to present himself, even he melted onto the brightest rays of sunshine, as if light were strong enough to erode the very etchings and uneven ridges of his face. Light was surely not enough to expose his inner workings, but it served to reveal and expose, as much as he resisted the mortifying ordeal of being known as anything but the front he put up.

To take care was not in his nature. He was indelicate, indecent, ignoble. But in this moment, he was someone else - or, perhaps, the layers had pursed and peeled back to reveal the pulp of the tomcat. Deliberation proved evident in his footfall, walking slow and attentive as to not accidentally let Honeysplash slip and fall. He certainly didn't want to help her get up again - he felt it would take moons in her state. As though leading goosedown cygnet to the water, his motions were calculated and streamlike, tail flowing like water through the rivulet. He noted that every step of Honey's seemed painstaking, as if the mere act of movement aggrieved her. He couldn't imagine what it was like, as he had been quite lucky to evade grave danger and graver injury. Still, instilled impatience gave way to chary forebearance.

"Sounds good to me." Chrysaliswing mewed, tone lower and more simmered than his usual temperament. Like the smoke that hovered over the flame, his tone had dulled from familiar ire. He had stayed his blade for now, in the face of his ultimate weakness - unbridled, unconditional compassion. Glimmers of dusk mottled his already-spotted pelt, as embarrassment prickled at him like tiny needles beneath the skin. Ears folded back somewhat, and he surely was not as adept as hiding his feelings as he thought he was. Candlelight stare, ever-burning and ever-brighter, served to shut down any detractor or stray eyes that would judge him for this. "Tell me when you need to take a break."

Trust was a fickle thing to him. There were many aspects certain to him - his piety to Starclan, his faith in his leader and his clan, the hopes of newleaf breaking through rime-rusted leafbare. But his love for his fellow clanmates proved fleeting folly, mercurial waters that never dulled from continual churn. Just as he didn't deserve their love, he believed they did not deserve his attention. Still, Honeysplash trusted him with this - which seemed awfully like a tryst to him and especially to prying, snooping brown-noses. He surely didn't merit such tenderness... So why did Honeysplash seem so adamant on giving it to him?

  • OOC:
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  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 22 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Why was she so sweet on Chrysaliswing? With how much his rage boiled and simmered like an inconsistent fire that didnt know whether something was too wet to burn or not. Or was it more so his porcupine outer shell, or how he had laid into her about leaving behind the clan- but that had simmered down to him feeling like she’d left him behind. Chrysaliswing was someone who would never give the time of day to anyone else let alone kind words. Clan enemy number one as some rumors situated, but that wasnt what they saw.

Sure the tom was like a venomous adder, ready to strike and kill at a moments notice, but yet here he was. Helping them walk across camp in a form of physical therapy so they could walk again sometime soon. He admitted to feeling like he’d been left behind by them, he tolerates their over excited energy and well Honeysplash always just saw him as someone who needed a friend. So even if he pushed, shoved or kicked- she wasnt going to let him face it alone. Not again at least.

The charcoal and amber tom mentioned about speaking up when it was too much for her, and she dismissed it. She wanted to get better, she wanted to go out in the forest once more and run or climb freely. The medicine den was a prison in itself and Dawnglare the jailor, she was over in entirely really. Though regardless she nodded as if she understood his words and stubbornly started forward.

While Honeysplash needed to lean on Chrysaliswing for a good bit, she did try to pull away and walk on her own. Though her leg screamed and fought with every try she made to put it down. It hadnt been used in some time and it was so weak, so stiff, and she didnt know how to combat that. Was she going to have a limp forever? Would she be able to do normal warrior duties with said limp if that’s what happened to her? They pushed the thoughts away quickly as they didnt want to think about it further. It was only going to make them sad.

About half way through their little walk it was quiet as Honeysplash tried to focus on balancing herself and not relying on Chrysalis as much. Talking and doing this at the same time would exert too much energy for her, and well she didn’t know what to say to him. She wanted to talk about how his day was, about anything and everything under the sun but that would only make the adder coil and retract. Like when she touched his cheek with her nose previously- the adder coiled and retracted. She had pushed too far and she needed to get better at that. Not doing it of course.

Regardless, the camp entrance was coming up and the cream and white warrior was stubborn and desperate for the forest. So did they turn them around when they reached it? No they did not, instead they kept going until they were outside the camp and they stopped just shy of the entrance. Honeysplash could feel her lungs heaving slightly and she knew she would have to stop soon, but her stubbornness always won and her need for outside the medicine den stronger than that too.

The forest was almost in bloom, there was grass peaking from muddy pools, trees had buds on them and some flowers had flourished while some still hid away in their petals. She took in a deep breath and smiled a little, “Isnt new leaf so pretty?

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.