where would I be without you | coyotecrest

After his return, Coyotecrest is spirited away to the medicine den to be left in the care of her brother. Although concerned for her mate's injuries, she is comforted to know he is in good paws with Fireflypaw watching over him.

Howlfire gives him some time to settle into the medicine cat den before seeking him out. Truthfully, she stays away longer than initially intended on account of not knowing what to say to him at first. The idea that Wolfpaw is truly gone and that Coyotecrest was unable to find her feels like an uncomfortable thorn in Howlfire's pelt.

"Coyotecrest?" Howlfire calls out softly. Her brother has put him in a nest close to the entrance and Coyotecrest currently has his back to her, though she cannot discern if he was asleep or just resting. When he does stir, Howlfire gives him a weary smile. "When did you eat last?" She asks. "If you're hungry would you like to share some prey with me?"


The medicine den. As much as it wounded his pride, he'd be a fool to believe he'd never end up within these walls one day. If anything he was glad his injuries happened while Dawnglare did not inhabit the herb-scented den. He was sure the strange tom would have made his stay unbearable. His head is stationed upon his paws, green eyes fixated on the moss lining his temporary nest. The gentle rise and fall of his side gives pause when Howlfire calls his name, rousing him from boredom. Turning his head he soaked in her weary smile like a warm ray of sun. "Hey..." He murmured hoarsely, pulling on a tired smile.

With a flick of his tail, he motioned for her to come closer. "It's been a while." He admits while shifting into a slightly more comfortable position. But a meal sounded heavenly now that his headaches had subsided. "But I'd love to share a meal. How are the kits? Hawky...Blazing?" He adds, voice tapering off as he looks up to her.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / twenty-three moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

Howlfire gives a curt nod of the head when he confirms he'd like to share a meal. She quickly informed him she would be back in a moment, before slipping out of the den and making her way to the fresh-kill pile in camp. Howlfire debates what to bring before plucking a vole from the pile and bringing it back to where he was waiting.

Howlfire drops the vole in front of him before sitting next to him, brushing her shoulder against him as she filled the gap left for her. "Eat," She urged gently, nodding her head towards the vole. Howlfire would let him eat a few bites first before she had a bite herself. She swallowed the mouthful before finally responding to his earlier question. "They are to be as expected," Howlfire mewed, with a heavy sigh. "Worried about Wolfpaw, worried about you... it has been a lot for them to process." It was a lot for Howlfire to process still, though she had remained strong by doing her best to be there for their children. "Do you think we'll see her again?"