WHERE THERE IS A FLAME ♡ thundergleam

Starclan… how could you let this happen? What were they supposed to do now? Thunderclan was broken, defeated by the treacherous claws of someone they all trusted. Even Palefire, steadfast and fiery as she was, could not see the way forward in this moment. Howlingstar was gone, and there were too many traitors for the remainder of their loyal warriors to take on and win. Without the banished kittypet-blooded members of the clan, it seemed as if hope were lost. Had Starclan abandoned them? She had never been a particularly devout cat, but it seemed now like the nights were darker than they had ever been.

Thundergleam would know, surely. Thundergleam always knew. Palefire never truly believed that the ivory molly was prophetic, had always brushed her odd phrases off as just being due to the fact she was raised an outsider. She was just… different from what they were used to here. But if there was ever a time for blind faith, wouldn’t this be it?

The lynx-point waited for the cover of nightfall, when she knew that less of their captors would be keeping watch over the camp. She crept from the warrior’s den and luckily, found the ethereal she-cat sitting alone just outside. Quietly, Palefire seated herself on the chilled ground beside her, a low sigh whispering from her lungs. “Did you see this coming?” She asked softly, though not unkindly, her gaze drifting sideways to try and read her companions expression in the moonlight. “Do you see… do you see if we’re going to come out of this okay?” But…. How could we?

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    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 17 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes
    single, padding after skyclaw / npc x npc / sister to bluestride
    mentoring meadowpaw & ivorypaw / mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / all opinions ic
    underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.

It was not, could not be, StarClan's will. At the very least, THundergleam was sure of that. THey had given Howlingstar her nine lives... they would not have decreed that she lose one to a mutiny. A leader was chosen for a reason, given all their lives to protect, not to be squandered at the claws of their subjects. Ringing disbelief and grief churned through her. Despite all she thought of a peaceful, starlit clearing, she could not stop the sadness that slammed into her when she thought of poor Mousenose. Of Stormywing, a fate unknown.

Palefire knew her well, to predice she would be sitting beneath a veil of darkness. Despite everything, Thundergleam's gaze was warm when she regarded her friend, a slow, affectionate blink fluttering over rosy eyes. Did you see this coming? Thundergleam sighed softly. A shake of the head followed, a reluctant but truthful motion. "Not in detail." The tip of her tail twitched. "I was given warnings of wariness... but nothing spoke of betrayal. I do not think even StarClan saw it coming."

Her voice plummeted even lower, into a daring whisper ringing with theory, with ethereal sight. "This is against their will, I know that." Pink eyes locked with Palefire's moon-blue- she refused to sever th hold, to bite the silken thread between them. It was silent trust tying them together, a knowledge of the wrongness of it all. "We must be determined. We must be persistent. We must be ready." The wars in her mind at night told her... StarClan was warning of an oncoming battle. A power struggle that would triumph with only one winner. "That is what I have been shown. It is my duty to make sure we do not falter."
penned by pin ☾